College of Nursing News | March 2023
A message from the dean: Artificial intelligence
Artificial and augmented intelligence will be the theme for the college's upcoming Strategic Planning Retreat.

Lepaine Sharp-McHenry, DNP
named College of Nursing dean
Chancellor Jeffrey P. Gold, MD, welcomes Dr. Sharp-McHenry as a transformational leader with experience and vision.

Dr. Beam to receive Impact in Education Scholar Award
Elizabeth Beam, PhD, RN, to be honored with other winners on March 30.

Dr. Devoll-Zabrocki honored by iEXCEL for innovative application
Application allows students to see the blood flow in pediatric congenital heart defects.

BHECN awards ARPA funds to two nursing projects
Both projects will provide training opportunities that facilitate workforce development statewide.
Grant builds mental health support
in central Nebraska town
A team from the UNMC College of Nursing is integrating services into a primary care clinic in Ravenna.

College of Nursing's Creative Writing Awards announced
Nursing students 'confront boundaries that separate us' through their writing.

College of Nursing spring career fair
Lincoln and Omaha Student Nurse Associations co-hosted the Spring Career Fair at the College of Nursing Lincoln campus on March 4, 2023. There were 17 vendors from across the state from a variety of clinical backgrounds. Over 60 students participated in the event for traditional and accelerated cohorts. Both students and vendors gave positive feedback that the event was successful. Omaha and Lincoln rotate locations for the Spring Career Fair and Omaha will host in 2024. 
Nursing honors and recognition
Celebrating student and faculty achievement.

New nursing faculty and staff
Since mid-December, 10 new faculty and staff have joined the College of Nursing. 

Recognizing years of service to the College of Nursing. 

Nursing events, March-May, 2023
Mark your calendars for the following events of interest to UNMC College of Nursing faculty, staff and students.

In case you missed it...
These UNMC College of Nursing stories recently were featured in UNMC Today and other University of Nebraska.

Send your UNMC College of Nursing news to Innovations
 Is there something exciting going on in your division? Send your news to Innovations to share with your colleagues at the UNMC College of Nursing.
The deadline for the next issue is April 24, 2023.
UNMC College of Nursing
985330 Nebraska Medical Center
4111 Dewey Avenue
Omaha, NE 68198-5330