Mass. Life Sciences Center Launches 4th Round of
Angel Investor Tax Credit Program
The Massachusetts Life Sciences Center (MLSC) Angel Investor Tax Credit program is offered to investors interested in funding early-stage companies engaged in life sciences research and development, commercialization, and manufacturing in Massachusetts. The program provides a taxpayer investor a credit of 20% of the qualifying investment, or 30% if the business is located in a gateway municipality, in a business that has no more than $500,000 in gross revenues in the year prior to eligibility.
Credits are available up to $50,000 in any one taxable year for qualifying investments of up to $125,000 per qualifying business per year and up to $250,000 in cumulative qualifying investments for each qualifying business.
The deadline for submission of applications for qualifying investments made during calendar year 2023 is January 16th, 2024. Applications are accepted on a rolling basis. If a business wishes to apply for early qualification as a Qualifying Business for the 2023 program, the deadline to submit their application is September 15th, 2023 at 5:00 PM.
Requirements for the program include:
- Taxpayer Investors must be “accredited” as defined by the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission and may not be a principal owner of the business or involved in a full-time professional capacity.
- Qualifying business must be registered to do business in Massachusetts, have 20 or fewer full-time employees at the time of the investment, and have $500,000 or less in gross revenues in the year prior to eligibility.
- A qualifying investment is a monetary investment that is at risk and is not secured or guaranteed.
Click here for more information regarding the program.
Click here for the 2023 Angel Investor Tax Credit Program Angel Investor Application.
Click here for the 2023 Angel Investor Tax Credit Program Company Application.