Haines City Nowl Issue 22-145 | September 15, 2022
City Department Phone Numbers
City operations continue for customers, business owners, and residents by phone/teleconference. A list of all department contact numbers are as follows:
  • City Clerk's Office – (863) 421-9921
  • City Manager's Office – (863) 421-3650
  • Code Compliance - (863) 421-9937
  • Development Services – (863) 419-3229
  • Finance – (863) 421-3600
  • Fire Department – (863) 421-3611
  • Human Resources – (863) 421-9927
  • Library - (863) 421-3633
  • Parks & Recreation – (863) 421-3700
  • Permitting – (863) 421-5571
  • Police Department – (863) 421-3636
  • Public Works – (863) 421-3777
  • Technology Management – (863) 419-3520
  • Utilities – (863) 421-3695

monthly news from the City Manager

Connecting to the City Social Media Pages
Want updates about YOUR City?
Road closures, special events, reminders for upcoming meetings?
Haines City is moving FORWARD.
Be part of the journey and get connected!
Follow us on Facebook! @hainescity #HCFORWARD
City Clerk's Office 
Erica Sanchez
Interim City Clerk
Upcoming Cemetery Clean-Up
Non-Profits, Education, Charitable and Health Organizations
Please feel free to send information you would like highlighted to our citizens and staff members to Margie Wells mwells@hainescity.com. Upon review and approval by our City Manager, we will list your information (flyers, links, etc.) under our "Community Information and Events" section which is sent out on the 15th of each month. Please ensure your event is within the timeframe of the monthly e-mail or in advance of an upcoming month.
Deadline for submissions is the 8th of each month.
Community Information and Events
Stay Informed On What's Going on
in the Business Community
The Haines City Area Chamber of Commerce is an excellent way to promote your business and showcase your services. Click on the link below to keep up-to-date on all the wonderful things your Chamber is doing to promote businesses in and around Haines City and contact them to become a member!

Become a part of Haines City
Welcome to the best location to open, expand, or relocate your business

We exist to create and sustain a prosperous and diverse business community. In concert with government, investors, educational, and economic development partners; the mission of the EDC is to build a diverse economy. This mission will be achieved by initiating business investment and trade, and by leading the city’s efforts, thereby positioning Haines City as an excellent business location. Click here for detailed information on what the Haines City Economic Development Council can do for you www.hainescityedc.com
Omicron Update From AdventHealth - Some COVID-19 cases are mild, but this “is not the common cold,” cautions AdventHealth epidemiologist. Click HERE to read more.  
Important Message from AdventHealth
on the COVID-19 Vaccine 
Please see the following important announcement from AdventHealth - “The U.S. Food and Drug Administration issued an emergency use authorization for a COVID-19 vaccine, and additionally, AdventHealth’s Scientific Committee also reviewed the data and approved its use.
This great news means we’re one step closer to protecting our frontline workers – and eventually the greater community – against the spread of the virus.
AdventHealth Orlando was selected by the state to be one of Florida’s first locations for COVID-19 vaccination distribution and administration, and plans are in place to administer the vaccine to select frontline team members in upcoming days.
With this milestone, we know there are many questions from our community. We have prepared this short video featuring our leading experts who address some of the most frequently asked questions about the vaccine.
We encourage you to share this video with your employees, constituents and supporters. With so much misinformation available, it’s important that AdventHealth’s physicians and researchers continue to be a trusted source of truth for our community.
We encourage you to share this video with your employees, constituents and supporters. With so much misinformation available, it’s important that AdventHealth’s physicians and researchers continue to be a trusted source of truth for our community.
We also continue to update our new website, www.CoronavirusVaccineFacts.com and so I also encourage you to share that with your team and the community.
Thank you for your continued partnership and trusting AdventHealth.”

AdventHealth latest Community Briefing.  Click HERE for more info.  
Public Transit in Polk County offers a Travel Training program to familiarize individuals with their transportation services; a TD program - a Transportation Disadvantaged program to assist individuals who lack transportation due to disability, income, age or being an at risk child, and an ADA program available for persons with disabilities who are unable to ride the fixed route buses.​ Forms and applications available at the Chamber office or download: Travel Training app Travel Training overview TD App. TD OverviewADA App.
New Direction Academy - An accredited private school for grades K–12, students benefit from: Individualized Learning Plans;  Outlining Academic Goals; Dedicated Teachers Trained to Teach; Rolling Start Dates Every Semester; Accredited by FDOE and AdvancED; Full Scholarship Opportunities. More Info click here.  

Ambassadors Christian Academy is a 501c3 in need of laptops and tablets. If you are able to help please contact Pastor Eryk Anglin at 863-852-4031.
In partnership with the George Jenkins Foundation Ending Hunger Initiative and The United Way of Central Florida, Central Florida Health Care is proud to announce a FREE food distribution for the families of Polk county . No qualifications necessary, each family* will receive a week's worth of free food that will feed a family of four. Click  HERE  for a calendar including all dates, or you can visit the  Resources page  on the CFHC website to access the calendar. Feel free to contact 863-216-2816 for more information. *Available on a first-come, first-serve basis, while supplies last.  
Parkview Housing Food Pantry needs donations - Ravioli (all types), spaghetti and meatballs, Mac and Cheese (bowls), Vienna sausage, peanut butter, sandwich crackers, fruit cups, Jello, breakfast bars, juices (packs/pouches). Donations can be dropped off at the Chamber office during normal business hours.
The Haines City Community Theatre has recently announced its 2022-2023 season of plays. They are currently looking for businesses or individuals that would be willing to purchase a business ad. The theatre operates as a nonprofit organization and as such, donations are tax deductible. Click HERE for more info. 
From UF/IFAS Extension Polk County - UF/IFAS Extension Polk County Family and Consumer Sciences offers a variety of food and nutrition classes! Click the link: www.PolkFCS.eventbrite.com Click the link for gardening and landscaping classes. www.polkgardening.eventbrite.com

East Area Adult School has GED and ESOL Classes, in person and online. Click HERE for a list of classes and locations.  

Hands of Hope America - 4 Corners Resource Center & Food Pantry - Assistance for those with food insecurity & resources for those in need within the Four Corners of Lake, Polk, Osceola & Orange County. 9230 Hwy. 192, Clermont, FL 34714 - 352-432-3353 - Monday - Wednesday, 11:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. Click HERE for the flyer.  
Special Events, Athletics, Library, Recreation, Parks
Terrell Griffin
Parks & Recreation Director
The Lake Eva Aquatic Center and the Janet J. Smith Aquatic Facility closed for the season on September 5. Senior swim has also concluded and will start back up Spring of 2023.
The 2023 pool season dates, swim lessons, and other programing details will be released early spring 2023.
The Haines City Triton’s will be hosting the 2022 Heart of Florida swim meet on Saturday September 17, 2022. The swim meet starts at 9am and will run throughout the day. This is a USA Sanctioned swim meet that will play host to 10 teams from around the surrounding areas. 

Senior Swim Program
Haines City resident and Senior Swim participant, John Sermons was featured by Spectrum News (Bay News 9) on their Everyday Hero segment. Mr. Johnny keeps Haines City seniors active in the pool (baynews9.com)
Congratulations Aquatic Supervisor, Heidi McIntee
Heidi recently graduated from the Abrahams-Jones Academy for Leadership Excellence!

The Academy is designed for Senior Managers who are able to meet certain prerequisites, and aspire to become a member of an executive level leadership team within a parks and recreation agency. The Academy provides an opportunity for participants to explore and develop their leadership capacity, create personal leadership advancement plans, and encourages personal introspection, group activity and individual assessment

The year-long experience commences with the initial training and continues throughout the year with suggested readings, group interaction through conference calls and social media, and one on one mentorship from a coach. Combining the initial training and post-Academy activity, participants begin to transfer theory into practice in preparation for assuming executive level leadership positions in the parks and recreation field.
Click on this link to see the
Parks & Recreation Athletics Information:
Recreation, Seniors, Wellness
Click on this link (and scroll down to
"City Calendar) to review the
entire calendar of events for
Recreation, Wellness and Senior Events:

***New Class Alert*** Computer Class - Beginning Monday, September 12th at 10:00 a.m., the Haines City Public Library will be conducting computer classes at the Oakland Neighborhood Center. Every other session (starting September 12th) will be an open assistance for computers, iPads, Kindles, etc. The other sessions will be focused learning experiences on computer basics.
Oil Painting Classes
Join these Oil Painting Classes to have fun while learning techniques in fine art, traditional oils! This ongoing class gives participants the opportunity to complete beautiful and unique paintings! All skill levels are welcome! Monday classes work on a different painting than Tuesday classes. Each painting could take 2-3 class sessions.

Monday classes are 1:00-3:00 p.m.. Tuesday classes are 4:30-6:30 p.m.. Classes are held at the Lake Eva Community Center Art Room. For ages 18+! Cost is $25 per class plus the $10 Annual Parks and Recreation Fee (once per year fee, plus tax). 

Participants must contact and sign up in advance with the Oil Painting Instructors to participate at 863-289-4047 or heresnicky@hotmail.com
6th Annual Tennis Thanks the Troops
It’s that time again! Our 6th annual event will be on Friday, November 11th and Saturday, November 12th. The entry fees are still a modest $10 per junior and $40 per adult team, so most of the funds for the charity will be raised through sponsorship. Title Sponsor - $1000, Gold Sponsors - $500, Silver Sponsors - $250, and Bronze Sponsors - $100. Reach out to Tennis Professional Jeff McCardle at 863-651-7408 for more information.

Xtreme Hip Hop with Carla Fitness Classes
This is a step aerobics class! This program is held to help participants be active, gain energy, lose weight, and build a community to support and motivate! Classes are Tuesdays at the Lake Eva Community Center and Thursdays at the Oakland Auditorium from 6:00-7:30 p.m.. The cost is $10 per class or a discounted monthly rate. Interested in joining? Reach out to Haines City Parks & Recreation at 863-421-3700.
Risk Club Independent Life Skills
Risk Club Independent Living will teach participants practical life skills. Participants also have the ability to attend college tours, business tours, and other benefiting trips! This program has started back meeting September 8th! Reach out to the Haines City Parks & Recreation Oakland Neighborhood Center office at 863-421-3720 for more information. 
Girls Scouts at the Oakland Neighborhood Center
Girl Scouts participants will learn Girl Scouts traditions, financial literacy, leadership skills, outdoor skills, community service, and STEM skills. This group meets Wednesday evenings at the Oakland Neighborhood Center from 5:30-7:30 p.m.. This program is free of cost. Reach out to Program Leader Bonnie Soto for more information: bsoto8@outlook.com
Karate for Success
Karate for Success is now offered Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday evenings from 6:00-8:00 p.m. at the Lake Eva Community Center Multi-Purpose Room. The classes are focused on helping participants develop a positive attitude, behavior, and character. Interested in signing up a participant for the Karate program? Come to one of the classes and arrive a few minutes early before the class starts to meet the instructor before registering the participant. Cost is a One-Time $50 Enrollment Fee plus $50 per month (sibling discounts available) plus the Annual $10 Parks & Recreation Fee (plus tax).
Looking for Program Instructors
Do you know anyone who is passionate about their hobby, craft, or wellness? We are looking to add more Haines City Parks & Recreation Program Instructors to the team! Reach out to Recreation Superintendent Brooke Spruell at bspruell@hainescity.com or by phone at 863-421-3700 about ways you can get more involved with giving back to the community!
Haines City Parks & Recreation Fitness Centers
The Parks & Recreation Department invites you to utilize the Haines City Parks & Recreation Fitness Centers! The Oakland Neighborhood Center and Lake Eva Community Center Fitness Centers are open 8:00AM-8:00PM, Monday-Friday. Grab a friend to join you! Also, be sure to put on your walking shoes utilize the Haines City walking trails throughout the city! 

Stay up to date with recreation programs and events by visiting the Haines City Parks & Recreation Facebook and Instagram Pages, also by visiting or calling our Haines City Parks & Recreation Offices: 
Oakland Neighborhood Center: 863-421-3720
Lake Eva Community Center: 863-421-3700
Upcoming Special Events
Mayor’s 5K
October 15, 2022 | Race begins at 7:15 a.m.
Lake Eva Park | 555 Ledwith Ave. Haines City, FL 33844
Registration: $25 per person
Mayor Anne Huffman cordially invites you to participate in the Mayor's 5K, benefitting Relay for Life and the American Cancer Society. The race will be held on Saturday, October 15th starting at Lake Eva Park. Race start time is at 7:15AM. The 1st place finishers will receive a trophy and all participants will receive a t-shirt. T-Shirts handed out at the event are only guaranteed for anyone who registers prior to October 1, all others will be available for pick up once they arrive. Registration is available online via Community Pass: Community Pass Catalog (capturepoint.com)
Trunk- Or-Treat
The City of Haines City and Miracle Toyota is excited for this year’s trunk-or-treat located at Lake Eva Park on Saturday, October 29th from 5:00-8:00 p.m.. Participants should expect to see all types of vehicles including construction equipment, emergency vehicles, public transportation vehicles, tow trucks, & much more! Attendees are encouraged to dress up in their Halloween costumes and enjoy trick-or-treating, music & free hot dogs! Join us for a spooktacular time.
Senior Expo
The City of Haines City and Visit Central Florida invites all seniors ages 55+ to come out to the Lake Eva Event Center on Friday, November 4, 2022, for the Senior Expo. Local businesses and organizations will display their services and programs, and allow for one-on-one time for you to ask questions - and of course pick up some free goodies! The Senior Expo includes vendors, raffles, health screenings, giveaways, and more! Come see what Haines City has to offer. Admission is free!

For more information on becoming a vendor, please reach out to Abigail Hunter at 863-421-5570 or email at abigail.hunter@hainescity.com.
Veteran of the Year
The Haines City Parks & Recreation Department is now accepting applications for Veteran of the Year. If you have a loved one that has honorably served our country, we encourage you to nominate them for this award. Applications can be picked up at City Hall, the Lake Eva Community Center, and the Oakland Community Center. For more information, please contact Abigail Hunter at 863-421-5570 or email at abigail.hunter@hainescity.com. The award will be presented on Veterans Day, Friday, November 11, 2022 at the annual Veterans Day celebration at Railroad Park in downtown Haines City. The recipient will be awarded a plaque and a paver in their honor, and a paver will be placed in the Military Court of Honor.
Are you or your business interested in holding a special event at one of our parks or facilities? There is special event application that you will need to fill out and return to Parks and Recreation staff. Please contact ljohansmeyer@hainescity.com to receive the application or if you have any questions.
Click on this link (and scroll down to
"City Calendar) to review Other Upcoming
Special Events:
Lake Eva Event Center
The Lake Eva Event Center offers accommodations for any size party, meeting, wedding, and/or reception. Our large ballroom can be divided into smaller rooms or combinations of rooms. Got questions about pricing or facility availability, please contact our Event Center Coordinator, Holly Gorsline at holly.gorsline@hainescity.com or via phone at (863) 421-9963.
Haines City Public Library
Important Library Information
Operation hours are as follows:
The library is currently open to the public and available for all services. Operational hours are from Monday through Friday, 10:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m.; Saturday, 10:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.
We checked out 21,548 items to patrons of the library during the month of August.
The Haines City Public Library also welcomed 232 NEW cardholders!

Stay Connected With All Our Upcoming Library Events!
Want to know what is going on at the Haines City Public Library? Check out our Facebook page and get the scoop. You can also see what's going on at the Library by viewing our calendar for adults and children!
Click on this link to review the
entire calendar of events for the Library:
Ready, Set, Binge!!
Binge boxes coming soon to a living room near you!!!
What is a Binge Box? A Binge Box contains four or five movies to satisfy your viewing needs for hours on end. Approximately 30 Binge Boxes will be available to a living room near you!!! They include collections based on actor, director, subject matter, genre, era and eclectic themes such as "The Freemans" and "Musical Mayhem." 

Binge Boxes are perfect for school breaks, get-togethers with friends, date nights, family film festivals, road trips and more. Feeling nostalgic? Our 80s and 90s boxes take you back to the future and beyond. Sing along with our musicals collection or enjoy a retrospective of your favorite actor's work. Catch up on those award winners you may have missed. Whatever your cinematic craving, fulfill it with a quick trip to your library. 

Browse the collection and discover something new. Patrons are limited to one Binge Box per library card. One renewal allowed.

Sit back, relax and enjoy the show! 
Adult Programs
  • WhoDunIts Mystery Book Club – 10/13 at 2:00 p.m. in the Community Room.
  • Literati Book Club – 9/15 and 10/20 at 2:00 p.m. in the Community Room.
  • Creative Circle Needlework Group – Monday and Thursday 10:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. Bring your current project or learn something new with our skilled crafters.
  • T.O.P.S – every Thursday 8:00-10:00 a.m..
  • Scrabble Club - Every Wednesday | 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. | We provide the supplies - you provide the fun!
  • Pigments of your Imagination (Coloring for Adults) – every Tuesday 10:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.

Slow Cooker Meals | Monday | 9/19| 4:00 p.m.
Learn all the tips, tricks and possibilities of how you can safely use your slow cooker to make you delicious and healthy meals. Food demo and samples included (in-person only!)

This class is offered online (via zoom) or in person. Select the ticket that works best for you! Register online at Eventbrite.com and search Slow Cooker Meals!

Computer Class and Open Assistance program
Beginning Monday, September 12th at 10:00 a.m., the Haines City Public Library began conducting computer classes at the Oakland Neighborhood Center. Every other session (starting September 12th) will be an open assistance for computers, iPads, Kindles, etc.
The other sessions will be focused learning experiences on computer basics.

Career Online High School-COHS
The Haines City Public Library is offering scholarships to selected qualified adults to obtain a high school diploma from an online accredited high school. Details about the program are available at https://fl.careeronlinehs.gale.com. If you know anyone who is interested, please have them contact Mary Ellin Barrett (863-421-3633 | mbarrett@hainescity.com).
Programs for Preschoolers (ages up to 5)
Preschool Story Time
Wednesdays 10:30 a.m. | Story time for ages 2-5 Enjoy stories, singing, puppet shows, & crafts. 

Toddler Time
Thursdays | 10:30-11:30 a.m.
Preschoolers can enjoys some hands-on experiences with toddler friendly activities, games, and puzzles.

Programs for School Ages
Kids Game Night
Every Tuesday | 4:00-5:30 p.m.
Ages 5 - 12 Enjoy a fun night of games including board games, Nintendo Switch and Minecraft.
Among Us
Every Monday | 4:00-5:30 p.m.
Ages 13-18 – Play among us together as a group. Bring your own device or iPads are available for gameplay.

Animal Crossing
Every Wednesday | 4:00-5:30 p.m.
Come to our library island and fish, catch bugs and trade supplies.
*Requires a Nintendo Switch with Animal crossing game. One extra game will be available for a Switch owner. First come, first serve.
Teen Game Night
Every Thursday | 4:00-5:30 p.m. | Ages 13 – 18
Snacks will be provided. Join us for a fun night of board games, Nintendo Switch, and Dungeons & Dragons.

D&D is a fantasy table top role-playing game that relies heavily on theater of the mind with some visual aid. We also have several board games and various switch games available for group gaming.
Pokemon Go In The Park
Saturday 9/24 | 12:00-3:00 p.m.
Saturday 10/22 | 12 noon -3 p.m. 
Trainers of all ages are invited to join the Haines City Public Library at Lake Eva park for an afternoon of collecting, raiding, and fun!
Polk County Library News

Polk County Public Schools, the Lake Wales Charter Schools, and the Polk County Library Cooperative have partnered to provide free access to library materials and online resources for Polk County students!
PLUS Resources
In addition to the resources students receive from their school media centers, PLUS provides students with FREE year-round access to public library resources including:

Borrow up to 3 books from all 15 public libraries in Polk County, and the PCLC Bookmobile, Vending Library at the Outpost 27 Visitor's Center in Davenport or use home delivery through Books by Mail.

Create presentation, conduct research and type papers using public library computers. WiFi Internet, printing and scanning services are available at public libraries.

Enjoy digital titles in books, audiobooks, music, magazines, movies and television. (For access to even more digital libraries, have your parent or guardian take out a standard PCLC library card for you!)
Internet Information and Citizen Assistance
Ancestry.com® is a website that brings together science and self-discovery to help anyone find their story. Bringing together science and self-discovery, Ancestry.com helps everyone, everywhere discover the story of what led to them. Our sophisticated engineering and technology harnesses family history and consumer genomics, combining billions of rich historical records, millions of family trees, and samples more than 7 million people in the AncestryDNA database to provide people with deeply meaningful insights about who they are and where they come from. Access to Ancestry.com is available to our patrons through the computers at the Haines City Public Library.

ProQuest® African American Heritage is a groundbreaking digital resource exclusively devoted to African American family history research. ProQuest is committed to empowering researchers and librarians around the world. Its innovative information content and technologies increase the productivity of students, scholars, professionals and the libraries that serve them. Through partnerships with content holders, ProQuest preserves rich, vast and varied information – whether historical archives or today’s scientific breakthroughs – and packages it with digital technologies that enhance its discovery, sharing and management. For academic, corporate, government, school and public libraries, as well as professional researchers, ProQuest provides services that enable strategic acquisition, management and discovery of information collections. ProQuest is available to our patrons through the computers at the Haines City Public Library.

The Emergency Home Energy Assistance for the Elderly Program (EHEAP) assists low-income households, with at least one person age 60 and older, when the households are experiencing a home energy emergency. A home energy emergency may result from a delinquent utility bill, lack of fuel or wood, or the receipt of a shut off notice. Payments are for home heating or cooling and other emergency energy-related costs during the heating (October-March) and cooling (April-September) seasons. Eligible households may be provided one benefit per season, up to $600 per season. Payments are made directly to the vendor or by a two-party check to the vendor and client for electricity, natural gas, propane, fuel oil, kerosene, or wood.
Development Services
Richard Greenwood
Development Services Director
Permitting Process - City of Haines City

When are Building Permits Required?
Building permits are required to construct, enlarge, repair, move, demolish, or change building occupancy or occupant content. The permit could be issued to build commercial, institutional, religious, single-family, multi-family, or mobile home placement purposes. Permits are also required for electrical, plumbing, mechanical, and gas work.

The City of Haines City and the State of Florida make the requirements, in compliance with the Haines City Land Development Regulations, Florida 2020 Building Codes, and the 2017 National Electric Code.

The requirements are to ensure all buildings are constructed with public safety, health, and the general welfare in mind through structural strength, stability, sanitation, adequate light and ventilation, and safety to life and property from fire and other hazards attributed to the built environment.

During the permitting process, other agencies may need to be contacted regarding specific elements of building permits, including but not limited to the local Florida Water Management District, Florida Department of Environmental Protection, Florida Department of Transportation, and Polk County Health Department.   

What are the Building Permit Fees?
Fees are based on the value of construction and must be paid at the time of permit pickup. Any additional related fees are collected at the same time.

How is a Building Permit initiated and processed?
Anyone interested in obtaining a Building Permit would meet with the Development Services Department’s Building Division to discuss the procedures and requirements outlined in the Florida Building Code 2020, 2017 NEC, and the Haines City Land Development Regulations.

Building Permits are broken into two classifications, commercial or residential:

1.    Commercial Building Permit Process:
After the Technical Review Board (TRB) has approved the site review, an application along with three complete sets of plans would be submitted. These sets must include a site plan, building plans, including electrical, mechanical, plumbing, truss engineering drawings, energy calculations, landscape and irrigation plans. After plans are reviewed and stamped, one final copy is kept in the Building Official’s office, and two copies are given to the contractor; one for their job site and one for their records.

2.    Residential Building Permit Process:
An application is submitted along with two complete sets of plans, including a plot plan, a building plan with electrical, plumbing, mechanical, truss engineering, energy calculations, and two residential landscape plans. 

After plans are reviewed and stamped, one final copy is kept in the Building Official’s office, and one is given to the contractor for the inspector to use at the job site.

Florida law allows municipalities 30 days to process, review and release residential building plans and 120 days to process, review, and release commercial building plans. 

To obtain a comprehensive guide for Building Permits contact the Development Services Department, Building Division at 863-419-3229. Also available on the City’s website www.hainescity.com under Departments - Development Services/Building Division tab.
Finance Department
Omar DeJesus, CPA, CGFO
Finance Director
Fire Department
Thomas Murphy, Jr.
Fire Chief
Pre-Incident Planning
Our very own hometown heroes at HCFD have been very busy lately performing pre-incident planning throughout our vastly growing city. Not only does this improve the safety for the residents and the ones rushing in to help, it is a requirement per NFPA 1620 (National Fire Protection Association). This standard provides criteria for developing pre-incident plans to help responders effectively manage emergencies so as to maximize protection for occupants, responding personnel, property, and the environment

Crews have recently switched to the FireWorks reporting system to enter our emergency calls, and this software also allows the integration of pre-incident plans. By having them linked together, crews are able to view the pre-incident plans while responding to the emergency on the computers in our trucks. A pre-incident plan of a building not only maps out the layout, but points out key hazards and locations of fire hydrants, fire alarm panels and utility shut offs.

Having this added capability will assist vastly is Haines City moving FORWARD to the next level of public safety!
Human Resources
Veronica C. Hairston
Human Resources Director
COVID-19 Information and Updates

COVID19 Resources
Governor Ron DeSantis | State of Florida Executive Orders
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention | National COVID-19 Center
Florida Department of Health | COVID-19 Information Center
City of Haines City | Website | Facebook

United Way of Central Florida
The United Way of Central Florida is here to help you and your family. United Way's 2-1-1 is the most comprehensive source of human and social services information in the country. Their teams of compassionate, highly trained specialists are available 24/7 to connect you with the best services possible.
United Way's 2-1-1 provides information about:
  • Supplemental food & nutrition programs
  • Clothing, shelter & housing options
  • Financial assistance
  • Emergency information & natural disaster relief
  • Health care services
  • Child, adolescent & adult mental health services
  • Addiction prevention & rehabilitation programs
  • Support groups for individuals with mental illnesses & special needs
  • A safe, confidential path out of physical or emotional domestic abuse
  • Adult, child, family & elder services
  • Services for individuals with disabilities
ACCESS United Way's 2-1-1
Online resources: Click here
Phone: 888-370-7188
Text: text your zip code to 898-211
Online Chat: Click here to begin the online chat
AdventHealth Launches
Coronavirus Information Line for Floridians
In an effort to equip the public with the facts to help prevent the spread of COVID-19, AdventHealth is launching a free phone service for Floridians who have questions about the virus and will provide an opportunity to speak with a nurse as appropriate. The AdventHealth Coronavirus Information Line, 877-VIRUSHQ is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. It will serve as a one stop shop to connect Floridians with resources such as the CDC and the Florida Department of Health.

Please see link for additional information:
Come Work With Your City!
If you are looking for a great place to work with excellent benefits and you have the skills needed for one of our openings you should apply. 

Go to Employment Opportunities | Haines City, FL! Find the job that meets your qualifications and interests, and apply online (click on the "Apply Now" tab at the bottom of the page).

Some of our benefits include: fully paid health and dental insurance, tuition reimbursement, paid sick and vacation, flexible work schedules, wellness programs, free gym memberships, monetary incentive programs for degrees, training and certifications, employer contribution to a defined contribution retirement plan, computer loan programs, longevity program, sick buy-back program and more. Through hard work and commitment to excellence we are able to turn our resources into opportunities for our community members as well as create a City where our families are proud to call home.

All interested applicants are required to submit an employment application, unless otherwise instructed on the City's website position announcement page.

Positions are considered "Open Until Filled," unless otherwise denoted. Corresponding pay grade ranges are included to represent earning potential and shall not be an assumption of potential starting wage, which will most likely be at the minimum rate of pay. If a conditional offer of employment is made, please note everything included during the application process will be verified.
Health Tips
Police Department
Greg Goreck
Chief of Police
HCPD Inaugural Awards Banquet
Every day our police officers and civilian staff go above and beyond the call of duty.
Though most of these acts are unknown to the general public, they are often recognized by our officers’ peers, supervisors, and the citizens who are personally affected by those acts. 

The Haines City Police Department wanted to create an event that not only brought public attention to these notable acts of bravery, heroism, selflessness, and community service; but to also formally recognize these officers for their actions.

Last month, the Haines City Police Department held its inaugural awards banquet at the Lake Eva Event Center to celebrate those achievements for 2020 and 2021.Commendations for acts such as life-saving, community service, and valor were awarded at the ceremony. A complete list of awards is included later on in this post.

The attendees included community members, business owners, family members, several members of City Administration, as well as Mayor Anne Huffman and City Commissioner Roy Tyler.

The theme of the ceremony was aptly named “Above and Beyond” and was organized by the Special Project Committee (HCPD Sergeant Paul Francisco, Sergeant Chad Smith, Corporal Andre Stoudemire, Officer Monica Lozano, Bibi Raghu, and Tyrone Wilson).

The event was sponsored by EZ Motorz, Zocalo Fish Market and Grill and Miracle Toyota.

Congratulations everyone! You never stop giving us reasons to be proud!
Supervisor of the Year 2020 Sergeant Bryan Donovan
Supervisor of the Year 2021
Sergeant Kedrick Frazier
Detective of the Year 2020
Sergeant Katherine Prue
Detective of the Year 2021
Corporal LaTorian Turner
Office of the Year 2020
Officer Kalen Holmes
Officer of the Year 2021
Officer William Tucker
Officer of the Year 2021
Officer Sean Bruner
Civilian Employee of the Year 2020
Ms. Karen Rodgers
Civilian Employee of the Year 2021
Ms. Michelle Escribano
Keva Harris Community Service Award
2020 - NOT PICTURED - Officer Sabina Rivera
2021 - PICTURED ABOVE Ms. Carolyn Jasper
Lifesaving Award 2020
Officer George Gonzalez
Lifesaving Award 2021
Officer Brad Webster
Medal of Valor 2020
Detective Carlos Dominguez
Public Infrastructure
James Keene
Public Services Administrator
Important Reminder: Flushing anything down your toilet other than toilet paper can and will cause equipment failure at our lift stations resulting in sewer backup, interruption in service and costly repairs. Just because the label says it is “flushable” does not mean we should flush it.
Public Infrastructure office contact number is 863-421-3777

Below are the contact numbers for each division should an issue arise
(After Hours Contact Numbers):

(Street drainage, spills, general road problems and traffic signal problems)
Cell Phone # (863) 837-0847

(Wastewater plant issues)
Cell Phone # (863) 528-1115
(863) 287-5754 Back-Up

(Water plants issues)
Cell Phone # (863) 557-2621
·       Customers who need their water turned on or off for leaks
·       Water main breaks, wastewater overflows and manholes/sewer backups
·       Lift stations and pump & motor issues
Cell Phone # (863) 837-0817
(863) 837-8452 Back-Up

Reporting a pothole or streetlight issues is as simple as a call to the
Public Works Department 863-421-3777.
City of Haines City is currently offering a rebate up to $100 dollars towards the purchase of an efficient water-savings toilet. Older toilets that use more than 3.5 gallons per flush will be acceptable. Switching to a newer, low –flush unit will help meet water conservation needs. Using less water ultimately results in lower water bills.

In order to qualify, a homeowner must be a City of Haines City Utility Customer. Homes with private wells do not qualify for this program. Toilets being removed must currently use 3.5 gallons per flush or more. The newer replacement toilets must use 1.28 gallons per flush and be recognized as a Watersense unit. Limit is two toilet rebates per household for residential customers.

To find out more about our rebate program or request an application call 863-421-9977 or e-mail Casey Platt at cplatt@hainescity.com

Right-of-Way Permits and Road Closures Permits
Right-of Way Permits
The application can be found on the Haines City’s Website. Once the application is completed, the approval is required to be obtained through the Public Works Department. 

Road Closures Permits
Effective now, Road Closures Permits will need to be obtained through the Public Works Department. Once the application is completed, approval will be received from the Public Works Department.
Lawn Watering Days and Times
The District's year-round water conservation measures went into effect August 2, 2017. Lawn watering is limited to no more than twice per week.

Lawn watering days and times are as follows:

  • Even addresses may water Thursdays and/or Sundays before 10:00 AM or after 4:00 PM
  • Odd addresses may water Wednesdays and/or Saturdays before 10:00 AM or after 4:00 PM
  • Locations without a discernible address, such as right-of-ways and common areas inside a subdivision, may water Tuesdays and/or Fridays before 10:00 AM or after 4:00 PM
  • Hand watering and micro-irrigation of plants (other than lawns) can be done on any day and any time

For more information go to www.watermatters.org
Technology Management
Brian Ross
Technology Management Director
Cyber security threats are more and more common-place in today’s digital world. People of all ages are the victims of scams that cost hundreds and thousands of dollars. Americans fall victim to some type of financial fraud, racking up more than $3 billion in losses annually. Identities are stolen on the daily which cost people more than monetary values.

Being cyber security conscious doesn’t require years of computer education, or take complex tests for certificates. The average person can take many measures to keep themselves safe and secure while using the internet.

While outside of your home, be weary of free, open WiFi networks. Many reputable businesses, such as McDonalds, offer free WiFi internet access to their customers. This type of internet access should be used for non-authenticated web-browsing. For example, a student might use free WiFi to do research on some homework, or someone else may want to read up on daily news. Avoid financial transactions at all costs. You could mistakenly connect to a fake free WiFi network where an attacker could steal the information traveling across the network.

Social media sites, banking sites, email sites, and many other websites require some form of registration using an email address and password to authenticate. Authenticate means to have a password along with a username to proceed into a website. The more complex the password is, the harder it is for a cyber-criminal to gain access to your information. Complex passwords are crucial when using banking websites and other websites containing sensitive, personal information. Create strong passwords by using upper-case and lower-case letters, numbers and special characters. Using a password manager can help by keeping track of the various passwords you will use.

Scammers and cyber-criminals often use links in email, and even smartphones, to deploy their attacks. Watch for suspicious activity that asks you to do something right away, offers something that sounds too good to be true, or needs your personal information. Think before you click. When in doubt, do NOT click. Look out for spelling mistakes in URL (ex: www.amezon.com versus www.amazon.com) and links that lead to peculiar URLs. Sometimes the link could appear to go to a reputable site, but hovering the mouse over the hyperlink displays a different URL.

Install and maintain an active antivirus software on your device at home. Some Internet providers offer a subscription to an antivirus for being a paid subscriber to their service. Reach out and inquire if such a software is offered. You can also purchase an antivirus subscription from companies such as Norton (www.norton.com), McAfee (www.mcafee.com), or Webroot (www.webroot) to name a few. Antivirus software will keep your system safe by downloading the latest virus/malware/spyware definitions and block them from running on your computer.

These tips above only scratch the surface of keeping yourself secure from cyber criminals and cyber-attacks. You can find more resources at https://www.ready.gov/cybersecurity on what to do before, during, and after a cyber-attack. If you have already been a victim of a cybercrime, you can make a complaint with the Internet Crime Complaint Center (https://www.ic3.gov). They also have information about types of scams, frauds, and consumer alerts. For even more information on cyber security and what you can do to protect yourself online, check out https://cisa.gov/shields-up
Scammers swindle people out of thousands of dollars each year by impersonating legitimate technical support agencies, such as Microsoft, in order to gain access to personal and financial information. Although nothing new, just by newer methods, another type of scam has recently surfaced.

Fraudsters generated fake Microsoft notifications claiming computer issues, such as viruses or hacking, and containing a telephone number to call for support. Individuals who called the telephone number were advised of fraudulent monetary transfers or charges to their financial accounts. They were asked to provide their financial account information and remote access to their computers using a tool named UltraViewer (https://www.ultraviewer.net). In some cases, the individuals were directed to their purported financial institution for assistance where they were then instructed to send funds, typically via cryptocurrency accounts or gift cards, to stop the fraudulent transfers or charges.

You should always remain vigilant in identifying potential scammers, fraudsters, or hackers. Below are some things to be on the look out for:

  • Microsoft never proactively reaches out to individuals to provide unsolicited personal computer or technical support.
  • Real Microsoft messages never contain a telephone number to call for support.
  • Requests for personally identifiable information, such as financial institution information, originating from telephone numbers referenced in unsolicited emails or notifications. A best practice would be to verify the authenticity of telephone numbers through an organization’s official website.
  • Directing individuals to withdraw funds from a financial institution and then purchase gift cards or cryptocurrency to mitigate fraudulent financial transactions. 
New Haines City FL Mobile App
The Haines City Technology Management Department (TMD) is proud to announce the new Haines City FL mobile app. This new version is now live, and free of charge, in both the iOS and Google Play App Stores. You can access the app from the respective links:

iOS Store Listing:

Google Play Store Listing:

An internet connection is required to use the app. You can use, either, your carrier’s cellular data*, or connect to the free WiFi network named HC-WiFi-Public at most of our City facilities.
Once inside the app, you will find a grid navigation menu leading to helpful Haines City related areas. A few notable areas in the app are:

  • Calendar: Access all department calendars for events and public meetings.
  • Cemetery: Navigates to our page containing information for both cemeteries. A link to an interactive map for both cemeteries is also available.
  • Contractor Portal: Search for permits, apply for new permits. A contractor code may be required for some items.
  • Employment: View our current job openings and apply within.
  • News Flash: Displays current news items. Swipe left to view Spotlight news items, such as closure notices.
  • Recreation Registration: Using our CommunityPass portal, citizens can register for events in the Parks and Recreation department.
  • Report an Issue: If you have a concern for a particular department, citizens can submit an issue and staff will get back with you in a timely manner.
  • Utility Payment: Displays information about how to pay your utility bill.

If you have any questions related to the Haines City FL mobile app, please call the City of Haines City at 863-421-3600.

*any data overages are responsible by the plan owner and not the City of Haines City.

As we all navigate through this pandemic, it is important to remain socially distant in doing business within Haines City. We offer citizens a convenient, socially distant method for paying their utility bill online. 

To access the Utility Bill Pay portal, navigate to our website www.hainescity.com and click on the “PAY UTILITY BILL” icon below the Welcome banner. Upon arrival, enter your account number in the respective field, which is displayed on the utility bill. The default password is the number of your street address.

Once logged in, there are a few options on the left side of the page:

  • Log Out will log out of your utility account and return you to the previous login page. 
  • Home returns you to the Account Summary page. 
  • Change Password allows you to change the default password to log in. 
  • View Transactions displays a list of all payments and cycle bill amounts. You can change what is displayed by changing the dates at the top of the page. 
  • Bill Analysis displays a colored pie chart of charges for the last 12 months of service. 
  • View Consumption displays a bar graph of your utility usage for the last three years. 
  • Online Payment allows you to pay on your Utility Bill.

By default, the amount due on the current utility bill displays in the Pay Amount text box. You can change this number to pay a different amount. Clicking the Go To Point And Pay Website directs you to the City’s payment processor Point and Pay. Enter all required information under the Cardholder Information section and click Continue. The Review and Submit page allows you to review all charges before you submit. Point and Pay does charge a convenience fee to use the online payment system and the fee schedule is as follows:

  • $0.01-$50: $2.00
  • $50.01-$100: $2.95
  • $100.01 - $200: $4.95
  • Each additional $100.00 increment will result in an additional $2.00 increase

After reviewing the charges, review the Terms and Conditions and then check the I Agree to Terms and Conditions check box. Finally, click Submit Payment to begin processing. Once you reach the Confirmation and Receipt page, print this for your records.

If you have any questions regarding Online Utility Bill Pay, or you need your account password reset, call 863-421-3600 and someone will be able to assist you.

City Commission
Mayor Anne Huffman
City Commission Seat #5
Vice-Mayor Jayne Hall
City Commission Seat #1
Commissioner Omar Arroyo
City Commission Seat #2
H.L. Roy Tyler
City Commission Seat #4
Commissioner Morris L. West
City Commission Seat #3

Pledge of Allegiance
at City Commission Meetings
Led by our Veterans
August 18, 2022 Meeting
Commander Tim Nabinger
American Legion Post 34
September 8, 2022 Meeting
Corporal Miguel Flores
US Marine Corps 1973-1975
30+ years at the Veteran's Administration
City Commission Meetings
Are held every first and third Thursday of the month at 7:00 p.m.

*Please note the below dates were approved by the City Commission to be the 4th Thursday of the month in September due to budget advertising requirements and the 1st Tuesday in October due to a Conference.

For questions or more information,
please call the City Clerk at (863) 421-9921.

Mark Your Calendars for the following
City Commission Meetings*
Thursday, September 22, 2022 - 7:00 p.m.
Tuesday, October 4, 2022 - 7:00 p.m.
(The meetings will be held in the City Commission Chambers)

*Subject to change by order of the City Commission
City of Haines City| 863-421-3600 | www.HainesCity.com