July 30 - Aug. 13, 2019
Infants-TK News
Kick-Off Sunday
Sun., Sept. 8/ 10am
Fellowship Hall
Come celebrate Formation Kick-off Sunday! K-Adults will be introduced to this year's Sunday School teachers, meet our new Associate Pastor for Formation, and hear about the upcoming year. This is a great way for us to get to know one another better and build those church family ties. We hope you can join us!
God at the Movies
Aug. 4-Sept. 1/ 10am
Fellowship Hall
Plan on joining us for our summer Sunday School: God at the Movies. It will be an intergenerational (k-adults) gathering that uses movie clips that tie into our summer worship sermon series.

Movie Schedule:
Aug. 4: Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring
Aug. 11: Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse
Aug. 18: Tarzan
Aug. 25: Monsters Inc.
Sept. 1: Curpigeon (Animated Short)
2s-TK Sunday School Update
Sundays between 10-10:45am we have a 15 minute Bible time/class

We hope you can join us for Sunday School in the nursery! Our upcoming stories are:
2s Class:
  • Aug. 4 - Joseph & His Brothers
  • Aug. 11- Joseph Forgives His Brothers
3s, 4s, & TK Classes:
  • Aug. 4 - Two Coats for Joseph
  • Aug. 11 - Plenty to Eat
New Church Database!
Join Realm Connect Today
Our new church database, communications, and registration program needs you to sign up. All members are asked to go online to complete their profile so everyone will be connected to upcoming news and directory information. Instruction attached. Questions? Contact Lucy Caldwell.
Blessing of the Backpacks
Sun., Aug. 25/ 11:00am (Children's Time)

E veryone pre-k on up are invited to bring their school backpacks to church on this Sunday as we pray for the new school year.
We will also collect donations to Project Snack Bag which include: Chef Boyardee cups, fruit snacks/gummies/rolls, chewy granola bars, goldfish packs, popcorn, pudding, cereal.  
Upcoming Dates:
  • July 28- FEAST
  • Aug. 25- Blessing of the Backpacks & Drive
  • Sept. 8- Fall Kick-off Sunday (Classes "Move up")
  • Sept. 29- FEAST & Arts Plus
Director of Children's Ministry
Tammy Winchip 704.927.0265