Some carriers now have a partnership with Human API and look forward to further enhancing their underwriting and new business capabilities for you and your clients. Click here to learn more.
Today’s new normal brings its own set of considerations and challenges when it comes to balancing work, personal and family-care responsibilities. To help make this transition easier, here’s a 60-second video showing different ways of coping with today’s situation.
Life insurance presents a variety of planning opportunities for blended families, and an opportunity that is not driven by the traditional estate planning need to pay estate taxes. Take a closer look here.
No exams. No needles. No home visits. No problem! Offer qualifying clients–ages 50-69–fluidless underwriting up to $1 million in coverage. it’s an easier way to close the case! Go here for details.
Nationwide Intelligent Underwriting is continuously evolving to offer a faster and more streamlined process with more competitive decisions for you and your clients. Click here to read a recent success story.