Message from President & CEO Ingrid Jarrett
Click here or above to see message from BCHA President & CEO, Ingrid Jarrett with an update surrounding workforce partnerships and good news on our OTA advocacy file.
Today's update includes:

  • General Updates
  • Receive Up to 80% Off on Training Through BC Employer Training Grant
  • Hiring Ukrainian Refugees Looking for Work
  • Government Launches BC HARS and Climate Preparedness and Adaptation Strategy
  • Province Stops Museum Plan & Set to Consult Public
  • New Opportunity! Elevate Your Property & Sign-up With Stash Hotel Rewards
  • ITBC Trip Planner | National Indigenous History Month
  • BC Investing to Reduce Community Wildfire Risks
  • Join HAC & CBRE for a Canadian Hotel Mid-Year Update Webinar
  • News - See more below!
  • BC | Canada News
  • World News
  • Industry Trends
  • Tipping Our Hat to Industry!
  • Michael Ballingall Honoured with Bill Mackey Award!
  • Mark Your Calendars
  • Comment Card | Thoughts and Comments from Our Industry
  • Last Laugh | A Little Something to Make Our Members Smile
Receive Up to 80% Off on Training Through BC Employer Training Grant
To keep up with a constantly changing workforce, the B.C. Employer Training Grant is offering skills training support to employers within small, medium, and large businesses and allows for employers to receive up to 80% reimbursement of their training fees. The result? A financial benefit for employers and skills improvement for workers. Up to $10,000 is supplied per employee and $300,000 per employer, annually.
Looking for relevant hospitality courses? The B.C. Employer Training Grant is applicable to a few of go2HR’s own courses that include:
  • SuperHost® Customer Service Training
  • Foundations of Service Quality™
  • Service For All™: Foundations of Inclusive Service
  • FOODSAFE Level 1 by Distance Education.

As of June 1st, 2022, a new, streamlined process for the grant was introduced: now, employers can apply using one application for an entire cohort (i.e. bulk seats). Additionally, there’s no more need to wait: applications are open throughout the year, and employers are able to apply as often as needed.
Hiring Ukrainian Refugees Looking for Work
Ukrainians immigrating to Canada are arriving under the Canada Ukraine Authorization for Emergency Travel (CUAET)—this is not a refugee immigration stream. Under the CUAET, newcomers can apply for a free visitor visa to stay in Canada for 3 years (as opposed to a standard 6 month visa) and they can apply for an open work permit, which allows them to work for any employer.
Quick Facts | As of the beginning of June:
  • 259,000 CUAET applications have been received, with over 120,000 approved
  • Of the applicants, 88% intend to come to Canada in the next 6 months

Interested employers should post jobs at Jobs for Ukraine or reach out to the Ukrainian Canadian Congress.
Government Launches BC HARS and Climate Preparedness and Adaptation Strategy
With the summer months ahead, the Province of B.C. is launching the BC Heat Alert and Response System (BC HARS) to help ensure people, First Nations communities, and local governments have the tools they need to stay safe during heat events.
  • Under BC HARS, the Province is prepared to issue a Broadcast Intrusive alert for extreme heat emergencies. The Province is also bringing in additional measures to bolster B.C.’s ambulance system to better respond to a significant increase in 911 calls during a heat emergency.
The Province has also released BC’s Climate Preparedness and Adaptation Strategy. The strategy strengthens our collective capacity to anticipate, prepare for and respond to the impacts of climate change. This includes sudden events like wildfires, floods and heatwaves as well as changes that happen more slowly like rising sea-levels, receding glaciers and shifting ecosystems.
  • Actions fall under four key pathways that work to strengthen the foundations for success, build safe and healthy communities, foster resilient species and ecosystems and advance a climate-ready economy and resilient infrastructure.
Province Stops Museum Plan &
Set to Consult Public
Premier Horgan announced yesterday that the Province’s plans to rebuild the Royal BC Museum would be halted as a result of public response. It will stay open as the Province takes time to gather more public input for long-term plans. The Royal BC Museum will now lead a broad public engagement to consider all options for the future of the museum.
New Opportunity! Elevate Your Property & Sign-up With Stash Hotel Rewards!
Stash Hotel Rewards partners with independent hotels to help them compete against chains, reduce OTA share, attract new guests, and lock-in group and corporate clients. With over 200 one-of-a-kind hotels, the Stash network features some of the most iconic and interesting hotels in North America.  From centuries-old landmark inns to brand new urban suites, from opulent overwater bungalows to eco-obsessed shipping-container hotels, and everything in between, Stash provides distinctive properties and enlightened hoteliers the tools and marketing horsepower to succeed.  With over one million members, Stash connects your hotel to travelers seeking something special in every trip. 

  • All BCHA members that qualify and sign a partnership agreement will receive a $250 credit towards their first invoice of Stash points awarded

ITBC Trip Planner | National
Indigenous History Month
Celebrate National Indigenous History Month by exploring the Indigenous Tourism BC (ITBC) app!
The Indigenous BC Trip Planner app is a trip planning and educational tool that guides visitors through the Indigenous territories of BC and their unique, immersive experiences. Use the app to discover places to go, places to stay, and things to do in BC.

You can save favourites in a list, then use it to create a personalized trip itinerary. Find authentic Indigenous experiences and businesses, learn common Indigenous words and phrases, and hear traditional songs, stories, and legends.
Laver Cup Coming to Vancouver 2023
Hot on the heels of last week’s FIFA win, this week it was announced that tennis’s 6th annual Laver Cup will be coming to Vancouver from September 22-24, 2023

The Laver Cup is a relatively new tournament that has been a smash hit since its 2017 debut in Prague. The 3-day competition pits six of the best players from Team Europe, captained by tennis legend Bjorn Borg, against six leading players from Team World, led by Borg’s professional rival, the equally legendary John McEnroe.

Tickets sell out in a flash every year, so register here to get the latest information.
BC Investing to Reduce
Community Wildfire Risks
To reduce wildfires in higher-risk communities, the BC government is providing $25 million in new funding to the Forest Enhancement Society of BC (FESBC). This investment will support community projects that reduce wildfire risk and enhance wildlife habitat, greenhouse gas (GHG) reduction, forest recreation and ecological resiliency.
The Forest Enhancement Society of BC (FESBC) is accepting applications to fund projects to assist the Province of British Columbia in reducing wildfire risk and increasing community resiliency to wildfire across BC. FESBC will host a virtual information session via Zoom on June 28 for potential applicants to review the application process on the Forest Enhancement Society’s Information Management System and the guidebook.
Reminder | Join HAC & CBRE for a Canadian Hotel Mid-Year Update Webinar
Join HAC and CBRE Hotels for a member exclusive mid-year update on Canada's hotel industry as we delve into the year-to-date 2022 performance and take a look at the economic, travel, and industry trends expected to impact the sector over the balance of the year and into 2023. This will be a 30 minute update with time for extended Q&A.
TUESDAY, JUNE 28, 2022 at 10am PST
Industry News & Quick Links
Tipping Our Hat to Industry
Michael Ballingall Honoured with Bill Mackey Award!

We are sending a BIG congratulations to Michael J Ballingall, Senior Vice President, Big White Ski Resort Ltd, on being the latest recipient of the Far West Ski Association’s Bill Mackey Award for Outstanding Ski Industry Employee. This award is given for outstanding service to the skiing public by a ski industry or ski area employee. It marks a hat trick for the resort as Big White employees Jim Loyd (2002) and Katie Balkwill (2016) previously won this award.

In Michael's own words: "I knew in 1979, when I started my ski career at Ski Marmot Basin, that this was the life for me. Having worked with the Schumann/Plimmer family, owners of Big White Ski Resort, since 1985, I feel extremely lucky to have served in such a great industry and adventure tourism environment."
Mark Your Calendars
Jun 23, 2022 | 10:00 AM – 11:00 AM
Host: Tourism HR Canada
Preparing an "Indigenous Cultural Tourism Strategy
July 11, 2022 | 9:00 - 12:00 PM PT 
Price: $30.00
Limited availability. Registration closes July 8, 2022 | Learn More
BCHF Vancouver Golf Tournament
July 4 @ 11:30 am – 8:00 pm | Only 4 Spaces available
Yes SHEF! Elevating Women in Food & Wine returns this summer in Vancouver!
August 15, 2022
More details to come! Email for sponsor / partnership opportunities
Comment Card
Celebrating Pride Month!
Indigenous Business Awards
Calculating Flexibility
Last Laugh