Taken at today's BCHA Board of Directors Meeting. We thank Minister Mark for joining us for such an important discussion. From Left to right: Stewart Instance; BCHF scholarship winner, Kevin Heller; Jonas Melin; David McQuinn; Scott Johnson; BCHF scholarship winner, Urina Takeashita; Ravinder Dhaliwal; Ingrid Jarrett; John Kearns; Minister of Tourism, Culture, Arts & Sport, Melanie Mark; Brian Rohl; Bryan Pilbeam; Vivek Sharma; Stephen Roughley; Doug Andrews; Chris Watson; David MacKenzie.
Message From President & CEO, Ingrid Jarrett
Dear Accommodation Community and Stakeholders,

We are delighted to share with you a positive update on our advocacy efforts surrounding events.

Following last week's distribution of the Public Health Order on Gatherings & Events a number of our members reached out with questions on wedding and event receptions.

Many of you questioned the classification of event tents and if they are considered outdoor or indoor spaces. Following a discussion with Acting Deputy Provincial Health Officer, Dr. Brian Emerson yesterday, we are happy to confirm that event tents with open walls are now considered outdoor spaces, and as such, dancing is allowed in these spaces.

In addition, the BCHA also sought clarity on stand-up event receptions following flow-through events such as trade shows, which are able to operate with a Communicable Disease Prevention Plan. Following our advocacy efforts, today, stand-up receptions were also updated to the government of BC website and are now allowed with the same directive as tradeshows.

We anticipate that the amended Health Order will be updated with these two additions as early as today or tomorrow, at this link. We continue to stress the importance of dancing at indoor wedding venues for our members and will keep you informed on these updates.

  • Is there a maximum number of people allowed at a table at any restaurant?
  • No, restaurants may operate at pre-pandemic levels, with no limit on patrons per group.
  • Is there a maximum on the number of people allowed in a restaurant?
  • No, restaurants are able to operate with no added COVID-19 restrictions on occupancy. Premises must of course operate in accordance with BC building codes to ensure fire safety.
  • Do operators still have to gather guest information for contact tracing?
  • No, operators no longer have to take guest information for contact tracing as part of Step 3.
  • Are masks required at social or corporate events?
  • Masks at indoor public spaces continue to be recommended but are no longer mandatory. Should an operator wish to continue mask use, they are able to do so.
  • Is dancing indoors allowed?
  • No, currently the Public Health Order surrounding events restricts dancing in indoor locations. The BCHA has received clarification that tents with open walls are considered outdoor spaces, permitting dancing to take place at these locations.
  • Are there any restrictions on pools and/or hot tubs?
  • No, pools and hot tubs are able to operate at pre-pandemic levels.

Please note that our Industry Update from June 30 incorrectly stated that nightclubs must limit groups to 10 and maintain a 2m distance as part of the BC Step 3 Restart. Our partners at ABLEBC were able to successfully push forward a last-minute change to the Public Health Orders allowing no physical distancing restrictions and no limit on group sizes in nightclubs. Restrictions in nightclubs are limited to no dancing and that patrons must remain seated.

Shifting focus, we are acutely aware of the severe workforce shortage our industry is currently facing. This is absolutely one of our most significant files moving forward on both a provincial and federal level, as we work with our partners across Canada to develop solutions. While we have included some hiring tools below, we will be in touch with further information on the movement of this file in the coming days and weeks.

Thank you,

Ingrid Jarrett
President & CEO
British Columbia Hotel Association

Today's update includes:

#ICYMI | Step 3 Tourism Industry Communications Toolkit & Resources

The BCHA and our industry partners have worked hand-in-hand to develop a communications toolkit, aimed at providing you with all the necessary details and guidance through the transition to Step 3.

We strongly encourage each of you to explore the Step 3 Restart Toolkit which delivers guidance on:

  • Communications – High-level language to help you describe to local residents, visitors, business travellers, and employees the current step of the Restart Plan we are in, the state of travel, and where we are heading together. 
  • Health and Safety Protocols – The state of emergency has been lifted, and health and safety guidelines have changed. This section outlines those guidelines in place for the current step, which restrictions can be removed if operators are comfortable, and links to key information.
  • Workforce – As some workers in the tourism sector found new work during the pandemic, hiring will be critical and challenging. This section has information on rehiring, recruiting, and training staff. 
  • Marketing – This provides a snapshot of the major marketing efforts planned, to help the sector be aligned as we recover together

WorkSafeBC released guidelines outlining the shift from COVID-19 Safety Plan to a Communicable Disease Prevention Plan. The change took effect, Thursday, July 1st as we entered Step 3 of the BC's Restart. Unlike the COVID-19 Safety Plan, employers do not have to write or post plans for communicable disease prevention or have them approved by WorkSafeBC. 
HAC | COVID-19 Canada Recovery Hiring Program Application Details Released
The Government of Canada has launched an online calculator to help eligible employers prepare their Canada Recovery Hiring Program (CRHP) applications. This calculator integrates the new CRHP with the Canada Emergency Wage Subsidy (CEWS), automatically showing applicants which subsidy will provide them with more support, based on the information they enter. 

Hoteliers will be able to apply for the CRHP as of July 7, 2021, when the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) will open applications through My Business Account and Represent a Client. The CRA will begin to issue CRHP payments to eligible employers during the week of July 12, 2021.

The CRHP will be available retroactively for the claim periods starting June 6th, 2021, until November 20th, 2021.

The CRHP and the CEWS are both based on four-week claim periods. From June 6, 2021 to September 25, 2021, the subsidies overlap so that, as CEWS rates decline, eligible employers would still be able to receive support through the CRHP if they hire more workers or increase workers’ hours or wages.

For the four overlapping claim periods, eligible hoteliers can apply for either subsidy, based on whichever subsidy provides the higher amount of support. You must claim the greater of the CRHP and the CEWS for a particular claim period, but not both.00

More detailed information about eligibility requirements, how payment periods are structured, and how the CRHP is calculated can be found here.

We are acutely aware of the steep decline of the CEWS and CERS support programs, beginning July 4th. We are working hard to secure continued and tailored sector specific support and will be launching a campaign next week where we will need your support over the summer. Please stay tuned for more details on how you can get involved. 
Searching for Employees? Integral Hospitality Offering Outsourced Workers
Integral Hospitality, a division of the Integral Services Group, have assisted a number of hotels throughout BC with their outsourced housekeeping needs.

Integral, a BCHA premier partner, recognizes the urgency that many accommodators are facing as we re-start domestic travel throughout the province.

Integral was able to help a BCHA member this week supplying two housekeepers to an Okanagan property within 24 hours. Please contact Brett Mollard directly at brett@integralservicesgroup.com
to learn more or visit their website here.
Surrey & White Rock Area Hotels | Explore
WISE Employment Solutions
If you are a hotel in the Surrey/White Rock community struggling to find employees, we have partnered with WISE Employment Solutions.

The WISE team supports an empowers jobseekers with cognitive disabilities, connecting them with employers who uphold their commitment to diversity and inclusive practices. Workers are passionate, dedicated, and highly valuable and we have received a number of resumes from candidates who reside in the Surrey or White Rock area that are open to work. Should you be short-staffed or looking to hire, please reach out to Mike@bcha.com.

Lytton Wildfire Relief Measures | Donate Today
The tragedy of the wildfire that has devastated the town of Lytton has affected many lives, and the communities within the Fraser Valley are coming together to support in this time of need.
The destination management organizations (DMO's) that make up the Fraser Valley region are opening their doors, and the are looking to everyone that is able, to please donate what you can. They have coordinated with Boston Bar First Nations/Tuckkwiowhum Village to gather what is needed and deliver to them to distribute.
Here is what they are looking for:
  • Cardboard boxes for transportation
  • New/unused baby items, such as: bottles, diapers, wipes, etc
  • New/unused bedding, such as: pillows, blankets, sheets, etc\
  • Gently used or new clothing items of all sizes
  • Gently used or new children’s toys
  • New/unused personal hygiene items, such as: sanitizers, soaps, feminine hygiene items, face and body care items, etc.
  • Gift certificates to grocery stores, pharmacies, and other essential services
  • Personal electronics, such as: cell phones, chargers, batteries, computers, laptops, cameras, etc.
  • Non-perishable food items, bottled water, juice boxes
  • Camping supplies, such as: tents, sleeping bags, folding chairs, etc.
  • Pet supplies, such as: food, leashes, collars, kennels/cages, etc.
  • If you are donating a large amount of items, please package the items in boxes rather than bags if possible.
Advocacy Requests | US-Canada Border Reopening & CEWS Extension
The U.S.-Canada border has been closed since March 2020. With more and more people getting vaccinated in both countries, and things returning to normal, it's time to start reopening the border so that Canadians and Americans can cross the border freely and businesses can get back to work.
Tourism Vancouver has sent a letter to Premier Horgan urging him to convey his support for a phased and safe border reopening plan to the Federal Government.
Show your support for the tourism industry by writing your MP to tell them that we need a plan to safely reopen the border. By simply entering your address, the Tourism Industry Association of Canada has made it easy for you to have your voice heard by sending a pre-populated letter to your local MP.
Restaurants do more than nourish the body and the soul. They also feed the economy — before COVID-19, foodservice was the fastest-growing industry in Canada, generating $95 billion in sales in 2019. Now more than a year into the pandemic, nearly half of all restaurants are at risk of closing due to crushing debt from operating at a loss for months on end.

Fill out the form below to send a postcard to your Member of Parliament and Finance Minister Chrystia Freeland asking them for sector-specific support and to request a meeting with our Restaurant Survival Coalition.
Canadian Tourism Awards | Nominations Open
The Canadian Tourism Awards are presented annually by TIAC to recognize success, leadership, and innovation in Canada's tourism industry, and to reward those people, places, organizations, and events that have gone above and beyond to offer travellers superior tourism experiences in Canada.

The Canadian Tourism Awards have become the standard of excellence for businesses and organizations in the travel industry, showcasing the nation's best tourism products, services, and experiences.

This year, the Tourism Industry Association of Canada's 2021 Canadian Tourism Awards are scheduled for December 1st, which will be a salute to the perseverance, resilience, and fortitude of the sector; its operators, and employees.
Mark Your Calendars
Celebrate Industry Along the BC Ale Trail July 6th at BCHF at the BCHF & MPI BC 'g-ALE-a' Event | Bid on Auction Items Today!

In partnership with the BC Craft Brewers Guild, Meeting Planner International (MPI) BC Chapter will be hosting their Annual Gala at over 15 outstanding craft breweries along the BC Ale Trail. The event will take place on July 7th, 2021 at 5:30 pm with each brewery hosting a table for 6 people. Early bird tickets will be $50 per person (table of 6 is $300) on sale June 15th. Anticipated attendance is 90 – 150 event industry professionals and their associates, family, and friends. There will be 6 people together at each brewery.

To support MPI BC Chapter and the BC Hospitality Foundation a virtual silent auction will be open for all British Columbians to bid from June 28th – July 9th, 2021. The goals of our silent auction are to showcase our province’s hospitality and tourism businesses AND get consumers out spending their money locally.

Auction Items include: 
·   A two-night stay at the luxurious Oak Bay Beach Hotel
·   Gift certificates to a wide range of top BC restaurants
·   A digital voucher for a 5-player Vancouver outdoor mystery game
·   A round of golf for four at Westwood Plateau Golf & Country club
·   A virtual team-building and training entertainment event
·   Helijet round trip transportation for two between Victoria or Nanaimo to Vancouver
·   A private charter of a Five Star Whale Watching vessel
·   Gift certificates to at least 15 breweries along the BC Ale Trail
·   And many more
Destination Vancouver Webinar: Safer Spaces Start Here
Thursday, July 15th | 10:00am - 12:00pm | Webinar

Join us for an informative and interactive session that explores how to create safer spaces in Tourism and Hospitality. This session will start with an overview of the go2HR programs by Judy Frankel, communications manager at go2HR, and will include go2HR's upcoming programs including the BSAFE safety certificate program. The rest of the workshop will then be facilitated by Stacey Forester from Good Night Out Vancouver and will outline the basis for their education program for the prevention of sexual harassment and other forms of gender-based violence in the hospitality industry.
  • Welcome & Introductions by moderator, Gwendal Castellan
  • Overview of go2HR safety programs by Judy Frankel
  • Good Night Out Vancouver workshop with Stacey Forrester
  • What's new? Linking this work to local and provincial policy
  • Statistics
  • Overview of Good Night Out
  • Elements / Objectives of our training
  • What the data/program evaluation on our training shows
  • Lessons from COVID
  • Mini-bystander training
  • Outline the “Safer Spaces 21 Jumpstart” program 
  • What is involved / how to sign up
  • Q&A with panelists
Fore the Love of Tourism 15th Annual TIP Invitational Golf Tournament 2021

Join Partners in Tourism (TIP) at the beautiful Fairmont Chateau Whistler Golf Club Friday, August 27, 2021 for the 15th Annual Fore the Love of Tourism TIP Invitational Golf Tournament.
Partners in Tourism – TIP Society was established in 2006 with the goal of fostering future generations of tourism professionals. Never has that been more important.

We are now seeing signs of recovery and in our collective spirit of optimism, we are again gathering for the Tourism Industry Partners (TIP) Invitational Golf Tournament to raise funds to support scholarships and awards to get the next generation back in the hospitality game.
Since its inception, Partners in Tourism – TIP has provided funding in excess of $700,000 to support training, the purchase of equipment and financial assistance to hospitality students. The need has never been greater. 
Let’s TIP the scales in favour of up-and-coming tourism and hotel professionals.
WorkSafeBC | Learn about WorkSafeBC’s preliminary 2022 rates

Attend WorkSafeBC’s virtual rate consultation sessions. During these sessions, WorkSafeBC will provide an overview of the preliminary rates for 2022, inform employers about rate and classification changes, and outline what they can do to influence their rates.
The sessions include a 60-minute presentation, followed by a live Question and Answer period - links will be forwarded to everyone who has registered for the session.

Dates and times (PST)
  • Monday, July 19, 10:00 – 11:30 a.m.
  • Monday, July 19, 1:00 – 2:30 p.m.
  • Wednesday, July 21, 10:00 – 11:30 a.m.
  • Wednesday, July 21, 1:00 – 2:30 p.m.

The presentation topics include:
  • The financial state of the workers’ compensation system  
  • Rate and classification changes
  • How you, as an employer, can influence your rates through improved health and safety
To register for the session of your choice, visit www.worksafebc.com/rates and fill in the registration form. You’re welcome to participate in any one of the virtual sessions. Participation is free For more information, please email rates@worksafebc.com
Congratulations! Tipping Our Hat to Industry
Have News You Want to Share? Contact Kelsey@bcha.com
Air Canada Announces Non-Stop Service Connecting Montreal to Kelowna

Big White Ski Resort is excited to share in the excitement of Air Canada's launch of its newest domestic route, providing the only non-stop service between Montreal and Kelowna. With this announcement, travellers will be able to access non-stop flights up to five times weekly between Montreal and Kelowna.

"This new direct flight will provide greater access to the Thompson Okanagan region and our world-famous Okanagan Champagne Powder," says Michael J. Ballingall, Senior Vice President at Big White Ski Resort Ltd.

According to Ballingall, the scheduled flight times are excellent as Quebec travellers can work the whole day before departing for their BC holiday, saving a travel day – while the return is also very well timed for ski traffic coming from the mountain.

Colin Carson Named CEO of Tourism Prince George

It is with great pleasure that the Board of Directors of Tourism Prince George announces the new CEO starting on July 1, 2021. The Executive Committee did a thorough review of candidates, and Colin Carson (an internal candidate) was selected for the top role.

Colin has been with Tourism Prince George for 4 years in a variety of positions in marketing, visitor services and currently the Manager of Sport Tourism. He hails from Prince George and has the insights and local contacts that will be valuable to the role.

Congrats Colin!
New luxury hotel opening near Bridgeport Station in Richmond this month

Previously branded as the Opus Hotel Versante, but now simply named the Versante Hotel, the 100-room property is located immediately east of the site that hosts the Richmond Night Market, and an eight-minute walk from SkyTrain’s Bridgeport Station. It is roughly equidistant between Bridgeport Station and the future Capstan Station to the south, which will open in early 2023.
Operators are touting the hotel’s close proximity to Vancouver International Airport, retail and restaurants, and the Canada Line reaching downtown Vancouver.

Versante Hotel’s opening on July 26, 2021 coincides with the gradual lifting of health restrictions, and the anticipated restart of travel by aviation.

In The News

VANCOUVER — The buzz of full restaurants and tills ringing will start to become familiar on Thursday as British Columbia largely returns to the rhythms of pre-pandemic life.

While businesses are excited about the return of customers, restaurant, retail and hotel associations say they are also hampered by staff shortages.

High COVID-19 vaccination rates and a dramatic drop in cases has led the province to enter the next phase of its reopening plan.

Residents can go to dinner indoors and outdoors without a limit on numbers, and attend fairs and festivals by following communicable disease measures, such as staying away if they're sick. Masks will no longer be mandatory before further restrictions are removed in September.

Although masks aren't mandatory, provincial health officer Dr. Bonnie Henry encouraging people to continue wearing them in all indoor places. She said Wednesday that masks remain an important layer of protection until more people have immunity from two doses of a vaccine.

VANCOUVER (NEWS 1130) — The heatwave is unpleasant for anyone without AC — but the situation is giving a welcome boost to hotels and restaurants — both a pair of struggling industries. Some restaurants and hotels are enjoying a bit of a boost after a rough period during the pandemic.

Darragh McFeely with Nuba Restaurant Group tells NEWS 1130, kitchens are busy at Metro Vancouver restaurants since people don’t want to spend much time by the oven in this heat. So restaurants are seeing a jump in takeout.

“With the sheer temperatures, I don’t think as many people were going out as they normally would have on a sunny weekend. So while our customer numbers surged over the weekend, which was great, it really was more skewed towards takeout. Because even with the air conditioning, I think people are reluctant to travel from their house to the restaurant,” he says.

“I’ve worked with climate projections for 25 years so we knew this was coming: yet it’s still a shocker when you see these records falling in real life in a place you’re from,” she tweeted.

Ingrid Jarrett, the chief executive of the British Columbia Hotel Association, said residents in parts of the Lower Mainland, Victoria and the Okanagan regions had been booking air-conditioned rooms so they could continue working and also get some sleep.

Forecasters said the heatwave could ease over parts of British Columbia, Yukon and the Northwest Territories by Wednesday, but any reprieve for the prairie provinces was further off.

“Travel is part of our DNA. It gives us something to look forward to. It brings us joy to experience new places, new tastes and new ideas. It’s the perfect antidote to recharge, connect with friends and families and create new memories. Tourism is fuelled by people who are passionate about their work – their jobs are vital to our local economies all across British Columbia.

“We’re encouraging everyone to get both vaccines this summer, as we want British Columbians to safely travel across our province – to welcome our neighbours from coast to coast to coast, and for everyone to explore our cities, relaxing getaways and parts of the province less travelled as we look forward to welcoming people back safely.

“Tourism operators of every type – attractions, adventure experiences, festivals and events, accommodations, restaurants – have been gearing up to welcome travellers back and to ensure visitors and workers are healthy and safe.

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