InfoNet: News & Updates
April 10, 2020
AG Logo 2020

Annual Giving Pledge Campaign

You can still Pledge if you haven't had to the change. Go Online or print out the form and mail it in.

Pastor Jack's Weekly Wonder
Dear Friends,

In a “Garfield” cartoon I’ve saved, Jon looks down upon his sublime supine sleeping feline and warns, “Time is running out, Garfield.” In thought bubbles, without moving so much as a whisker, the ever-awake Garfield replies, “Okay… What else is time going to do?” and dozes on. 
Jon’s words remind me of Bob Dylan’s warning, sung in 1964 – “The times, they are a’changin’.” His call was sent to writers and critics, senators and congressmen, mothers and fathers, slow and fast, first and last. 
At least the word “congressmen” has changed to our benefit. But Garfield’s answer still fits. “What else is time going to do?” 
Religious Education
The Resurrection of Wednesday Adult Religious Studies Discussions (Via ZOOM)
Starting Wednesday, April 15, 10:00am – We will conclude our reflections on Stephen Prothero’s God is Not One: The Eight Rival Religions That Run the World with the final chapter, “ Atheism: The Way of Reason ,” and the book’s conclusion. Quotes from the chapter and conclusion will be sent to all on the mailing list – contact Pastor Jack to be included.

Starting Wednesday, April 29, 10:00am – We will begin a five-session discussion of Frances Moore Lappe’s Daring Democracy: Igniting Power, Meaning, and Connection for the America We Want . Quotes will be provided as the focus of each discussion.
Children's Religious Education:
April 12, 2020

This month’s theme for Religious Education is Liberation

This week's theme pertains to ‘Easter’.

Check out our lessons and more in our weekly newsletter
What - you aren't receiving it? Please contact   .

Check out our Virtual Gatherings & Worship Services page to find out more about how we are bring UUSP RE to you

Click on the pictures for the Lessons of the week from our RE Staff!

Experimental Online Weekly Meditation Schedule
Tuesdays and Thursdays Contemplative Meditation:
Pastor Jack will offer a ten-minute online contemplative meditation based on selected readings. Readings this past week were from Teresa of Avila and a Passover Prayer; this coming week from Annie Dillard and Robert Frost. 

Thursdays Mindfulness Meditation at 8am:  Pastor Jack hopes to utilize Zoom to host a twenty-minute silent meditation starting 8:00 a.m., followed by time for anyone who would like to check-in, explore or chat. Hopefully, a Zoom invitation will be sent to all members before Thursday.  

How do you get online - check out Virtual Gatherings & Worship Services page to help.
UUSP Community
UUSP Play Reading Group:
The Passion of Henry David Thoreau

Joyce Carol Oates’ play takes place in and around Concord MA, Walden Pond and inside Thoreau’s head. The principle characters and themes will be of interest to UU members.
Jean & Denis Calandra will host a series of virtual readings, splitting the play into 3 sessions at 4pm on consecutive Sunday afternoons April 19, 26 and May 2.
Five female and five male readers will be best for casting purposes. Click here to  RSVP .
Thursday Online Citizens' Cafe'
12:00pm - 1:00pm, f or lively conversation about public issues of our times, hosted by Pastor Jack. Just go to  for a video connection via webcam or dial in by phone to 318.490.8210 (pin 949711621).
Caring & Connected Newsletter
We are continuing to sent out the e-newsletter  “Caring & Connected” to help sustain our UUSP community during uncertain times. Click  here to read it and learn “how can I help?” and "how can I stay connected?” during the church closure. 

for the Communications Team
Staying Connected With Pastor Jack & Staff
Pastor’s Open-Air Office Hours:   :   For those experiencing a serious sense of isolation, you are welcome to contact Pastor Jack (352-327-6166)  to arrange a visit online or in the open air at the church.

For members with mobility limitations, upon request, I will be glad to visit with you at any open-air location (eg, backyards, porches, local parks).

UPDATED: Our UUSP staff members will continue their duties in a safe, cautious manner to the fullest degree possible. Our Church Office Administrator is now working from home and can be reached at .

During this challenging time, may we remember that we need to pay close attention to how everybody is doing and how we can help.   
Resources within UUSP
Helping One Another: If you need help, or need to talk. Or if you know of a UUSPer who might? Please notify Patti Hanks , Care Committee or Reach out to Pastor Jack.
Our UUSP Sermons (printed or audio) are available on UUSP's website :  C lick the Spirituality tab, click Worship Services and Sermons. Scroll down the services and you will see "Sermons and Readings" and Audio Icon (small speaker) and will now be on our UUSP YouTube Channel .
Our mission is to be an inclusive , evolving religious community that inspires spiritual and intellectual growth to make our world a better place .