Dear Chamber/COG/Industry Executive:  

Keep your members informed on the MyCTSavings program by sharing the information below in your communications or on your website. We are available to attend an event or meeting and speak briefly about the program or host a half-hour webinar specifically for your members. State law requires that businesses with 5 or more employees that do not currently offer a retirement plan either facilitate MyCTSavings or provide another retirement plan.


Enroll in MyCTSavings and your employees can start saving for retirement.

If your company has 5+ employees and does not offer a retirement plan, state law requires that you register with MyCTSavings or another qualified retirement program and offer the plan to your employees. If your business has already received a notification from MyCTSavings and has yet not registered and enrolled your employees, you can still sign up today at   

More than 550,000 private-sector employees in Connecticut do not have access to retirement savings through their employment. Many employers are not able to offer a retirement plan due to cost, administrative burden or risk to the business to act as a fiduciary. MyCTSavings is free to businesses, simple to facilitate, and there is no fiduciary responsibilities for the business. Sign up and MyCTSavings will contact your employees and explain their choices: opt-out, keep the standard investment options, or customize their Roth IRA. Give your employees the chance to start saving for a more secure financial future! 


In 2024, businesses that are newly eligible for the program will be notified mid-year. Visit Employer FAQs - MyCTSavings for detailed eligibility criteria. If your business is eligible and you would like to enroll now, you can call 1-833-811-7435 and request enrollment information.   


Individuals can enroll, too!  

If you are self-employed or don’t work for an employer registered for MyCTSavings, you can self-enroll and contribute directly to your own Roth IRA: 

Visit MyCTSavings
Employer Registration Checklist
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MyCTSavings is overseen by the Connecticut Office of the State Comptroller (“Comptroller”). Vestwell State Savings, LLC, dba Sumday Administration (“Sumday”), is the program administrator. Sumday and its affiliates are responsible for day-to-day program operations. Participants’ who use MyCTSavings beneficially own and have control over their Roth Individual Retirement Accounts (“IRA”), as provided in the program offering set out at