February 2022
Issue No. 139
In This Issue:
Industry Leading Control Panels | Conference Schedule
A few spots remain for
2022 Service School (Mar 29 - Apr 1)
Control Panels
EPG's industry leading "L" Series PumpMaster Control Panels are UL listed 508A/698A and built to withstand the demands of the landfill and environmental industries. In their simplest form, they are designed to operate a pump motor(s) and auxiliary equipment in manual or automatic mode. In reality, they reliably perform these functions and more with great longevity.

Listed are base models and their core functions.
When Using Level Sensors:
L925PT - One Pump with High-High Fail Safe
L925PTG - One Pump with High-High Fail Safe Powered with Generator
L930PT - One Pump with Additional Low Level Alarm
L950PT - Two Pumps in Lead/Lag Alternating Mode
L960PT - Two Pumps in Lead/Lag Alternating - One Independent
L975PT - Multiple Pumps - Independent Level Sensors

When Float Sensors are Used:
L800F - One Pump Using Float Sensor System
L850F - Two Pumps Lead/Lag Mode Using Float Sensor System

Load Monitor Controlled Pumps:
L825 - One Pump Using Load Monitor
L875 - Two or More Pumps Using Load Monitors

Load Out Applications:
L900LO - Truck Load Out

Operator Control Station Variants:
YCL Series - Utilizes an Operator Control Station allowing both level & flow monitoring with one device with additional comm and expansion capabilities.

YCF Series - Monitors temperature, gas flow, and more with an OCS (Operator Control Station).
Control Panel Examples
EPG Control Panels have been used for more than just Landfill Pumping Applications!
  • Leachate Recirculation Systems
  • Leachate Pumping Systems
  • Transfer Pump Control
  • Lift Stations
  • Groundwater Treatment Systems
  • Wastewater Treatment Systems
  • Well Pump and Water Tower Control
  • Chemical Feed Pump Systems
  • Gas Collection Sump Dewatering
  • Pneumatic Pump Controllers
  • Environmental Remediation Systems
  • Burner and Oxidizer Control
  • Vapor Extraction Controls
  • Air Strippers
  • Air Sparge Control Systems
  • Flare and Nasty Gas Blower Control
  • Hydrocarbon Recovery
  • Methane Gas Extraction Systems
  • Odor Control Systems
  • pH Controllers
  • Drying Systems
  • Scrubber Control
  • Process Control Systems
  • Telemetry and Data Acquisition Systems
Call 1-800-443-7426
or email info@epgco.com for more info.
EPG Control Panels are UL certified as Industrial Control Panels and Industrial Control Panels Relating to Hazardous Locations. Every control panel engineered and manufactured by EPG is clearly labeled with SCCR information ensuring strict adherence to design and safety standards.
Industrial Control Panels Certified for U.S.  NITW.E136203
Industrial Control Panels Certified for Canada   NITW7.E136203

Industrial Control Panels Relating to Hazardous Locations Certified for U.S. NRBX.E219136
Industrial Control Panels Relating to Hazardous Locations Certified for Canada   NRBX7.E219136
Industry Events
This list includes EPG and Sales Representative events.
We will do our best to keep the list accurate when published.

Safety Harbor, FL (Diamond Scientific Exhibiting)
Green Bay, WI (EPG Exhibiting)
Lafayette, LA (The Reich Co. Exhibiting)
Springdale, UT (The Reich Co. Exhibiting)
Hard Rock-Tulsa, OK (The Reich Co. Exhibiting)
Maple Grove, MN
Biloxi, MS (The Reich Co. Exhibiting)
Omaha, NE (The Reich Co. Exhibiting)
Lubbock, TX (The Reich Co. Exhibiting)
Chattanooga, TN (The Reich Co. Exhibiting - Represents EPG in TN & KY)
Bolton Landing, NY ( Lee Supply Co. Inc. Exhibiting)
Osage Beach, MO (The Reich Co. Exhibiting)
Powell, WY (The Reich Co. Exhibiting)
Wichita, KS (The Reich Co. Exhibiting)