
College of Nursing News | October 2024

Dean's message: Enrollment increase, new programs highlight beginning of '24 school year

UNMC College of Nursing Dean Lepaine Sharp-McHenry, DNP, shares highlights from the 2024-25 school year so far.

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Japanese students see nursing from new perspective

The UNMC College of Nursing hosted four students and a faculty member from Hamamatsu University School of Medicine.

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Weber inducted into

NNA Hall of Fame

Rita Weber, UNMC College of Nursing emeritus professor, was inducted into the NNA Hall of Fame on Oct. 3.

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UNMC hosts international phenomenology institute

The UNMC campus played host to the 2024 Institute for Hermeneutic Phenomenology.

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Dr. Voss earns lifetime achievement award

Joachim Voss, PhD, will receive the 2024 Lifetime Achievement Award from the Association of Nurses in AIDS Care

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Nursing student completes

VA internship

UNMC College of Nursing senior Olivia Ball completed the VA-STEP program internship.

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UNMC expands nursing partnerships in western Nebraska

Signed memorandums designed to increase the number of students interested in nursing.

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UNMC College of Nursing ranks 19th among BSN programs

The UNMC College of Nursing’s Bachelor of Science in Nursing Program recently tied for 19th out of 686 nursing programs.


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Nursing alumni celebrate

reunion weekend

UNMC College of Nursing classes and alumni were recognized at reunion weekend.


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Nursing alum makes history

at elite Ranger Course

Molly Murphy becomes the first female nurse to complete U.S. Army's elite Ranger course.


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Benda selected to exclusive doctoral cohort

Kristine Benda, a PhD candidate and nurse specialist at the UNMC College of Nursing, West Nebraska Division, has been selected as a Jonas Scholar.


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Faculty attend civil rights tour

Pictured are, from left: Jenna Dubas, EdD, Mark Darby, Bridget Thoene, Stephanie Burge, DNP, and Shalea Cotton, DNP.

Earlier this summer, UNMC College of Nursing faculty Shalea Cotton, DNP, Bridget Thoene, Jenna Dubas, EdD, Stephanie Burge, DNP, and Mark Darby participated in the 2024 Black Votes Matter Civil Rights Tour. The tour included stops at the Montgomery Mothers of Gynecology Museum, the Edmund Pettus Bridge in Selma, Alabama and the site of the Untreated Syphilis Study of the Public Health Service in Tuskegee, among additional historical sites. Through the trip, faculty have focused on how a historical understanding can help improve nursing care and prepare our nursing students to care for all populations. Other participating organizations included faculty from Omaha Public Schools, Mt. Moriah Baptist Church and Boystown.

“This was an excellent opportunity, full of personal growth. I look forward to discovering what it may mean for our students,” Darby said.

Tuition assistance available for employees

UNMC employees considering obtaining a DNP, PhD or PGC may be eligible for tuition assistance through the Employee Scholarship Program.

Employee Scholarship Program:

Full-time employees who wish to continue their education may be eligible for tuition assistance through the employee scholarship program.


  • All regular full-time (1.00 F.T.E) employees of the University are eligible to apply.
  • Employees must be admitted students of the University and must have met all normal academic requirements for the courses taken.

Terms and Conditions:

  • The Employee Scholarship Program is limited to no more than 15 credit hours in any 12-month period (August through July) and is normally restricted to no more than six credits per semester.
  • Employees whose applications have been approved shall pay all normal admission and matriculation fees, including lab fees and course fees, but not UPFF fees. Employees shall also pay all usual course-related costs such as books and supplies.

Learn more here.

Site evaluator training offered to nursing faculty

The UNMC College of Nursing has expertise with nursing accreditation and invites current faculty to consider training as a site evaluator.

As a site reviewer, your role is to confirm what the program presented in its self-study with the data included in documents shared during site visits, and information shared from community members, clinical facilities, faculty, staff and students as compared to the CCNE standards and elements.

Learn more here.

Pictured above, from left: Linda Herrick, PhD, Teresa Hulquist, PhD, and Lepaine Sharp-McHenry, DNP, UNMC College of Nursing dean, had a photo-op with Minnie Mouse at site evaluator training earlier this year.

Pictured at the One Stop Cancer Shop are, from left: Jim Padussis, MD, Lepaine Sharp-McHenry, DNP, Shanda Ross, Mark Darby, Julie Fedderson, MD, and Quan Ly, MD.

One Stop Cancer Shop

draws 78 participants

The UNMC College of Nursing was a sponsor and partner of the first One Stop Cancer Shop, presented at Mount Calvary Community Church in North Omaha. The clinic provided free cancer screenings for breast, lung, colorectal and prostate cancers. The clinic screened 78 participants which included 27 mammograms, 18 PSA, 10 low dose CT and 31 fit tests, said Mark Darby. The next event will be Oct. 26 at the Nebraska Urban Indian Health Coalition.

College of Nursing Division highlights

West Nebraska Division

The UNMC College of Nursing West Nebraska Division provided an aid station and wellness booth for the annual Monument Marathon in Scottsbluff. The day before the Sept. 28 race, students and faculty offered blood pressure checks and general information. On the day of the race, students and staff sponsored the aid station for support and relief for runners.

Trina Aguirre, PhD, associate professor at the West Nebraska Division, finished second in her division at the Monument Marathon in Scottsbluff on Sept. 28.

Omaha Division

The UNMC College of Nursing - Omaha Division celebrated this year's Traditional BSN students with a white coat ceremony on Aug. 30.

Kia Scott-Sellers, a PhD student at the UNMC College of Nursing, recently presented at the International Association of Forensic Nursing in Denver. Her research poster highlighted healthcare professionals being culturally informed about individuals who have experienced sexual assault having military background.

Kearney Division

Students at the UNMC College of Nursing - Kearney Division participated in the Kearney Area Children's Museum's Free Family Fun Night. Children received free teddy bears and participated in activities, games and craft stations. Students hosted a "teddy bear clinic," offering check-ups and first aid to attendees and their teddy bears.

Northern Division

UNMC College of Nursing - Northern Division Student Nurse Association members walked in Norfolk’s annual Lion’s Club Parade on Sept. 21. Their goal was to raise awareness of the UNMC College of Nursing’s presence in Norfolk. There were over 100 parade entries this year.

First-semester students at the Northern Division provided blood pressure screenings and educational presentations at the PATCH Health Fair in Norfolk on Sept. 20-21. The PATCH Health Fair is a community event that provides free or low-cost health screenings and educational opportunities to residents of Northeast Nebraska.

Lincoln Division

Sue Schuelke, center, and Krystal Davis presented at American Association of Critical-Care Nurses National Training Institute in Denver. Their presentation, titled "Immersive Virtual Reality: The Reality of Pain Management," described a study conducted using immersive virtual reality relaxation. Attendees learned about the implementation of the new approach and the study findings related to pain, anxiety and mobility.

Recent nursing retirements

The UNMC College of Nursing recently celebrated three retirements.

Janet Cuddigan, PhD, retired June 30, 2024, emeritus professor

Anna Schwartz, PhD, retired Aug. 31, 2024

Lisa Muschall, pictured, retired Oct. 18, 2024

Nursing honors, awards

and recognition

Celebrating student and faculty achievement.

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New nursing hires

See who is new at the UNMC College of Nursing.

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Upcoming nursing events

Mark your calendars for the following events of interest to UNMC College of Nursing faculty, staff and students.

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Send your UNMC College of Nursing news to Innovations

 Is there something exciting going on in your division? Send your news to Innovations to share with your colleagues at the UNMC College of Nursing.

The deadline for the next issue is Jan. 8, 2025.


Email your news to us!

UNMC College of Nursing
985330 Nebraska Medical Center
4111 Dewey Avenue
Omaha, NE 68198-5330
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