The Reg 187 and the new best interest standards will take effect for life insurance sold to customers in New York. Before submitting a formal application dated February 1, 2020 or later, go here for more details.
Here are prominent points of the Setting Every Community Up for Retirement Enhancement (SECURE) Act, as well as prepared answers to the most common questions regarding the legislation.
No exams. No needles. No problem! Offer qualifying clients – ages 50-69, any risk class – fluidless underwriting up to $1 million in coverage. It’s an easier way to close the case! Click here for more information.
Help clients see life insurance from a fresh point of view. Here are new consumer friendly case studies that will help show the different uses for life insurance.
See how using a “blending up” strategy with Accumulation IUL can create more death benefit and higher income solves for your clients, and higher targets for you. Click here to learn more.