Advisor Update| June 16, 2020
Click here for updated carrier programs, focused on the fluidless aspects of accelerated underwriting.
Low correlated assets can help your clients balance their portfolios risk and return potential.  See how an IUL can help build a balanced portfolio.
Health care expenses eventually affect a large majority of older adults. Have your clients plan so that these costs won’t slow down their family’s future.
During unchartered times, clients may be looking for reassurance in products and strategies to meet their changing needs. Click here for tools and answers to help them face their futures with confidence.
Do you have clients nearing retirement who are concerned about market volatility and the sustainability of their investment portfolios? This “Leveraging Alternative Assets” concept can generate more life insurance sales while helping clients add predictability to their portfolios.
Many people erroneously believe that government or employer-based coverage will take care of them if they are unable to work. Educate your clients about disability income protection and show them these eye-opening statistics today! 
460 Hillside Avenue Needham, MA 02494  
T 781.449.6800   F 781.449.7694