The Industrial Maintenance Technician has repeatedly been the #1 Occupational Priority of the Georgia Mountains Works MFG Sector. Is it the general skills gap, aging workforce, available training, company responsibility, exponential pay increases, or all of the above driving this priority? It's certainly a high growth outlook position with earnings currently reported at $35k for entry level to $64k for experienced. Click to consider a deep dive solution.
5-Week Entry Level Maintenance Tech Training now open for application including arranged interviews for graduates. WIOA funding available. #LanierTech #GAPoultryFederation #WSGM
MFG Employers, how can you make this applicable to you?
Georgia Mountains Works - MFG Sector Employer Partners determine occupational and workgroup project priorities. They post their job openings and are given priority for workforce development opportunities. They attend up to 10 Strategy, Workgroup, or Employer Partnership meetings and tours per year.
Hot and fresh off the line rolls for MFG Sector Employer Tour participants! After the tour we had a great discussion about the company's Ohana philosophy and investment into workforce development. Thanks Terry and Jerry for hosting us at King's Hawaiian Bakery.
MFG Sector Partners In Action
Click picture for more information.
White County High School's Metals program showed off their skills at SkillsUSA. One student even coming home with second place honor.
#WCHS #metals
Students at Stephens County High School learn valuable life skills at Life Day 2023. The Be Pro Be Proud truck was a hit! #SCHS #LifeDay
Hart College and Career Academy's hosted their SOLD-OUT adult welding class, because it's never too late to learn something new! #HCCA
Manufacturing (MFG) Sector Strategy collaborates with stakeholders in the 13-county WorkSource Georgia Mountains (WSGM) region to align education and workforce training programs with the needs of manufacturing businesses. WSGM, under Georgia Mountains Regional Commission, administers the federal WIOA funds which encourages sector strategies and partnerships. Workforce Strategies Group LLC manages the MFG Sector Strategy.