The Dilemma of the Innovator

“What it is to be “a Manifestor (an Innovator)” is that every action you take carries enormous consequences and pressure. Pressure, incredible what is there. Because everything opens you up to rejection. Everything you do opens you up to rejection; everything.

...because we are that “make it happen” we can hit incredible brick walls. We just can. It is so easy for us to meet rejection when we are not correct as “Manifestors (Innovators)”. You have to understand how unusual you are, what it is to be “a Manifestor (an Innovator).”

~Ra Uru Hu

Manifestor (Innovator)

"As an IACET Accredited Provider, BG5BI offers IACET CEUs for its learning events that comply with the ANSI/IACET Continuing Education and Training Standard."

Responses to our recent accreditation:

"I’m proud to be learning and soon to be associated with the BG5 institute as a way forward in the world."

"I am so excited about Human Design and BG5 becoming more mainstream now!"

"So proud to take a part in this amazing community :)

"Looks like I am entering BG5 Certification at the perfect time!"



The Innovator Initiates

Innovators are the great initiators, they are the only Career Type able to 'go out and make things happen'. They are what Nike referred to as those who can 'JUST DO IT!'. They make up 8% of the population yet the rest of the types have all been conditioned to think that they have to 'go out and make life happen'. No wonder so many people feel frustrated, bitter and disappointed when that just doesn't work for them. And the Innovators have been made to feel like they should have the energy to not only 'make it happen' but to 'get the job completed' too - which isn't how they are meant to operate energetically. Hear from BG5 Consultants who are Innovators (watch the video and read their stories below) of how learning they were Innovators has impacted their lives. To learn more about the Innovator type...

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This covers all aspects of your design in detail. 


"It's not always easy to be an Innovator - they are up against a lot of resistance if they don't know how they operate" ~ Karen

Innovator Career Type

Watch Karen Sherwood as she presents the Innovator Career Type and shows how Innovators often 'hide' their true self because of all the resistance they have felt in their lives.

If this is you or someone you know, find out how to own and embrace the unique role you play in getting things started so others can respond.

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Karen Sherwood

Director of Training, Marketing and Educational Development

Certified BG5 Professional Consultant & Instructor

Andrew Rogers

Emotional Innovator

Certified BG5 Professional Consultant

"Yet I was mostly angry as I learned more about my Career Design. It brought up years of feeling misunderstood and projected onto ~ Andy"

One Innovator's Path to BG5 Certification

Read Andy's story of how he discovered his Career Type as an Innovator and the impact it has had on his life. A great example of how this energy type functions in the real world even when you're unaware that it's happening.

Gaining awareness about it has been the difference maker...

Read Now

"Innovators are here to make waves, literally, to change the direction and frequency of energy for humanity. It’s a magical task when an Innovator follows protocol." ~ Anna

Myth, Mayhem and Manifesting

Anna Murphy explains clearly how the Innovator's energy impacts everyone around them, creating a ripple effect and even they can’t control who takes up the possibilities they initiate or when they might happen. Once the door is opened, it stays open, and the right people meet it at the right time. Learn how Innovators can reduce can reduce the tension or resistance around the change they initiate...

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Anna Murphy

Emotional Innovator

BG5 Live Panelist

BG5BI Instructor Assistant

Hire a BG5 Professional Consultant, knowing they are well trained in the ‘source’ material and bring the fullness of their unique potential to those they serve.

Become a BG5 Professional Consultant to coach and consult those who are seeking a connection to their own authenticity and purpose in the world.

Are you ready to know yourself and/or become a Certified BG5 Professional?

Start with the Foundation Course to get to know your unique design. 

This two semester course is the Foundation for becoming a Certified BG5 Professional.

It all begins with more awareness of your authentic nature and how you've been nurtured.

Discover More

Ready to consult with and show others their unique, authentic self and help them align with their passion and purpose in their career?

The BG5 Consultant Certification three semester course will prepare you for your own consulting business.

Get Certified

Feeling called to work with large organizations? It can be a  business, non-profit or any other large group.

OC16 Consultant Certification will show you how to with leaders and team members to improve communication dynamics for greater success and satisfaction.

Work with Groups

Want to take your business/career to the next level?

Learn how you naturally attract those you are meant to serve and how to really align yourself with your design for the most material success.

Add this Profit Potential Coaching practice to your services to really help others hone in on their material success.

Align Your Career

Curious to understand the Cycles and how they affect each aspect of our lives?

See the backdrop that your life is playing out on - helping make sense of what's happened. Learn how to see what's coming up for you in the next year.

Help your clients understand where they've been and where they are going.

Make Sense of Life

Watch our Special Programs for additional workshops, webinars and self-study courses diving deeper into specific topics.

Participate live or study in your own timing.

Let us know what you'd like to learn more about!

Sample Courses

"As an IACET Accredited Provider, BG5BI offers IACET CEUs for its learning events that comply with the ANSI/IACET Continuing Education and Training Standard."



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