InfoNet: News & Updates
March 6, 2020
Congregational Meeting Attendance 
Our sincere thanks to each of you who attended last Sunday’s Congregational Meeting. We needed a Quorum of 93 — and 133 checked in. To us that signifies a strong and deep commitment to our congregation.

Your Settlement Task Force: Karen Coale, Greg Davidson and Margie Davis.
Announcements from Pastor Jack
I wonder what the future holds for our congregation and for each of us in it. Last Sunday’s congregational meeting gives me a strong hint, I think. 

The Board and its appointed support teams put in lots of thought and time on some key issues about our Endowment Fund, the democratic ways of our congregational voting processes, and having a “settled” minister. And how impressive (wonderful, really) it was to have such a smooth congregational meeting, largely because so much devotion was given over several months to the study of the issues at congregational hearings.

We may not know exactly what the future holds. But, judging from our recent process, we certainly have some wisdom about what kind of present living makes for a good future.

So many thanks to our congregation and its leaders. I have loved every minute of being the contract minister to our congregation. And now I look forward to the same as UUSP’s called minister. I believe the trajectory of our future will continue on the same arc as these past five years because of our continuing commitment to growth in understanding, caring, and community. 
I’m very grateful to be on the journey with you all and look forward to our continuing conversations.

Pastor Jack

  • How to become a UUSP Member: Sunday, March 8, after the service (11:45-12:45).  Considering joining our congregation? Come to our question and answer session about the UU tradition, UUSP activities, and how to join as a member. In Conway Hall. Pastor Jack & Membership chair Pat Fling

  • Tuesday Meditation and/or Brown Bag Lunch: Meditation 12-12:30; Lunch 12:30-1:15 – Gilmour Social Hall
Religious Education
Wednesday Adult Religious Studies Discussions,
March 11 :

“Daoism: The Way of Flourishing” – Religion #8 from God Is Not One: The Eight Rival Religions That Run the World by Prof. Stephen Prothero - discussion on the lessons for us from the differing purposes and practices of the world’s major religions. Conway Hall Wednesdays at 10am and 7pm (your choice). Everyone is always welcome. Discussion quotes provided. Contact Pastor Jack if you haven’t received the discussion quotes.

Next Book For Wednesday Religious Studies Discussions – starting Wednesday, April 15 (10am and 7pm, your choice) – a book for our times:  Daring Democracy: Igniting Power, Meaning, and Connection for the America We Want , by Frances Moore Lappe (author of the groundbreaking Diet for a Small Planet) and Adam Eichen.  As always quoted passages will be provided for discussion.
 Pastor Jack  

You can share your values, hopes and dreams for family and friends by creating your Legacy Lifeprint document. Join us for an upcoming workshop, to be announced soon.

Contact Barbara Archibald for more information
Religious Education:
March 8, 2020

This month’s theme for Religious Education is Wisdom. 
We have our final segment of Guests At Your Table. This week's theme pertains to ‘Clowning’. The story of wisdom with laughter for example is the Emperor's New clothes. We have a field trip coming up March 29th! Trip slips available. For more information about the themed curriculum, review the weekly e-newsletter or contact .

Nursery care is provided in Conway Hall from 10:00am - 12pm for infants through preschool by Laura and volunteer assistant. 

Family Seating for service: On the front, right side of the sanctuary, the first two rows are labeled and reserved for families with children. After “Story For All Ages” the children will stay until about 10:40am and will return to their parents at 11:45am.

Thank you for your support.

Social Justice
Don't forget your Guest At the Table Donations!! This Sunday!!
Postcards: The Refugee
Protection Act
S unday, March 8, 2020: 11:30-12:30pm in the Library

Join us in the library after service to advocate for the  Refugee Protection Ac t. Under the “Remain in Mexico” policy, migrants who request asylum are sent back to Mexico to await their assigned date with an U.S. immigration Court. The conditions are deplorable with migrants often living in makeshift camps for months. They sleep outside in the cold and live without access to basic hygiene resources like a bathroom. 

The  Pinellas Coalition for Immigrant Justice , which UU St Pete is a member of, has decided to witness and provide support at the Brownsville, TX/Matamoros, MX border. In January UU St Pete donated clothing which Coalition witnesses delivered to migrants in Matamoros. 

We recently donated a Share the Plate of $558 to Team Brownsville to provide meals to those trapped in Matamoros. Thank you! Today we will write postcards asking our US Congressman and Senators to pass legislation that will protect these migrants by restoring their rights to asylum consideration.

Contact:  Karen Coale
Change in Fair Trade Sales Schedule for March

This month Fair Trade Coffee, Tea and Chocolate with be offered after the Sunday Service on March 15 and March 29.
Green Sanctuary
UUSP is forming a Green Sanctuary taskforce.  We will meet  Wednesday, March 25, at both 10:00am and 7:00pm  in Conway Middle Room to discuss possibilities for joining the UUA’s Green Sanctuary program. 
The Green Sanctuary program is the national Unitarian Universalist program for encouraging environmental justice. UU member and retired UU minister Bob Murphy, who helped to create the program, will be with us to provide some assistance. All are invited. 

Also, the 50th anniversary of the first Earth Day will take place on April 22 and Bob will provide us with some information about plans in Saint Petersburg.
Click the icon for more information...

UUSP Community
March Madness Mops and Flops
It's time to roll up our sleeves and put a shine on UUSP.
Lots of chores inside and out; something for everybody
No skills necessary; light refreshments provided.
  • Saturday, March 7, 10am -noon
  • Sunday, March 15, noon – 2:30pm 
  • Thursday, March 19, 5:30-7:30pm
  • Thursday, March 26th, 5:30-7:30pm
Great service opportunity for youth, committees, covenant groups!
Contact:  Sabine  or 973-768-3256
Mingles events are a great way for you to support UUSP and have a wonderful time getting to know people. Tickets for the following event will be on sale this Sunday during Coffee Hour, or you can contact Susan Burnore at  for more information or to reserve tickets. 
Come join the fun!
Build UU Friendships: New Circle Dinner Invitation

Good news! Our first two Circle Dinners are fully booked! The next one to sign up for will be on Tuesday, April 21 to gather at 5:30 and dinner at 6:30, at the home of Sally Wallace in St Pete. Either reply here or see Pat Fling after service on Sunday to sign up! This is a great way for more recent and longer time UU's to build friendships.
Trees of Life”  – UUSP’S Sunday Studio:
W ill offer “ The Spring Bling Expressive Arts Workshop!” on Sunday, March 22 . We are now collecting we’re now collecting “bling” for the workshop!   Got old costume jewelry you’d be willing to donate in preparation for this third workshop in our season expressive arts series? Please see Alisun Donovan, Cynthia Alicea, or Jill Oldenski to share your treasures. Details about the workshop and sign-up dates coming soon. Thanks!
UUA General Assembly
Providence RI June 24-28, 2020

Some of our UUSP congregation have registered for GA. It would be nice to encourage others to go.
It is an amazing experience where attendees learn about other UU congregations, vote on UUA initiatives, attend workshops and lectures, and become reinvigorated with UU spirit.
Click on the picture for more information.

Please reach out to Carol Ulmer for more information.

Resources within UUSP
Helping One Another: If you need help or know a UUSPer who might? Please notify Patti Hanks, Care Committee  
Tuesday Meditation and/or Brown Bag Lunch:  Meditation 12-12:30;
Lunch 12:30-1:15pm - Gilmour Social Hall.

Our UUSP Sermons (printed or audio) are available on UUSP's website:  Go to , click the Spirituality tab, click Worship Services and Sermons. Scroll down the services and you will see "Sermons and Readings" and Audio Icon (small speaker).
UUSP Covenant Groups – trusted circles for sharing about life. Contact: Patti Hanks ( ).
Nametags For Our Frequent Visitors:
If you come often and would like a permanent name tag, please email Dave Coale at

Parking availability during construction (anticipated completions July 2020)
To Help With Available Parking - Click HERE parking
Our mission is to be an inclusive , evolving religious community that inspires spiritual and intellectual growth to make our world a better place .