Indoor Mask Mandate Begins this Friday
Earlier this week, Governor Brown announced a statewide masking mandate for indoor spaces to slow the spread of the COVID Delta variant. Today, new masking rules were released, which apply broadly to nearly all indoor spaces. You can view these rules here.
Effective tomorrow, August 13, masks must be worn in indoor spaces, broadly defined as: public and private workplaces, businesses, indoor areas open to the public, building lobbies, common or shared spaces, classrooms, elevators, bathrooms, transportation services and other indoor space where people may gather for any purpose. An indoor space does not include a private residence or a private automobile being used for personal use and that is not used for ride sharing.
The new mask rules apply regardless of vaccination status, although the rules provide an exemption for a workspace that is fully enclosed by walls and a door. We want to draw your attention to a requirement that a person responsible for an indoor space must (section 5a-c):

  1. Ensure that employees, contractors, and volunteers comply with this rule within the indoor space
  2. Make reasonable efforts to ensure customers, guests, visitors and other individuals comply with this rule within the indoor space.
  3. Post signs at every entrance to the indoor space that face coverings are required as described in this rule.
We anticipate the release of OR-OSHA rules tomorrow, further explaining enforcement, as well as new signage released by OHA or OR-OSHA tomorrow.  

Oregon State Chamber of Commerce (OSCC) | 991 Liberty Street SE, Salem, OR 97302