Your information updates needed

Hello, I was sending this out individually, thought this might be quicker. If you have responded no need to respond again.

My name is Cindie Pierce, RDH, OMT  and I am the contact chair with

the Greater Fort Worth Dental Hygienist Association. I am updating our contact list.

I need to know if you are still interested in remaining on our contact list?

Do you want General information ?

Do you want our newsletter?

Monthly CE opportunity ?

4 hour CE opportunity ?

Group gatherings?

We are trying to send you what you want from us.

Please return to me with your name, your correct email you want us to communicate to you with, your phone number and can we also text you?

If you know someone who wishes to be added please forward this email to them.

Thank you

Cindie Pierce, RDH, OMT

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