November 2018 | Volume 3
Innovation @ Georgia Tech
Funding is of utmost importance when developing an idea into an innovation or an invention into a startup. There are many opportunities to help fund your idea, invention, or startup both on and off-campus. These include prototype awards, competitions, and investments. We have put together a list of resources you can consider when thinking about funding. In addition, we have explored funding opportunities across Georgia Tech in this edition of Innovation @ Tech.
Prototype Award Round 1
Prototype Awards, up to $500, will be given to select students to assist with prototype construction. Apply for a Prototype Award today by clicking the link below! 

You can also get feedback on your idea/invention by attending the drop-in Prototype Discussion Session on November 8, 11am - 12:00pm in CULC 205Q.
Global Social Venture Competition
This is your opportunity to participate in a global competition aimed at improving social conditions.

Want to learn more? Join the Kick-Off Mixer.

Date: November 8 th
Time: 5:00 pm - 7:00 pm
Location: GT ILE (Scheller College of Business, 4th Floor, Suite 4153)

Business Model for Your Invention/Startup
Explore key steps to take to make money with your idea/invention.

This event is held in collaboration with GT's Design Bloc.

Date: November 14 th
Time: 5:30 pm
Location: Klaus 1116 E&W

Pitch Workshop
Learn and practice the techniques and skills to pitch successfully!

This event is held in collaboration with GT's Design Bloc.

Date: November 27 th
Time: 10:45 am
Location: Klaus 1116 W

Explore Tech's Innovation Ecosystem
This machine shop, located in the Manufacturing Related Disciplines Complex (MRDC), houses a full range of equipment for the fabrication of prototype mechanical equipment. Several technicians are available to help with the design and fabrication for research and academic projects. They are also able to provide safety training on the equipment.

Visit this space located next to the Invention Studio.
This 12-week intensive student-focused program enables teams to work on their startup-up ideas. Acceptance into this program includes $20,000 in seed funding, $50,000 in legal assistance, access to the CREATE-X collaborative workspace, 1:1 faculty-led coaching, and access to a network of field specific mentors and experts.

The deadline for application is November 5.
Past Events and Activities
Design & Build Your Prototype
In this workshop, students explored prototyping and idea generation. In an interactive session, attendees explored how they can tackle real world issues in a practical way to move towards a solution.

Richard Lee discussed how crucial it is for us to know our customers and to be open to the fact that in order to achieve success we will have to tweak or shift our idea/invention based on our customers' preferences.
Patents, Copyrights, and Startups
During the month of October we spent two major innovation sessions exploring the legal world by discussing copyrights, patents, and the legal rules around inventions & startups. The Georgia Tech Patent and Trademark Resource Center presented to a room full of students and staff. In addition, lawyers from Troutman Sanders (in collaboration with Create-X) met one-on-one with a number of student teams.

Get updates on the events we are hosting to help all students interested in innovation.
Center for Academic Enrichment | Clough Commons 205 |