Ensemble Message to Families
Hello families!
I hope you are all doing well as we are now entering another week of adhering to the “Stay at Home” orders.
Like some of you I am working from home while managing various life responsibilities: work, school, etc.
Even though we are in the midst of a pandemic, there is still much going on to help us stay connected and informed. I have been putting information and resources that you may find helpful on Ensemble’s social media and website. In addition, I thought it would also be useful to send it to you in an email form.
We had scheduled an in-person Ensemble connecting event on May 27 th , unfortunately we have postponed this event due to the social distancing requirements, but will reschedule when it is safe to do so.
Stay well and hopefully we will be able to connect again soon.
Kelly Runnalls,
Parent Consultant, Ensemble


May 14th, 1-2 pm, Supporting Families of Children with Medical Complexity during Covid 19, by the Children's Healthcare Network. https://register.gotowebinar.com/register/1778135009017622542

May 20th, 7 - 8 pm, Dangers of Dying without a Henson Trust, but Kenneth Pope, lawyer, https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_0BUN0pdjSJKG7Aw2b3pPdA

May 26th, 11 am - 12 pm, Introduction to the RDSP, by Partners for Planning, https://events.r20.constantcontact.com/register/eventReg?oeidk=a07egycj8w9d53fda1e&oseq=&c=&ch=

June 2 - June 4, 2 - 4pm, Enable Ottawa 2020, is a 3-part online conference series on Accessibility and Assistive Technology for People with Disabilities , https://www.enableottawa.ca/?mc_cid=7dd660c2ee&mc_eid=d409ce3abc
Staying Safe in the Hospital - Medically Safeguarding Vulnerable Patients, from Community Living Ontario and it can be viewed at, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xl_03d10u_o&feature=youtu.be

Ask The Experts - Q&A Session, from Community Living Ontario and it can be viewed at, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hgBr7COV7OA

There was a recent town hall hosted by the Ontario Autism Coalition (OAC) and Association for Ontarians with disabilities Alliance (AODA), on Students with Disabilities during COVID-19 and it can be viewed in it's entirety, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=phdtibf5DbM .

Our Siblings and COVID-19: Mental Health and Social Distancing, a recent webinar by the Sibling Collaborative, and it can be viewed at, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mU37JjpTndE&feature=youtu.be&fbclid=IwAR1Gqf3DqEU-uI9aXKzFY7rgpOMg-PStjgyUu5utExKi4PE7-KcwG2QT7BA

Supporting the Health of People with Developmental Disabilities during COVID-19, a recent webinar by Community Living Ontario, can be viewed at , https://register.gotowebinar.com/recording/viewRecording/3001561596535190797/7761065958618262280/[email protected]?registrantKey=5264609414577281549&type=ABSENTEEEMAILRECORDINGLINK

Capacity Assessments, Guardianship & Substitute Decision Making webinar, from lawyer Kenneth Pope, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0Y4VOXcsNUo&feature=youtu.be

Education, Academic Assessments and Disability Planning webinar, from lawyer Kenneth Pope, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M9TrmnTFkx4

Financial Assistance Webinar, from lawyer Kenneth Pope, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XAOENd_o1Do

Family Support Network for Employment webinars on the newly completed website, https://fsne.ca/webinars/
Family Alliance Ontario, a provincial network of families and individuals with intellectual disabilities, is hosting ongoing bi-weekly zoom support calls during the COVID-19 pandemic. The next virtual zoom meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, May 20th at 7:30 pm. For further information please contact Carla O'Neill at f [email protected] .

Empowering Ability has also hosted zoom support calls for families , please stay tuned for more meetings.

We have also hosted a zoom support call for families, and if you are interested in another, please be in touch with Kelly, at [email protected] .
COVID-1 9 Communication Rights Toolkit for Individuals with disabilities who might be hospitalized due to COVID 19, http://www.cdacanada.com/resources/covid-19/covid-19-communication-rights-toolkit/?fbclid=IwAR0rK8SN8BjdAJm693cC-_WukL9kP-cZ4nfeuZ93vMxHJLJ0JPBXd6Nul-I

Community Living Essex County, https://communitylivingessex.org/

Community Living Windsor, https://www.clwindsor.org/

Community Living Ontario, https://communitylivingontario.ca/en/

Canadian Association of Community Living, https://cacl.ca/

Windsor Essex Family Network COVID-19 Information Page, https://windsoressexfamnet.ca/information/