Annual Congregational Meeting Via Zoom
After our Virtual Sunday Services at 11:am
Our Annual Congregational Meeting will focus on the 2020-2021 Budget and nominations for new Board Members, Endowment Board Members, and church officers. A Zoom meeting will be set up, and invitations will be sent out via email the week before the meeting. All members will receive a mailing with information about the proposed budget and nominees.
This Week at a Glance:
Zoom Lunchtime Check-in/Chat 12:00pm
(mindful meditation* on your own, pre or post).
Zoom Adult Religious Studies Discussions (10am/7pm) F.M. Lappe's Daring Democracy, Chpt 6
Zoom Citizen's Cafe' 12:00pm lunch hour & conversations on the news of our times
Zoom invitations are sent to all members and also to friends who request invitations.
Pastor Jack
directly to be added or removed from the distribution list.
Pastor Jack's Weekly Wonder
Dear Friends,
Each Sunday we affirm
our covenant to help one another. Wha
t a nice complete simple agreement! We’re in relationship with one another. It’s the only source of help there is – relationship – necessarily mutual if to be sustained. None of us does well without it.
What can we do to help one another during the distancing of relationship now required? The anthropologists used to urge upon us Peace Corps Volunteer trainees that, as outsiders, you can’t help until you understand a person’s or people’s need felt inside. And the only way to get inside is to be present and listen dialogically (that is, mutually, with curiosity and openness and pondering).
Attend The
UUA Virtual General Assembly
June 24 - 28, 2020
Registration is $150 - quite the bargain, with no travel expenses! You can
Free viewings of General Sessions and Sunday Worship will be live-streamed at
Wednesday Zoom Adult Religious Studies Book Discussions
June 3, 10:00am & 7:00pm
Chapt. 6; Meet the Democracy Movement
We will begin a five-session discussion of Frances Moore Lappe’s
Daring Democracy: Igniting Power, Meaning, and Connection for the America We Want
. Quotes will be provided as the focus of each discussion. Contact
Pastor Jack
to receive the Zoom Link and Discussion points.
Children's Religious Education:
May 31, 2020
This month’s theme for Religious Education is
Reflect on your experience during a visualization and threshold of fantasy.
Check out our lessons and more in our weekly newsletter
What? - you aren't receiving it?
Click on the pictures for the Lessons of the week from our RE Staff!
Miss Trish (above) K - 3rd grade
Miss Jeanay (below) 4th - 12th grade
Online Weekly Meditation Schedule
(feedback appreciated)
Contemplative Meditation Readings (Mondays & Thursdays)
Monday, June 1: Tao Philosophers as Cedar Waxwings
Thursday, June 4:
Earth Charter
, Karen Armstong
*Mindfulness Meditation Sessions
(Vipassana/Insight Meditation) guidelines:
- Set your alarm for 5 to 40 minutes;
- Sit erect, breathe deeply once or twice to relax;
- Watch your breathing ease to normal, observing breath come and go;
- Count in cycles of ten breaths if it helps you keep observing – or repeat a “sacred” word for focus (eg, peace, grace, life, thanks, care, see, being);
- If deep focus is lost to extraneous thought, feeling, or sensation, note it simply as “thought” or “feeling” or “sensation” and return to your breath or word;
- Sometimes, for deeper peace, try shifting attention to consciousness itself or to your sense of being.
- When your timer goes off, remain awake.
Kitchen Rehab & Facilities Master
Plan Update
Sunday Jun 7, 2020 at 11:15am
Join Cal Fox, Reggie Craig & Sharon Winters with the Buildings & Grounds Team to get the latest scoop; Q&A to follow.
Our architect will be presenting a number of Facilities Master Plan options for our review in early June - Sharon will share context for our work to date and what comes next.
Cal, Reggie and architect Martin Gold have completed planning, construction drawings and cost estimates for our kitchen rehab project. The project will be considered as part of our larger Facilities Master Plan.
Join us to hear all the juicy details.
— Sharon Winters, Design & Planning/B&G
Caring & Connected Newsletter
We are continuing to sent out the e-newsletter
“Caring & Connected”
to help sustain our UUSP community during uncertain times. Click
to read it and learn “how can I help?” and "how can I stay connected?” during the church closure.
for the Communications Team
Staying Connected With Pastor Jack & Staff
Pastor’s Open-Air Office Hours:
For those experiencing a serious sense of isolation, you are welcome to contact
Pastor Jack
(352-327-6166) to arrange a visit online or in the open air at the church.
For members with mobility limitations, upon request, he will be glad to visit with you at any open-air location (eg, backyards, porches, local parks).
Our UUSP staff members will continue their duties in a safe, cautious manner to the fullest degree possible. Our Church Office Administrator is now working from home and can be reached at
During this challenging time, may we remember that we need to pay close attention to how everybody is doing and how we can help.
Helping One Another:
If you need help, or need to talk. Or if you know of a UUSPer who might? Please notify
Patti Hanks
, Care Committee or Reach out to
Pastor Jack
Joys & Concerns:
Share those
you are having during this time of separation, as they will help us all feel the light. You may also have
, reach out to
Pastor Jack
Patti Hanks
so we can help lift you up or lift those that may need it.
For some of our services prior to the COVID-19 changes, Click the Spirituality tab, click Worship Services and Sermons. Scroll down the services and you will see "Sermons and Readings" and Audio Icon (small speaker). All Services from mid-March - current will now be on our
UUSP YouTube Channel
Thank you for your interest in UU St. Petersburg!
From me to you and to those around you Be Safe and Be Well!
Kelli DeGraw, part of your Communications Team.
Feedback and suggestions are welcome (
Our mission is to be an
religious community that inspires
growth to make our world a
better place
Unitarian Universalist Church of St. Petersburg