InfoNet: News & Updates
March 27, 2020
Please pledge online now.  

All members are asked to submit a pledge for fiscal year 2021 by   April 6  so that our financial team can develop a budget for the upcoming year. See the Annual Giving Pledge Campaign Newsletter for more information.
AG Logo 2020
Input Needed for the Nominating Committee
The Nominating Committee is working now to nominate people to fill the following positions:

  • UUSP Board of Trustees: 2 positions for 3-years terms

  • UUSP Board Clerk: 1 position, 1-year term - This person is responsible for preparing and posting meeting minutes, and for organizing the administrative elements of congregational meetings, including voting processes.

  • Board of Endowment: 2 positions for three-year terms

Please think about who might be a good fit for these positions - maybe you? 

Pass along your thoughts to the committee members: Paul Burnore , Patti Hanks , and Randy Nolan . Thanks!
Announcements from Pastor Jack
Dear Friends,

Public health officials are all saying “Stay away from each other.” One of the feelings that can come up at a time of such strange isolation is helplessness – feeling like we don’t know what we can do to make things better.

One of the time-tested answers to helplessness is to help someone else. But if it makes things worse to go public, how do you help? One thing that comes to mind is to help the helpers who are set up for times like these to meet the needs of the neediest - like the St. Pete Free Clinic & Daystar Life Center.  

With that thought, I googled the Free Clinic, read about its Food Bank, and designated a donation there. Helping the Free Clinic to help more people helped me feel not helpless.  

I sat down and wrote a rather lengthy To Do list which is now my Can Do list, which feels much better than a Can’t Do Anything list.

Now I’ll go to the UUSP website (, find the Giving tab, and contribute to our Social Justice Committee’s UUs Helping People (UUHP), which manages our Friday evening meals for the homeless and hungry.

On somebody’s advice, I also went to the domestic abuse response agency CASA website and contributed there when I saw that Steward Butterfield, co-founder of Slack, promised to match over donation five times over. Now I’ve just read that CASA raised $25,000 in the last 24 hours, which will mean $125,000 more, I believe. Congratulations, St. Petersburg.

Join me this weekend for our online “Weekend Service” (at ). We are trying to make the Service both simple and meaningful to help minimize travel and maximize connection. 

I hope you are doing the same.

Lots to do. Stay in touch. Appreciation for all,  

Pastor Jack
Religious Education
Wednesday Adult Religious Studies Discussions
(Via ZOOM)
As an experiment, some of us were able to sign up for an educational intensive presented by environmental justice lead organization Pachamama, entitled “Game Changers” – a program designed to empower those who want to be effectively active in establishing what UUs aim for: a world community with peace, liberty and justice for all including the interdependent web of which we are a part. The “experiment” part is our hope that we can share this with the congregation more widely than among those who were able to sign up. Stay tuned!
Reading Ahead for Wednesday Discussions post-COVID19:
You might get started on Frances Moore Lappe’s important new book, Daring Democracy: Igniting Power, Meaning, and Connection for the America We Want . (Published by the UUA’s Beacon Press.) Or it may be that we’ll do it online sooner
Click on the pictures to hear the Lessons for the week from our RE Staff!
Religious Education:
This month’s theme for Religious Education is Wisdom
This week's theme pertains to ‘Wisdom of Our Bodies’.

We will be sharing lesson's online for awhile.
For more information during this time or to review the weekly e-newsletter or contact   [email protected]  .
UUSP Community
Local, Organic Produce Delivery
Long-time UUSP members (and entrepreneurial environmentalists) Marcile Powers and Keevy McAlavy operate a home delivery service of locally grown boxes of veggies and fruit from small local farmers*. 
Charge: $20 (tip requested for delivery drivers).
Place orders (noting any food allergies) on their website
*  Helping keep nutrition in the community.

practicing social distancing March 2020
Caring & Connected Newsletter
On Monday, we started an occasional e-newsletter  “Caring & Connected”
to help sustain our UUSP community during uncertain times. Click  here
to read it and learn “how can I help?” and "how can I stay connected?”
during the church closure. - Sharon Winters, for the Communications Team

Staying Connected With Pastor Jack & Staff
Pastor’s Open-Air Office Hours:  In case you missed it, the process has changed to “open -air office hours”.  Henceforth, please phone, text or email me to set a convenient time for a visit on the front porch/portico at UUSP. That way, we won’t be restricted to just the noon our. (Contacts: 352-327-6166 or [email protected] ).

For members with mobility limitations, upon request, I will be glad to visit with you at any open-air location (eg, backyards, porches, local parks).

Our UUSP staff members will continue their duties in a safe, cautious manner to the fullest degree possible. (Church Office 727-898-3294)

During this challenging time, may we remember that we need to pay close attention to how everybody is doing and how we can help.   
Resources within UUSP

Helping One Another: I f you need help or know a UUSPer who might? Please notify Patti Hanks, Care Committee [email protected]  
JOB POSSIBILITIES (Pass it on) – UUSP member Greg Davidson noted an article in a St. Pete Chamber of Commerce newsletter reporting that the St Petersburg Foundation is helping locate jobs for people recently laid off, particularly in a wide variety of jobs now open in non-profits. (

Our UUSP Sermons (printed or audio) are available on UUSP's website:   Go to , click the Spirituality tab, click Worship Services and Sermons. Scroll down the services and you will see "Sermons and Readings" and Audio Icon (small speaker) and will now be on our YouTube Channel (
Our mission is to be an inclusive , evolving religious community that inspires spiritual and intellectual growth to make our world a better place .