Our swim marathon is May 21-24
Our annual swim marathon normally takes place every winter (this photo is from January 2020). But, due to the pandemic, we postponed. . .until now!

This year's marathon, with a few modifications, will take place Friday, May 21 through Monday, May 24.

Here's what's the same about this year's marathon:
  • Each swimmer will swim as many lengths as possible in an hour in the upstairs, 25-yard pool. (Greenfish will swim for 30 minutes, but in the downstairs pool.)
  • The marathon will provide an opportunity for swimmers to test their mettle and see how much they've progressed.
  • Swimmers will need one person to accompany them to count their lengths.
  • Swimmers will have the opportunity to fundraise (see below).

Here's what's different about this year's marathon:
  • The marathon is only open to swimmers registered for the late spring/summer season -- May 3-July1.
  • The marathon is not mandatory, but it's strongly encouraged because it's a great opportunity for swimmers to challenge themselves and experience the joy of accomplishment.
  • You will not sign up for a time slot. You will be assigned a time to swim based on your practice group. If your time does not work, we will help schedule a make-up swim.
  • Swimmers can only bring one person, wearing a mask, to cheer them on and count their lengths.
  • We will not award trophies to those completing the most lengths per age group. But we will offer prizes to all participants (see below).
Why we do the marathon
The most important reason for the marathon is providing an exciting challenge and benchmark. This is particularly important this year when we have not had swim meets to provide markers of progress.

Through the marathon, Flying Fish swimmers also raise money to help operate the swim team, our pools, and other programs of YWCA Evanston/North Shore.

Funds raised from the marathon help the YWCA:
  • provide healthy aquatic programming through the purchase of equipment and supplies for swimmers;
  • offer scholarships/financial aid to those who otherwise would not be able to afford swim lessons or participation on the team;
  • keep our swim team dues reasonable -- much lower than many other youth sports and swim teams in the area;
  • support the families who access our domestic violence services and other programs; and
  • bring violence prevention programming to local schools.

The Flying Fish swimmers from this 2019 video and 2020 video talk about why the marathon matters and their tips for swimming. Recognize anyone?
How to sign up for your swim
Look for an email from your coach with marathon times for your group. You'll simply respond to that email to confirm that you're swimming.
How to raise funds
You can raise funds in two ways:
  • solicit sponsors on your own;
  • create an online fundraising page.

If you solicit sponsors on your own, you can collect checks (made out to YWCA Evanston/North Shore) or cash.

If you want to set up an online fundraising page, you'll find instructions here.

Whichever way you choose, please return this form and any funds to your coach by June 12. (The form will help us determine your prizes.)

Not sure how many lengths you'll be able to swim? Email your coach for an estimate.

Our goal is to raise $50,000!
Everyone who participates in the marathon will receive a bag tag. Those who raise $100 or more will receive a swim cap and those who raise $250 or more will receive a t-shirt in addition to the other prizes.
Thank you for your support
Particularly during this challenging year, we offer a sincere thank you to our swimmers, parents, other family members, and caregivers for your involvement, flexibility and patience. We couldn't do it without you!

Learn more about YWCA Evanston/North Shore -- including our swim programs -- by watching this inspiring video from a few years ago, which has fun footage of Flying Fish swimmers, coaches, and past marathons.

If you're interested in donating or sponsoring a swimmer, contact Pete.
YWCA Flying Fish | 847-864-8445 | [email protected] | www.ywca-ens.org