As a youth service provider you're the one with the expertise needed to prevent youth homelessness.
Your contribution through participating in this
will aid in the creation of innovative and potentially non-traditional solutions to address the disparities faced by LGBTQ youth and youth of color, as well as continue the push towards ending youth homelessness once and for all.
More information about this study
The prevention of youth homelessness was one of the topics identified in the National LGBTQ Youth Homelessness Research Agenda, which was developed by LGBTQ young people in collaboration with True Colors United, Advocates for Richmond Youth, and the Silberman Center for Sexuality and Gender at Hunter College.
Remaining true to the stated research values found in the research agenda, the current study was developed in collaboration with a team of LGBTQ young people and examines prevention in diversion strategies. The study includes two separate surveys - one for young people and one for service providers. The findings of the study will be used to make recommendations regarding youth homelessness prevention and diversion strategies and will inform technical assistance efforts.