Reconciliation, A Poem by Chief Stacey Laforme
Cowessess First Nation announced this morning that 751 unmarked graves have been discovered in Saskatchewan. The depth of the ongoing pain felt by Indigenous Peoples across Canada is something many of us will never be able to fully understand. And still, our hearts are broken, our minds are filled with sorrow, and our words are lost. We share with you the words of Chief Stacey Laforme, of the Mississaugas of the New Credit First Nation (MNCFN) and his poem 'Reconciliation'.
I sit here crying
I don't know why
I didn't know the children
I didn't know the parents
But I knew their spirit
I knew their love
I know their loss
I know their potential
And I am overwhelmed
By the pain of an entire people
Unable to protect them, to help them
To comfort them, to love them
I did not know them
But the pain is so real, so personal
I feel it in my core, my heart, my spirit
I sit here crying and I am not ashamed
I will cry for them, and the many others like them
I will cry for you, I will cry for me
I'll cry for the what could have been
Then I will calm myself, smudge myself, offer prayers
And know they are no longer in pain
No longer do they hurt, they are at peace
Intime I will tell their story, I will educate society
So their memory is not lost to this world
And when I am asked
what does reconciliation mean to me
I will say I want their lives back
I want them to live, to soar
I want to hear their laughter
See their smiles
Give me that
And I'll grant you reconciliation
Poet | Storyteller
Chief of the Mississaugas of the New Credit First Nation (MNCFN)
Industry Update | Message from Ingrid
Jarrett, President & CEO
Although our industry shifts to recovery, another crisis has been mounting for some time – the workforce crisis. This past year, many operators were forced to layoff employees. While many trained employees found solace in programs like CERB or were repurposed to other industries, CEWS allowed rehiring of laid off workers even with low business volumes. We are now faced with an even greater workforce shortage than we had prior to the pandemic. We have a clear and determined resolve to do everything we can to support training, education and hiring for our industry to address this critical issue, for both the long and short term.
We are working diligently with go2HR to develop resources and solutions. The BCHA Board of Directors are highly engaged in this work as well, and have formed an Education Committee to better serve our membership and drive solutions. Board and team members engaging in this critical work include:
Bryan Pilbeam, Delta Hotels by Marriott, Kamloops
John Kearns, Pacific Reach Properties Sheraton Vancouver Guildford Hotel
Chris Watson, Best Western Plus Carlton Plaza, Victoria
Eleanor Ryan, Pomeroy Inn & Suites and Stonebridge, Fort St. John
Scott Johnson, Holiday Inn Express Metrotown
Brady Beruschi, Regent Hotel Revelstoke
Ingrid Jarrett, President & CEO, BCHA
Mike Macleod Director, Member & Business Development, BCHA
If you are a hotel in the Surrey/White Rock community struggling to find employees, we have partnered with WISE Employment Solutions. The WISE team supports an empowers jobseekers with cognitive disabilities, connecting them with employers who uphold their commitment to diversity and inclusive practices. Workers are passionate, dedicated, and highly valuable and we have received a number of resumes from candidates who reside in the Surrey or White Rock area that are open to work. Should you be short-staffed or looking to hire, please reach out to
We have heard from our members over the past week and many of you have expressed concerns over your ability to prepare for new updates to the Step 3 restart plan, particularly as it pertains to 'mask use' and best practices moving forward. While we anticipate that there will be an announcement on June 30th, or soon after, operators need time and clarity to prepare, staff accordingly, relook at their current safety protocols, implement new ones, train, etc. We along with our industry partners have submitted a formal request to secure details on Step 3 of BC's Restart ahead of time so that our industry can best prepare.
July 1st remains the assumed date that we would transition to Step 3. At this time, information will include new public health and workplace guidance around personal protective equipment, physical distancing, and business protocols. While we will continue to pressure for immediate delivery of details, currently this is the information (also included below) that the Provincial Government has released surrounding what Step 3 may look like. The specifics of Step 3 will be outlined once the announcement is made.
- Masks no longer mandatory but recommended for indoor settings. Physical distancing no longer required, instead, individuals must engage in careful social contact.
- It would be wise to discuss what your anticipated policy will be ahead of any announcement.
- All domestic Canada-wide recreational travel will be allowed
- BC will lift the Provincial State of Emergency and Public Health Emergency
- Indoor and outdoor social gatherings can “return to normal,” such as attending a family reunion or having a sleepover
- Capacity for indoor and outdoor organized gatherings will increase, although safety plans will still be required (weddings etc.)
- No group limit for indoor and outdoor dining
- Fairs and festivals can operate with a COVID-19 Safety Plan in place
- Liquor service restrictions lifted | Casinos and nightclubs can operate with a limited capacity
- Continued return to the workplace | Seminars and bigger meetings allowed
- All indoor fitness classes allowed, usual capacity
We are planning a webinar to ensure there is an opportunity to address operational questions and best practices for industry as we reopen to Step 3. We understand the lack of information and detail is both frustrating and challenging and we are doing everything in our power to ensure we give you the information needed ahead of the transition to Step 3.
We will continue to share details in our Industry Updates and on our social media channels.
There are better days ahead for our industry and we will be here to help you navigate the journey.
Best regards,
Ingrid Jarrett
President & CEO
British Columbia Hotel Association
#OpenTheBorder | Take Thirty Second to Write to you MP Today
The U.S.-Canada border has been closed since March 2020. With more and more people getting vaccinated in both countries, and things returning to normal, it's time to start reopening the border so that Canadians and Americans can cross the border freely and businesses can get back to work.
Show your support for the tourism industry by writing your MP to tell them that we need a plan to safely reopen the border. By simply entering your address, the Tourism Industry Association of Canada has made it easy for you to have your voice heard by sending a pre-populated letter to your local MP
Sustainable Properties Wanted | Now Is Your Opportunity to Be Featured in InnFocus Magazine - Reach Out Today
British Columbia is full of accommodations that are raising the bar on sustainable and environmentally-driven operating practices.
InnFocus Magazine is looking for a diverse collection of properties to profile for our upcoming Fall issue which will be:
- published and distributed across our provincial hotel community, shared with national industry stakeholders, published on our BCHA website.
Are you a leader in sustainability? Email with a short description of how your property is leading the way for green practices in British Columbia.
BC Seeks International Advisory
on Economic Plan
Ravi Kahlon, Minister of Jobs, Economic Recovery and Innovation, announced Professor Mariana Mazzucato and her team at University College London’s Institute for Innovation and Public Purpose (IIPP), will advise the provincial government as it develops a long-term plan for a sustainable, inclusive and innovative economy.
Dr. Mazzucato is a professor of the economics of innovation and public value at UCL. She provides guidance to policy makers around the world on innovation-led inclusive and sustainable growth. She and her team will advise the provincial government on aligning public-sector capabilities, financing mechanisms and citizen engagement with a new mission-oriented innovation strategy for building an inclusive and sustainable economy.
The provincial government is seeking input from B.C. business groups, labour, Indigenous Nations, post-secondary institutions, not-for-profit organizations, local governments and the public.
The economic plan is expected to be released this fall.
AAA Diamond Inspections to resume, now including ATP Surface Testing. Is your facility prepared to pass?
In a global study conducted by Oliver Wyman, Traveller sentiment survey, cleanliness ranked as the most important factor for respondents when it comes to travelling again. This presents an opportunity for brands to differentiate from others and to capitalize on their ability to standardize processes and quality control. As the public re-enters the world with greater expectations, they are increasingly looking for third body validation of a facilities cleanliness measures.
AAA Diamond Inspections are set to resume from next Monday (June 28th) and they are going to include ATP Surface Testing. The AAA Diamond program’s new Inspected Clean™ criteria with ATP surface testing procedures can directly combat guest’s concerns by helping to restore their confidence in cleanliness. Here’s everything you need to know about the inspections:
- What are the benefits of being AAA Inspected & Approved?
- Only hotels and restaurants that pass the rigorous inspection process are designated as AAA Diamond properties. This indicates they offer clean, comfortable, hospitable places for members to stay and dine. It is more important now than ever before to restore guest’s confidence as they begin to cautiously travel again. Being marked as an AAA Diamond property will go a long way in providing guests with the peace of mind and reassurance they are looking for.
- What does the inspection involve?
- There are three areas that are evaluated during the inspection process:
- Quality: Operation qualifications essential to member satisfaction and safety.
- Cleanliness and Condition: Thoroughly clean, both visibly and surface tested which will now be done through ATP testing.
- Hospitality: Quality of the experience, range of amenities and levels of hospitality.
- What does the new addition of ATP testing mean?
- ATP testing has been added to the inspection because of the objective confirmation of cleaning success it provides. It is recognized by Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the National Institute of Health and is used in environments that require effective sanitation such as food service and manufacturing.
- Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP) is a molecule found in all living (or once living) cells. ATP testing seeks to detect residual ATP as an indicator of surface cleanliness. The presence of ATP on a surface indicates improper cleaning and the presence of contamination. This implies a potential for the surface to harbour and support bacterial growth.
- How can I take to pass ATP testing and safeguard my facility with a Surface Protection?
Understanding the difference between disinfecting and surface protection is vital. Disinfecting destroys or inactivates both bacteria and virus but only when applied correctly according to the products instructions and is only effective until the surface is touched by a contaminated person or item. Surface protection applies a protective layer to surfaces that eradicates microbes and harmful pathogens on contact preventing them from multiplying and growing, making for cleaner and safer surfaces.
Integral Surface Protection is the best-in-class program today. On average adopters of Integral Surface Protection Program have had 96% reduction in RLU count, passing ATP testing with flying colours.
Click to find out how the Integral Surfaces Protection Program works.
Contact Integral today to find out how we can help you pass ATP testing.
Invitation | Fore the Love of Tourism
15th Annual TIP Invitational
Golf Tournament 2021
Join Partners in Tourism (TIP) at the beautiful Fairmont Chateau Whistler Golf Club Friday, August 27, 2021 for the 15th Annual Fore the Love of Tourism TIP Invitational Golf Tournament.
Partners in Tourism – TIP Society was established in 2006 with the goal of fostering future generations of tourism professionals. Never has that been more important.
We are now seeing signs of recovery and in our collective spirit of optimism, we are again gathering for the Tourism Industry Partners (TIP) Invitational Golf Tournament to raise funds to support scholarships and awards to get the next generation back in the hospitality game.
Since its inception, Partners in Tourism – TIP has provided funding in excess of $700,000 to support training, the purchase of equipment and financial assistance to hospitality students. The need has never been greater.
Let’s TIP the scales in favour of up-and-coming tourism and hotel professionals.
#ICYMI | CMHA and go2HR Partnership: Promoting Mental Health Resources in Your Workplace
The Canadian Mental Health Association BC Chapter (CMHA BC) and go2HR have partnered on a new initiative to raise the awareness of mental health and wellness in the tourism and hospitality industry. This month, we’re exploring ways you can help promote and raise awareness of mental health in your workplace. Here are three simple things you can do to get started.
Raising awareness of mental health in your workplace isn’t hard to do. Here are a few suggestions from the Canadian Mental Health Association BC Chapter (CMHA BC) that can be a positive first step towards encouraging mental health and wellness awareness in the workplace.
- Start the Conversation: Include mental health policies and resources in employee orientation materials, signage in common areas and in other company materials.
- Keep Talking: Use one-on-one meetings to continue to check in with staff to see how they are doing on a routine basis.
Amplify the Message: Use company portals, newsletters and other internal communications to remind staff of your commitment to mental health wellness. You can even use this wording and copy and paste this text: “Looking for help, training, or community? BC’s Hub for Workplace Mental Health is available for you:”
June is Free Education Month at Small Business BC
Start your summer off on the right foot with a month of free education at Small Business BC.
Delivered in partnership with WorkSafeBC, June’s FREE Education Month delivers over 25 webinars and Talk to an Expert sessions, offering plenty of opportunities to upskill. Whether you’re looking to start or grow your business, our educational calendar for the month is stacked with informative and practical sessions that will put your business on the road to success.
The Path to Truth and Reconciliation Presented by Vancouver Board of Trade
Join for a conversation with Chief Terry Teegee, Regional Chief of the British Columbia Assembly of First Nations, as he addresses the business community to discuss the path to truth and reconciliation.
During the event we will also make space to remember and acknowledge the 215 children whose remains were recently found on the grounds of the Kamloops Indian Residential School as well as all those that suffered as a result of the residential school system. Every Child Matters.
Thursday, June 24, 2021 at 12:00 PM
Webinar: Rebuilding Tourism in the region presented by Greater Vancouver Board of Trade
Join to hear from leading industry experts to discuss:
- how the tourism sector will emerge post-pandemic,
- what needs to be done to recover, and
- what steps we can all take to support the tourism sector.
- Royce Chwin, President and CEO, Tourism Vancouver
- Keith Henry, President and CEO, Indigenous Tourism Association of Canada
- Timothy Liu, Managing Director, Sales Planning and Effectiveness, Air Canada
- Tracy Redies, President and CEO, Science World
- Moderator: Bridgitte Anderson, President and CEO, Greater Vancouver Board of Trade
Monday, June 28, 2021 at 12:00 PM
WorkSafeBC | Learn about WorkSafeBC’s preliminary 2022 rates
Attend WorkSafeBC’s virtual rate consultation sessions. During these sessions, WorkSafeBC will provide an overview of the preliminary rates for 2022, inform employers about rate and classification changes, and outline what they can do to influence their rates.
The sessions include a 60-minute presentation, followed by a live Question and Answer period - links will be forwarded to everyone who has registered for the session.
Dates and times (PST)
- Monday, July 19, 10:00 – 11:30 a.m.
- Monday, July 19, 1:00 – 2:30 p.m.
- Wednesday, July 21, 10:00 – 11:30 a.m.
- Wednesday, July 21, 1:00 – 2:30 p.m.
The presentation topics include:
- The financial state of the workers’ compensation system
- Rate and classification changes
- How you, as an employer, can influence your rates through improved health and safety
To register for the session of your choice, visit and fill in the registration form. You’re welcome to participate in any one of the virtual sessions. Participation is free For more information, please email
Congratulations! Tipping Our Hat to Industry
Mandy Farmer, President & CEO
Accent Inns & Hotel Zedd
Mandy Farmer, Accent Inns and Hotel Zed President & CEO, Appointed to Hotel Association of Canada Board of Directors.
Celebrated hotelier Mandy Farmer has been elected to the Hotel Association of Canada Board of Directors. There, she will use her voice, immeasurable talent, and unwavering resolve to support industry and champion the hotel sector.
Having a seasoned career in the hospitality industry Mandy Farmer became President and CEO of Accent Inns and Hotel Zed in 2008. Since then she has taken an innovative and fun approach to both hotel chains. Due to Mandy's tenacity, both brands are routinely recognized for their personal touches, out-of-the-box personalities, customer-focused service, as well as their commitment to community support.
Congratulations Mandy!
#Vaccinated! BCHA Board Director, Brian Rohl Gets Vaccinated with Second Dose | Follow His Lead and Get Your Vaccination As Soon As You Can
Brian Rohl, BCHA Board Director
Director, Corporate Purchasing & Cleanliness
Coast Hotels
The government of British Columbia has appointed world-renowned professor Mariana Mazzucato to help advise on post-pandemic economic decision making.
The University College London economist and her team at UCL’s Institute for Innovation and Public Purpose will advise the province as it develops its economic plan.
The province will also be seeking input from B.C. business groups, labour, Indigenous nations, post-secondary institutions, not-for-profit organizations, local governments and the public on the plan.
VICTORIA -- British Columbians are just eight days away from the date pegged for Step 3 of the province's reopening plan, when most remaining restrictions will be lifted. On Tuesday, B.C.’s top doctor, Dr. Bonnie Henry, indicated that the province looks to be on track for that to happen.
“This gives us a strong foundation for our summer of hope, a summer of healing,” said Henry, noting one million British Columbians have now been fully vaccinated.