Seasonal Newsletter
March 29, 2021
It's Time to Get Ready!
Season 2021 is about to begin! We are very excited to be welcome our Fish Lake Beach Seasonal Campers back! 

Below are some questions that we are getting asked and thought we would share our response to each.

When can I come and check my trailer? When will the outer gates be open for good? 
We know....this is the most important question and answer!  ðŸ™‚
Our outer gates will be open Friday and Saturday, April 2nd & 3rd from 9AM to 4PM. An attendant will be at the gatehouse during these hours.
Our outer gates will be closed all day Sunday, April 4th. No admittance. Happy Easter!

Beginning Monday, April 5th, the outer gates will be open 9-4 daily. You must leave by 4p or will get locked in. If this time of departure is ignored, and staff has to drive around looking for you, we will change our policy immediately and NOT allow campers access before April 15th.  

Are the bathrooms available for us to use now?
The bathrooms will not open until sometime after April 16th. First, we must unwinterize them and then give them a spring cleaning. It's a process so please use your own bathrooms until we post they are ready. You can bring water and use it to flush your toilets. Holding tanks can be emptied as the lift pumps are now installed. Remember....ONLY THROW APPROVED RV TOILET PAPER DOWN YOUR TOILET! NO DISPOSABLE WIPES OR SANITARY PRODUCTS!

Can I go fishing now? Boating? Spend the night? Have a campfire?
You are more than welcome to begin all of the above as soon as the water is turned on. Water being turned on is weather dependent (no freezing nights in the future) but right now the well company is scheduled to come to chlorinate the wells and you may begin to spend the night on April 16th.

What do I do with my old couch (or any large item that does not belong in the dumpster) that I don't want?
To request large item disposal, do so in person at the Fish Lake Beach store/office, call 847-546-2228 or email Fees are based on the size of the item disposed. $30-50 range. We will pick up the item at your site and dispose of it for you.

Large items dumped at or in the dumpsters are an eyesore and Fish Lake Beach must remove them and pay an outside waste disposal service to haul these items away. Couches, grills, toilets, construction waste, appliances, mattresses, furniture, name the regular offenders. Removal of these items are not included in the seasonal fees.
NEW in 2021: we will be enforcing our rules regarding dumping of large items in or beside the dumpsters.   Any seasonal seen leaving a large item at or in the dumpster will result in a $200 fine. 

What do I do with my bagged leaves?
Bag your leaves and small branches and leave them at the edge of your campsite for pickup. We have a compost area. Please, do not mix any garbage with the leaves as we cannot compost garbage. Once the water is on, you are welcome to burn your leaves in your firepit if you monitor the burning leaves.

When I can I come on the property and begin enjoying my campsite?
You as a licensee of our property, are required to have the following FULLY COMPLETED to enter Fish Lake Beach beginning April 15th, 2021:

I didn't understand the registration! What do I do?
You can email with your phone number & site number and she will call you. Many times, she is able to help you right then and there.  ONLY if you don't have an email, call and leave a message for her. Staff is answering the phone 9-1.

How will I know when I can enter? How will the gate staff know?
When the registration documentation is complete and the fees paid in full, you will receive an email informing you that your passes are ready.
The Gate staff will be given the current list of 2021 licensees to be admitted who have met the requirements.  Please do not show up at the gate asking to have access to the park if you haven't received the email stating your passes are ready to be picked up. You will not be admitted.

I just sent all my documentation in! Why is it taking so long to get the email that my passes are ready? 
We have repeatedly asked for our seasonal campers to fill out DocuSign and send supporting documents to spread out the process. Processing all of the emailed supporting documentation and DocuSign forms takes time. Documents that are outdated, incomplete or missing and improperly filled out DocuSign forms makes it take longer. The registration process must be completed by March 31st to have your vehicle passes ready on April 15th. So, if you submit after the deadline, you can expect some delay in getting your vehicle passes and therefore will not have admittance into the park. We recommend you do what needs to be done asap, as we take each email to be processed based on the date received.  

I received an email that says my documentation is complete. I need to pay my seasonal license fees. How can I do that?
You can pay us in person or call us with a credit card (3% surcharge for CC payment)
  •       at Trailer Sales office from 9a-1p April 5th-April 9th.
  •       at the Fish Lake Beach Store 9a-4p April 10th and on.

You can mail a check or money order to Fish Lake Beach, 32223 N US Hwy. 12, Volo, IL 60073. Please put your site number and name in the memo.

Once our staff processes your payment and makes sure the documentation is complete, you will receive an email that says your vehicle passes are ready!

After I receive that email where do I pick up my vehicle passes, boat sticker, golf cart permit? guest passes?* (if eligible for Guest Passes*)
In the Fish Lake Beach store. They will be waiting for you! 

As always, if you have general questions feel free to email us at If you have DocuSign questions email If you have questions about your balance or payments made, email 

We look forward to seeing you soon!
Fish Lake Beach Family and Staff
Read and share our newsletter for all that's happening at Fish Lake Beach.
Look to the NEWS SECTION of our website, our Facebook page and our NEW Seasonal Group page for current and accurate Seasonal information.