Message from President & CEO Ingrid Jarrett
Good morning members and stakeholders,

We are now almost halfway into August and in the throes of both an unforgiving wildfire season and workforce shortage. At the same time, we face continued restrictions in parts of the province while keeping a watchful eye on the Delta variant. Although this certainly is not the summer season many of us had hoped for, hope still remains on the horizon as border restrictions ease and travellers from across North America begin to reacquaint themselves with leisure travel in BC.

Indeed, a substantial amount of British Columbians have yet to receive their COVID vaccinations the single greatest tool at our disposal to help us get back to our pre-COVID way of life. However, our immunization rates continue to climb as vaccine access becomes readily available.

And despite the hardships endured by our sector over the past 18+ months, our industry continues to demonstrate resiliency, perseverance, and — the foundation that connects us all — a prodigious commitment to hospitality and serving others.

Weeks ago, we reached out to our membership with an urgent ask: to help us secure accommodation for residents fleeing wildfires across the province. So much has been asked of our industry since we first entered our current reality — from embracing and promoting restrictions that would have an ineffable impact on business, to offering shelter for vulnerable populations, front-line workers, and Canadians returning from international travel. What remains a constant is our industry's resounding devotion to protecting residents while routinely going above and beyond the call of duty.

I would like to acknowledge every property, operator, and staff member, who has taken remarkable strides to protect wildfire evacuees, offering shelter and safety during an unimaginably stressful period for our fellow community members. The impact of your selflessness, generosity, and commitment to others truly knows no bounds. It fuels our teams' resolve to ensure our sector is also extended a helping hand.

Through the lobbying and advocacy work the BCHA has conducted at both a provincial and federal level, fixed cost relief is a key priority in each of our conversations, communications, and submissions to government. We have also continued to support industry in identifying solutions for our workforce crisis, submitting recommendations alongside our industry partners across BC and Canada. We were also exceptionally pleased by the launch of Tourism HR Canada's federally funded Student Work Placement Program, Propel, which we encourage you to explore.

With a federal election looming, we are exhausting all advocacy efforts to ensure our industry secures the financial aid needed from September to May. We have a critical window of opportunity and your help is desperately needed. Included below, you will find further details on HAC's Grassroots Advocacy Toolkit which offers the necessary information needed to play an important role in securing the financial relief needed to keep operators across Canada afloat. We ask you to please explore this toolkit, connect with your MP, and educate government on the state of the industry. Your industry colleagues, employees, and future self will thank you.

Best wishes,

Ingrid Jarrett
President and CEO
British Columbia Hotel Association
Today's update includes:

  • General Updates
  • Critical Call to Action | Connect with Your MP!
  • Reminder | Have Your Say on B.C.’s Permanent Paid Sick Leave
  • ICYMI | Explore New Government Funded Program with Financial Aid for Employers
  • Tourism HR Canada | Highlights of July Labour Force Survey
  • Drought Brings Angling Closures to Okanagan
  • TIABC | Pre-Budget Submission Provided to Federal Government
  • Reminder | US-Canada Border Reopening Messaging & Resources for Operators
  • Central Okanagan Restrictions | Information & Resources
  • New Meat Licensing System Supports Food Security, Agriculture, Economy
  • go2HR | Tips For Protecting Workers During Heatwave
  • ICYMI | Surge in Participation Fuels Digital Marketing Bootcamp Expansion
  • Western Financial | Risk Management Recording Now Available
  • Marketing to Families Post-COVID | Mike Macleod Guest Blog on Kidzsmart
  • Know Before You Go | Tourism Resources
  • Apply Today | Tourism & Hospitality Relief
  • Help the Tourism & Hospitality Industry Return to a New Normal & Win $1500
  • Searching for Employees? Integral Hospitality Offering Outsourced Workers!
  • Mark Your Calendars
  • Destination Vancouver, Good Nigh Vancouver and go2HR Safer Spaces Campaign
  • BC Hospitality Foundation | Tickets for Charity Online 50/50 Raffle on Sale Now
  • Save the Date! | BC Tourism & Hospitality Conference, March 8-11, 2022
  • Fore the Love of Tourism 15th Annual TIP Invitational Golf Tournament 2021
  • You’re invited | 2021 TIAC Tourism Congress at the Westin Ottawa on November 30 to December 1
  • ABLEBC Invites You to Lead Generation & Marketing Tips Webinar
  • Tipping Our Hat to Industry!
  • The Wickaninnish Inn Relais & Châteaux Celebrates A Quarter of a Century of Operations!
  • Congrats to Lonnie Burnett on Her Appointment as go2HR's New Industry Health and Safety Specialist!
  • In the News
  • Downtown Vancouver hotel rooms booking up amid heat wave, more U.S. travellers | Vancouver Sun, August 11
  • B.C.’s reputation as a wildfire hot spot threatens to deter tourists | Business in Vancouver, August 10
  • Canada’s Hotel Construction Pipeline Drops in 2021 | Spotlight on New Hotels, August 6
  • How to Resolve the Current State of Emergency in Hospitality Employment | Hotel News Resource, July 27
  • Comment Card | Industry Thoughts & Feedback
  • Last Laugh | A Little Something to Make Our Members Smile
Critical Call to Action | Connect
with Your MP!
We are in full gear working on a bridge subsidy program for this sector for September to May. We have rallied more than 120 business association members behind this cause through our Coalition of Hardest Hit Businesses. We have finalized our proposed program which is substantiated with detailed financial analysis (more details on that next week). And now we need YOU.

Our goal is to get the Liberals to commit to more support for our sector past the Fall. It could be a further extension of CEWS and CERS or a new program altogether. But they still need to be convinced that there’s a problem.

By this point, I was hoping we would have nearly 4,000 meetings logged with MPs in the riding in this pre-election period. We are way behind that target and the election call is imminent.

Please get a meeting with your MP or write a personal email explaining your plight. Get everyone (or at least 20 people) from your company/hotel to do the same. Everything you need is in this kit.

How To Do It:

Everything you need, including key talking points, how to contact your MP, meeting guides & tips, and how report your meetings back to HAC and other ways to get involved, can be found in HAC’s Grassroots Advocacy Toolkit.

If you have already had these meetings, thank you! Please help us track our success by recording your meetings in our meetings tracker, which can be found here.

Tourism HR Canada | Highlights of July Labour Force Survey
The following information notes highlights of the July Labour Force Survey conducted by Tourism HR Canada.
  • The total number of people employed is now higher than prior to the pandemic (this was true as of June). The number of unemployed workers remains elevated as does the number of individuals who are not in the labour force.  
  • July Labour Force Survey data reflect labour market conditions during the week of July 11th to 17th. Most provinces had eased restrictions to some degree prior to this week, although Ontario only resumed indoor dining on the 16th, while in Manitoba capacity limits for restaurants were eased on July 17th.
  • The seasonally adjusted employment grew by 94,000. However, the seasonally unadjusted data shows overall employment actually dropping by 15,600.
  • This July’s decrease of 15,600 was much smaller than normal for July due to increased employment in reopening industries.
  • The tourism sector added 85,600 employed workers in July, which a slightly greater increase in tourism employment than normal for the month of July.
  • All tourism industries added employment, except for transportation. However, the transportation includes the school and employee bus industry, and seasonal factors in that industry were the driving force behind that decline. Transportation industries that rely more on tourists such as scheduled air transportation, taxi and limo services, and sightseeing transportation added employment.
  • Employment levels in all tourism industries was higher at the start of summer 2021 than in 2020. There were 109,200 more workers in our sector than at this time last year, an increase of 6.5%.
  • Compared to 2019, tourism employed 422,400 fewer workers in July. As a percentage, the greatest decreases in employment compared to July 2019 are in the accommodation (-32.3%), travel services (-26.6%), and transportation (-26.5%) industry groups.
For more detailed data, check out the Employment Tracker tool here.
Reminder | Have Your Say on B.C.’s Permanent Paid Sick Leave
Public consultation on the development of paid sick leave is now underway.

In addition to outreach to key stakeholders and Indigenous partners, a public consultation process is now open and can be accessed through government’s engagement site.

There will be two phases of consultation:
  • Phase 1 (Aug. 5 to Sept. 14) – surveys will gather information from employers and workers on the kinds of paid illness and injury leaves currently provided, and how they are meeting workers’ needs; and
  • Phase 2 (Sept. 20 to Oct. 25) – informed by the surveys, options will be prepared for various paid sick leave models, including the numbers of paid days and other supports, and will be posted for public feedback and input.

More information below:
ICYMI | Explore New Government Funded Program with Financial Aid for Employers
Tourism HR Canada announced the launch of a federally funded Student Work Placement Program offering paid work-integrated learning opportunities in the tourism and hospitality sector.

Called Propel, this initiative provides post-secondary students with paid work-integrated learning opportunities with tourism and hospitality employers. Employers who hire students through this initiative receive a wage subsidy of 75% of the student’s wages, up to a maximum of $7,500.

This program will be a lifeline to our hardest-hit sector, providing talent and financial assistance at a time when so many employers are struggling.

This new program benefits the full spectrum of the visitor economy as it emerges from the crushing impact of the pandemic:
  • Employers acquire much-needed early talent to help with the recovery of the industry, as well as assistance with wages after an 18-month stretch of little or no income.
  • Students gain paid hands-on learning and mentoring in their field of study.
  • Post-secondary institutions complement their programming by connecting students and the workplace.

All qualifying parties—from small, independent operations to large, multi-property companies—are invited to apply for this timely support for our sector at
Drought Brings Angling
Closures to Okanagan
Recreational fishing in most of the South Okanagan has closed due to drought conditions, the provincial government said.

Effective immediately, and in place until September 15, the closures apply to all streams in Management Units 8-1 through 8-15 and Management Units 8-21 through 8-23, which are located in the regions around Christina Lake, Grand Forks, Osoyoos, Oliver, Penticton, Keremeos, Princeton, Summerland, Peachland, Kelowna, Vernon, and Cherryville. 

The Thompson-Okanagan Fish and Wildlife Branch recommends anglers avoid waterbodies where surface water temperatures exceed 20 C.

Anglers are encouraged to report fish kills to their local Fish and Wildlife office or RAPP line (1 877 952-7277) and refer to the online version of the Freshwater Fishing Regulation Synopsis for angler alerts and potential in-season fishery closures.

For more information on Thompson-Okanagan angling closures, contact Tara White, senior fisheries biologist at 778 622-6839 or
TIABC | Pre-Budget Submission Provided to Federal Government
As part of the federal government's pre-budget consultation process, TIABC provided a brief with a number of recommendations pertaining to changes or extensions needed for CEWS, CERS, HASCAP and other measures.
TIABC also signed off on another submission led by TIAC, that included every provincial and territorial tourism industry association across the country. Key recommendations included:
  • That the government provide qualified and limited financial support to tourism and events businesses with revenue losses greater than 40% from September 2021 to May 2022;
  • Provide a tax incentive to Canadians for the 2022/2023 tax year to travel locally or within Canada, invest in reinstating consumer confidence;
  • In consultation with Tourism HR Canada, conduct a comprehensive review of all current Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) programs to identify opportunities and align policies that will work for tourism, and to create a dedicated immigration pathway for the sector;
  • Develop a comprehensive pan-Canadian tourism workforce strategy that complements new investments in marketing and other recovery efforts.
Please click here to see TIABC's submission and the TIAC/PTTIA submission here.
Reminder | US-Canada Border Reopening Messaging & Resources for Operators
As of August 9, 2021, Canada will now allow entry to fully vaccinated American citizens and permanent residents (currently residing in the US) for leisure travel. If they meet the entry criteria, fully vaccinated travellers do not have to quarantine upon arrival to Canada.

Destination British Columbia has put together messaging guidance for the province's tourism industry. This document includes key messaging, FAQ, and additional information.
Key Messaging:
  • Welcome back, neighbours!
  • Effective August 9th, Canada will allow entry to fully vaccinated American citizens and permanent residents (currently residing in the US) for leisure travel. If you meet the entry criteria, fully vaccinated travellers do not have to quarantine upon arrival to Canada.
  • We encourage all travellers to be fully informed of the pre-entry and on-arrival public health and testing requirements both federally and provincially. This includes the mandatory use of the ArriveCAN app. Travellers should plan for extra time in the lead up, and upon the arrival of their trip.
  • For the latest information on travel to Canada including the updated federal requirements and restrictions, please visit the Government of Canada website.
  • BC tour operators, accommodation providers and attraction hosts have implemented stringent protocols to keep visitors safe, and visitors are asked to return the favour by travelling responsibly this summer and fall.
  • Travellers are encouraged to reference Destination BC’s “Know Before You Go” page for information on the latest travel restrictions, what’s open and more.
Central Okanagan Restrictions | Information & Resources
Due to the continued rise of COVID-19 cases, and the introduction of the Delta variant, new measures have been introduced to the Central Okanagan region impacting the communities of Kelowna, West Kelowna, Westbank First Nation, Peachland, and Lake Country.

These measures include:
  • Travel and Accommodation
  • Vacation rentals and accommodations (houses/houseboats included) will be limited to 5 people plus occupants
  • Recommendation against non-essential travel to the Okanagan
  • Personal gatherings
  • Outdoor personal gatherings limited to 50 people
  • Indoor personal gatherings limited to groups of five people from one other households
  • Organized gatherings
  • Indoor/outdoor gatherings limited to 50 people with COVID safety plan in place
  • Restaurants, Bars, Nightclubs, Casinos
  • Nightclubs and bars will be closed
  • Restaurants will be limited to groups of up to 6 people (not restricted to own household)
  • Liquor service limited until 10pm
  • Casinos will remain operational under current guidelines but must comply with restaurant guidance
  • Exercise Facilities
  • Indoor low intensity exercise will continue with capacity limits
  • Indoor high intensity exercise will be suspended
  • Masks
  • Mask mandate will continue to be in place for all indoor public places and is enforceable by bi-law officers in the Central Okanagan
The single most important action we can all do to protect our industry, community, and ourselves is to receive both vaccine doses and encourage others to do the same. To encourage residents of British Columbia to become fully vaccinated, the government of BC has taken the following measures:

  • Community events, vax vans and mobile clinics in dozens of communities in B.C. available by walk-in or pre-scheduling. Search by community to find a drop-in event near you. Events are organized by each health authority. 
  • Interior Health
  • People who live in Kelowna, West Kelowna, Peachland, Lake Country and on Westbank First Nations lands (Central Okanagan Local Health Area) can get their second dose 28 days after dose 1, opposed to 48 days.
  • Fraser Health
  • Vancouver Coastal
  • Island Health
  • Northern Health
  • Gradual refocus of vaccine efforts from mass clinics onto programs targeting the hard to reach people where the need is greatest. A full list of Vax for BC events happening throughout the province is available online:
New Meat Licensing System Supports Food Security, Agriculture, Economy
Operators, it will soon be easier for B.C. families to buy, serve and enjoy beef, pork and poultry raised in their own communities under a new meat licensing system that supports farm businesses in rural parts of the province and makes it easier to sell locally raised meat in B.C.

The system will use three licence categories that recognize and support the different sizes of meat processing and livestock businesses in the province.

  • A farmgate licence has been created to help new and small-scale producers sell their products locally and fill the demand for local meat products in rural communities. With this licence, producers can sell from their farmgate or at farmers markets within their regional district and at farmers markets within a 50 kilometre radius of their farm if they border a different regional district.
  • A second category, farmgate plus, will replace current Class D and E licences. It will be available provincewide and will help alleviate ranchers’ and producers’ concerns about accessing processing services, as well as provide new sales opportunities at farmers markets, retail shops and restaurants.
  • A new abattoir licence will replace current Class A and B licences. It is synchronized with existing business and licence procedures, and will continue to offer fully inspected meat production with no restriction on volume or sales within B.C.

All licences will be valid for a five-year term and will be effective Oct. 1, 2021, with existing licensees transitioning automatically. The new licence framework follows in-depth consultation with ranchers, abattoir operators, local governments and meat producer organizations, including the Alberni-Clayoquot Regional District, BC Association of Abattoirs, BC Cattlemen’s Association, First Nations Agricultural Association of BC, Northern Rockies Regional Municipality and Small-Scale Meat Producers Association.

The changes are the latest the B.C. government has made since 2017. They are part of an ongoing partnership with B.C. ranchers, abattoir operators and local governments to increase food production and security in rural communities.
go2HR | Tips For Protecting
Workers During Heatwave
As hot temperatures are predicted across the province, employers need to pay extra attention to workers who work in outdoor settings, to minimize the risk of heat stress.
Heat stress can mean heat exhaustion, or worse, heat stroke. The symptoms of heat exhaustion include dizziness, excess sweating, fainting and muscle cramps. Heat stroke symptoms include increased breathing rate, lack of sweating, confusion, seizures and even cardiac arrest.
WorkSafeBC requires employers to conduct heat stress assessments at their place of work and have a heat stress mitigation plan that trains and educates staff to recognize the symptoms of heat stress and apply appropriate controls.
Each year, WorkSafeBC accepts many work-related injury claims because of heat stress but with a bit of preparation by employers and workers, it is an easily preventable injury.
Here are some tips to help protect outdoor workers during the heatwave:
  • Workers should increase their water intake, and drink one glass every 20 minutes.
  • Limit strenuous physical work during the hottest hours of the day (11 am – 3 pm).
  • Wear light colored, loose fitting cotton clothing and taking regular breaks in a cool, well-ventilated area.
  • Workers should be aware of their own personal risk factors (pre-existing conditions or medications) and should check themselves and co-workers for symptoms of heat stress.

Employers can make appropriate modifications to mitigate the risk of heat related claims by monitoring heat conditions and changing practices or policies to limit the risk. That may mean additional workers and rotating work activities to limit prolonged heat exposure. Employers can set up cooling areas with shade and water so workers can rest and cool off during the hot weather. Ensuring that there is adequate first aid coverage and that emergency procedures are in place is another simple step employers can take to protect their workers from the additional risks of high temperatures.
Visit go2HR’s Staying Safe During High Temperatures webpage for practical resources on managing the effects of heat exposure in the workplace.
If you have any questions regarding workplace health and safety, please contact us via phone: 604-633-9787 or email: Our qualified health and safety staff are available to assist and we look forward to supporting you and your team.
ICYMI | Surge in Participation Fuels Digital Marketing Bootcamp Expansion
The Digital Marketing Bootcamp, a free program for small-and medium-sized businesses that teaches digital marketing skills, has been expanded to add 3,400 more seats, the provincial government announced.

Thirty percent of the new seats will be reserved for Indigenous, Black and people of colour, as well as rural businesses.

The bootcamp is open until March 31, 2022 to businesses with one to 149 employees. Firms must be British Columbia-based and registered to do business in B.C.
Western Financial | Risk Management Webinar Recording Now Available

Thank you to all who joined yesterday's Risk Management Webinar presented by Western Financial Group! For those of you who missed it, a recording is now available!

Watch the recording to learn strategies for how to mitigate risk and ensure fire safety at your property. See additional resource for Risk Management and Wildfire safety.

Thank you to Rudy Penner for sharing important insights and tips on risk prevention. Should you have any questions, we encourage you to reach out to Mike Macleod at

Marketing to Families Post-COVID | Mike Macleod Guest Blog on Kidzsmart
BCHA, Director of Member and Business Development, Mike Macleod, was invited to guest spot on the Kidzsmart blog to share some insights on the importance of family marketing and outreach initiatives in the hospitality industry.

Outlining trends, challenges, and the various ways the family market has shifted, Mike shares strategies to pivot operations to attract this once-predictable market.
Know Before You Go | Tourism Resources
FOR OPERATORS | Emergency Preparedness

With the priority of ensuring that travelers have all the official resources they need to make informed decisions based on the latest, on-the-ground information, DBC has created and updated their Emergency Preparedness page. Consider this a fulsome resource to keep both yourself and your visitors informed over the course of the ongoing fire season and COVID-19 pandemic.

Wildfire and COVID-19 messaging guidance can be found on the webpage, along with safe and responsible travel graphics for you to use on your channels, a visitor-facing safe travel brochure (web and print version), and the links to DBC's Know Before You Go information.

FOR VISITORS | Know before you go.

Current travel restrictions, wildfire info, and other key visitor information on is available on Destination BC's consumer website, Click here to visit the Know Before You Go page and share the resource with anyone travelling within BC.
Apply Today | Tourism & Hospitality Relief
Federal Programs
  • Tourism Relief Fund (TRF): to help tourism businesses and organizations adapt their operations to meet public health requirements while investing in products and services to facilitate their future growth. The $500 million national initiative across Canada will be administered by Western Economic Diversification in Western Canada.
  • Canadian Emergency Rent Subsidy (CERS): Subsidy to cover a portion of eligible expenses until September 25, 2021. Also includes an additional Lockdown Support of 25% if your business was significantly affected by a public health order. Hotline: 1-800-959-5525
  • Highly Affected Sectors Credit Availability Program (HASCAP): Aimed at sectors like tourism and hospitality, hotels, arts and entertainment, and will offer 100% government-guaranteed financing and provide low-interest loans up to $1 million for up to ten years.
  • Canada Emergency Wage Subsidy (CEWS): Covers part of your employee wages retroactively back to December 20, 2020 until September 25, 2021. The maximum subsidy is 75%. Hotline: 1-800-959-5525
  • Canada Recovery Hiring Program (CRHP): The new Canada Recovery Hiring Program (CRHP) is designed to encourage businesses to grow as the economy recovers, whether it’s due to hiring and re-hiring staff, increasing shifts, or increasing overall pay.
  • Note: Your business can only claim the CEWS OR CRHP - here is a comparison between the two programs
  • Canada Recovery Benefit (CRB): $400 per week for 13 two-week periods between September 27, 2020, and September 25, 2021 for self-employed workers and those in the gig economy. Applications are handled through the Canada Revenue Agency. Hotline: 1-833-966-2099
Indigenous Programs

Provincial Program
  • The Workplace Accessibility Grant program. The grant program direct supports to small business employers in British Columbia by providing direct financial assistance towards creating an inclusive work environment for persons with a disability(ies).
Your Voice is Needed! Help Industry Return to a New Normal & Win $1500
Participate in the survey and enter into a draw for prizes valued at $1,500.
go2HR has been hard at work undertaking a Labour Market Information research project to better understand the impact of COVID-19 on our workforce. Even before COVID-19, the industry faced some significant human resource challenges. We know those challenges will only increase as we emerge from the pandemic. 
We need your help! 
We need to hear from a representative sample of employers across all sectors and regions of the province. We ask for assistance in sharing the survey with a wide variety of businesses in the province, and ask you to please share this survey with your members. It takes approximately 25 minutes to complete this survey. We want to hear about the impact of COVID-19 on your member’s operations, the human resource issues they face, and what can be done to help industry in dealing with these issues going forward. Any information provided will be held confidential, used only for the purpose of this study, and reported only in summary form with the responses of other respondents. Please help us spread the word!
REMINDER | Searching for Employees? Integral Hospitality Offering Outsourced Workers
Integral Hospitality, a division of the Integral Services Group, have assisted a number of hotels throughout BC with their outsourced housekeeping needs.

Integral, a BCHA premier partner, recognizes the urgency that many accommodators are facing as we re-start domestic travel throughout the province.

Integral was able to help a BCHA member this week supplying two housekeepers to an Okanagan property within 24 hours. Please contact Brett Mollard directly at
to learn more or visit their website here.
Mark Your Calendars
Save the Date! | BC Tourism & Hospitality Conference, March 8-11, 2022

Mark your calendars! The 2022 BC Tourism & Hospitality Conference officially has a date. Taking place in Prince George, March 8-11, 2022, the conference will be an informative multi-day conference aimed at supporting growth and celebrating industry.

Stay tuned for further updates coming soon!
BC Hospitality Foundation | Tickets for Charity Online 50/50 Raffle on Sale Now

Tickets are on sale for the BC Hospitality Foundation's first ever online 50/50 raffle. Purchase tickets here.
The raffle starts with a $1000 jackpot and increases with every ticket purchased until sales close on August 16, 2021. The initiative is a fundraiser for the BC Hospitality Foundation - the only charity of its kind in Canada, with a mission of supporting hospitality and tourism workers in need.
·   5 for $10
·   20 for $20
·   150 for $40
The winning name will be drawn at noon on August 17. Please support our hospitality and tourism sector by purchasing tickets and spreading the word about the raffle among your friends, family, and colleagues!
Funds raised by the event will be used by the BCHF to support hospitality industry workers facing financial crisis due to a serious health condition experienced by themselves or a family member. The registered charity also administers a scholarship program that fosters the development of the next generation of hospitality industry workers and leaders.
Learn more and purchase tickets here.
Destination Vancouver, Good Night Out Vancouver, and go2HR Partner of Safer Spaces campaign.

Destination Vancouver, Good Night Out Vancouver, and go2HR are partnering up to help Vancouver’s hospitality industry get a jump start on safety.
Participating establishments will receive cross-promotion throughout the summer and an invitation to a safety skill sharing and social event in the Fall.
The 6 week 'Safer Spaces' campaign encourages local establishments to sign-up for industry-specific training to help build staff and patron confidence. Learn tools and tips to help prioritize safety and navigate a variety of challenging situations.
July 15 - August 31
All training is free of charge. Learn more and sign-up here.
ABLEBC Invites You to Lead Generation & Marketing Tips Webinar
ABLE BC and Ballistic Arts invite you to join us for a free webinar.
At last! British Columbia and the rest of Canada are opening back up. That's great news, but how are you going to best take advantage of this for your business? Will you marketing tactics that you used during the lockdown work now that the economy is reemerging? What new initiatives should you think about and what should you avoid?
Join ABLEBC on this one-hour webinar 'Lead Generation and Marketing Tips for BC's Reopening' with expert Ted Lau, CEO of award-winning Ballistic Arts, and podcast host of Marketing News Canada.
Date: Wednesday, September 1, 10:00 am PT
What you'll learn:
·   The big changes in Apple, Facebook, and Google that will affect how you market
·   What type of cost effective marketing content makes sense for your lead generation efforts
·   Even more about the Marketing Funnel/Loop and where you need to focus in the reopening
The economy is reopening, are you ready? Register here for the free webinar.
If you are unable to attend live, a webinar recording will be sent to everyone registered.
You’re invited to the 2021 TIAC Tourism Congress at the Westin Ottawa on November 30 to December 1 –
in-person & online
The pandemic has changed everything. But it’s also given us the opportunity to work together, adopt new ways of doing business, and reimagine what tourism looks like post-COVID-19. Come join the Tourism Industry Association of Canada at the 2021 Tourism Congress.
Tipping Our Hat to Industry!
Have News or A Congrats You'd Like to Share? Contact
The Wickaninnish Inn Relais & Châteaux Celebrates A Quarter of a Century of Operations!

On Tuesday, the Wickaninnish Inn celebrated its 25th anniversary since first opening their doors to guests in 1996!

"On our 25th anniversary we wanted to extend our deepest gratitude and thanks to each and every guest that has crossed our threshold over the years and to the amazing individuals we have had the pleasure of working alongside."

These are the milestones our industry loves celebrating - congrats to the entire team that makes the Wickaninnish Inn such a magical destination.
Congrats to Lonnie Burnett on Her Appointment as go2HR's New Industry Health and Safety Specialist!

The go2HR team continues to grow with the appointment of Lonnie Burnett as Industry Health and Safety Specialist. Over the past 10 years, Lonnie has worked in the tourism industry in a variety of positions. She started out as a front line worker and moved her way up to Safety Manager in the ski hill sector. She has led various projects within occupational health and safety, focusing on both injury prevention and claims. She is looking forward to working with the Health and Safety team and collaborating on different projects to help support the industry.

A collective industry congrats to you Lonnie!
In The News

With the combination of extreme heat forecast for Metro Vancouver and the land border reopening to fully vaccinated Americans — hotel rooms are filling up.
The Sandman Hotel downtown is sold out for Wednesday and Friday — when temperatures are supposed to hit their peak.

And the Marriott Pinnacle Hotel says it’s seeing a spike that’s not too common for a Thursday, selling out 300 rooms.
Many hotels around the city sold out during the heat dome in June, as people without air conditioning looked for a way to cool down.

Wildfires have blazed across B.C. for weeks, prompting residents to flee their homes and fill hotel rooms.
Some hotels have tried to help evacuees by temporarily providing free or discounted rooms, but it’s not the kind of business operators want.

The presence of the fires likely drives away more business than it generates, and with climate change, extreme summer fire seasons could become the norm. 

One result could be that these fires become etched indelibly into the minds of potential visitors to B.C. and could prompt some to postpone or cancel trips.

After fire destroyed the Village of Lytton, for example, images of what remained filled TV newscasts around the world.

“There’s definitely a risk [that fewer international visitors will come to B.C. in the summer],” said British Columbia Restaurant and Foodservices Association CEO Ian Tostenson. “We’re going to have to counter that with whatever messages we have.”

Canada’s Hotel Construction Pipeline Drops in 2021 | Spotlight on New Hotels, August 6

At the close of the second quarter, analysts at Lodging Econometrics (LE) report that the total construction pipeline in Canada stands at 253 projects/33,240 rooms, down 43 projects or 15% by projects year-over-year (YOY).

While several pandemic waves have slowed Canada's economic growth in the first half of 2021, the country’s finance department predicts the economy will pick up in the third quarter. As more Canadians become fully vaccinated, more regions have reopened or are considering reopening.

Currently, about two-thirds of Canadians are fully or partially vaccinated. As restrictions continue easing, pent-up consumer demand will help to establish some semblance of normalcy. Travel and the hospitality sector are expected to benefit as well.

Projects under construction stand at 71 projects/9,218 rooms, down 28% by projects and 25% by rooms YOY.

All tides ebb and flow, and since the COVID-19 pandemic changed the way most of the world works, we’re seeing a distinct turning of the tide from being in favor of the employer to holding firm for the employee. This situation is especially apparent in the hospitality industry, where historical talent shortages are being exacerbated by staff quitting in droves as the world returns to work. At the same time, recruiting new talent is becoming even more challenging, just as the industry is trying to recover and reopen.

Why Hospitality Workers Are Quitting
For many people employed in hospitality, what started out as a “dream job” had become a whirlwind of long hours, demanding customers, and insufficient sleep long before the pandemic. Already disillusioned with the status quo and work/life balance, when COVID-19 came along and they were furloughed or laid off, they had plenty of time to rethink their futures.

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