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Volume 34, No. 9 | March 8, 2024

Published by the Georgia Agribusiness Council, Inc. 


There was no rest for the weary this week after an extremely busy Crossover Day. The House took a vote on their version of the FY25 Budget which now moves the process over to the Senate for their touches. As we approach the homestretch of session, we will remain engaged on many issues to keep Agribusiness at the forefront. 

In this issue:

  • Weekly Video Recap
  • GAC Board Members Qualify for Office
  • CUVA Bill in Senate Committee
  • Ag Bills Pass House Committee
  • Budget
  • Senate Ag Appropriations Meeting
  • Georgia Peanuts make Appearance at Capitol
  • News From Washington
  • Bill Tracker

**Inside Agriculture is a newsletter and member benefit for GAC members that highlights the action Under the Gold Dome each week throughout the legislative session. The updates are meant to keep GAC members informed, connected, and engaged in the legislative process. Please share with other leaders within your business who may find these updates helpful.**

Click the video below for our weekly Capitol update!

Jake Tench gives his weekly update at the Capitol. 2024 Session Week 9


While Qualifying week under the Gold Dome is always an interesting time, this year took the cake. We were proud to see that three GAC Board members decided to put their name on the ballot and qualify for the Georgia Legislature.

On Tuesday, Jutt Howard with NG Turf qualified to run for Representative of the 71st District. This seat was previously held by Rep. J Collins who announced earlier in the session that he will not be seeking reelection.

On Wednesday Jaclyn Dixon Ford, with Dixon Gin came to the capitol to qualify for the 170th House District who was previously held by long-time Representative Penny Houston.

Finally, on Friday, Drew Echols with Jaemor Farms qualified to run for Senate district 49, the seat that is currently held by his wife, Shelly Echols.

Representatives Houston and Collins and Senator Echols have been great supporters of agriculture during their tenures and will be missed in the General Assembly. We are excited to see these dedicated friends of Agribusiness make the decision to serve their respective districts.


House Bill 1052, by Representative Chas Cannon, was heard in Committee on Wednesday and again on Friday. This Bill seeks to modernize the leasing portion of the Conservation Use Valuation Assessment program. This change will allow for non-family members who are in a Limited Liability Company together to qualify for CUVA when leasing property from a landowner that qualifies on their own.

With the future of farming continually changing with increased land prices, input prices, and more liability, producers are looking to split risk and costs by joining up together. The bill will hopefully ensure that the future of Georgia Agriculture can adapt with the times and allow for the important CUVA program to adapt with it.


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SB 436, carried by Senator Sam Watson, was heard in the House Motor Vehicles Committee on Tuesday. SB 436 passed the Senate by a vote of 48-0 on February 16th. The bill gives the right-of-way to all farm equipment operators, not just farmers. Senator Watson explained that current law does not give the right-of-way to an equipment dealer, mechanic, or other operator of the equipment, causing issues when the aforementioned are moving the equipment from a shop or dealership to the farm. The bill was slightly amended in committee to provide for uniform language throughout the bill. It passed unanimously.

The House Agriculture and Consumer Affairs Committee heard two Senate bills, SB 494 and SB 437, both pertaining to the hemp industry. SB 494, by Senator Sam Watson, addresses the regulation and licensing of hemp. The bill lays out fees for various components of the hemp production chain and clarifies language regarding permits. The bill passed the committee unanimously. SB 437, by Senator Randy Robertson, addresses the enforcement of violators and restrictions as to who can purchase and what must be labeled on products. The bill prohibits the sale of hemp products to individuals under 21 and requires warning labels disclaiming that the product contains THC. The bill passed the committee unanimously.


The Georgia House of Representatives on Thursday passed the first draft of the $36.1 billion state budget for fiscal year 2025, the vote was nearly unanimous. The budget includes funding for all state departments, programs, and employees from July 1 to June 30, 2025. Passing a balanced budget is the only thing legislators are constitutionally required to complete during a legislative session. The revenue estimates predicted an increase in revenue of $3.6 billion in comparison to 2024. The current appropriations for some of the notable inclusions related to agriculture can be seen below:

Georgia Department of Agriculture

  • Current total state funds are at  $66,328,485
  • $150,000 for the feral hog task force
  • $700,000 for one-time agricultural improvements

State Soil and Water Conservation Commission

  • $72,000 for the Master Farmer program

Cooperative Extension Service

  • A system glitch only put $900 in the employee benefit plan, where it should be a little over $400,000. We are working to get this corrected.

Georgia Student Finance Commission

  • $35,000 in Additional Funding for Veterinary Loan Repayment Program

To see the full House Version of the Budget click HERE


While the Amended Fiscal Year 2024 budget was signed by Governor Brian Kemp last week, the House and Senate have been at work hearing budget requests for the Fiscal Year 2025 budget. Wednesday afternoon, the Senate Appropriations Subcommittee on Agriculture and Natural Resources heard from the Department of Agriculture, the Soil and Water Conservation Commission, the Environmental Protection Division, and other state agencies. Agriculture Commissioner Tyler Harper highlighted his key requests, including:

  • $150,000 for the Feral Hog Task Force Program. The pilot program in Middle Georgia has been extremely successful, and the Commissioner noted the need for additional funds to expand the program to other areas in the state.
  • Increased funds for the Veterinary Loan Repayment Program. HB 1274, carried by Rep. David Huddleston, passed the House on Crossover Day by a vote of 166-1 and has been referred to the Senate Committee on Higher Education. This bill addresses the revisions for the program and the funds requested would assist in the implementation of this program.

Subcommittee Chairman Larry Walker mentioned that the Senate is having to “find money,” so we expect the Senate to make adjustments to the budget, however, we will continue to advocate for programs that are beneficial to agribusiness.


March 2024 marks Georgia Peanut Month. Georgia's peanut industry contributes $790.8 million to the state's economy and is our fourth-highest valued commodity. Georgia produces over half of the nation's peanuts, a statistic that shows the power of Georgia's agriculture industry and our producers' resiliency. The Georgia Peanut Commission visited the Capitol on Monday and drew a crowd with the aroma coming from the famous fried peanut butter and jelly sandwiches.

Pictured (L to R): Tyron Spearman, Senate Agriculture and Consumer Affairs Chairman Russ Goodman, Don Koehler, and Jake Tench

Deadline for Funding hits on 03/07

Congress have once again pressed the deadline on a spending bill. This bill looks to fund agencies such as USDA, FDA, EPA and the departments of Interior, Commerce and Transportation. Fortunately, it looks like they will skirt by the deadline avoiding a shutdown once again as the House passed the bill on Wednesday.

Republicans won cuts in spending for a range of agencies and programs, including EPA. The Agriculture portion of the minibus includes new provisions to address concerns about foreign acquisition of U.S. farmland and agribusiness interests and also provides full funding for the Women, Infants and Children nutrition assistance program. The legislation would add USDA to the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States and fund a data system to track foreign purchases of U.S. farmland. 

Farmers Thankful for SEC Rules Change in Emissions

Many farmers and ranchers are relieved after the Securities and Exchange Commission voted to remove language from a rule proposal that would have required them to report greenhouse gas emissions.

The SEC has been working on regulations mandating public companies better report their greenhouse gas emissions. The proposal was divided into multiple scopes, but scope 3 was the one that had everyone concerned.

Scope 1 requires publicly traded companies to report their direct emissions. Scope 2 puts similar requirements on electricity and energy generators. Scope 3 would have placed additional requirements on producers further down the supply chain which would require cattle producers to report emissions.

This would have trickled all the way back to producers not only in the US but abroad as well.

Farmers draw offers to lease farmland for solar

One of every ten farmers say they have had discussions with a company in the last six months about leasing farm land for solar power projects, according to the monthly Purdue-CME Group survey of producers

More than half of those producers who’ve been involved in lease discussions, 56%, say they were offered at least $1,000 an acre. That’s up from 48% who reported in February 2023 that they had been offered $1,000 or more. 


SB 349 – Senators Hufstetler, Albers, Esteves, Echols, and Anavitarte

A bill to revise provisions related to the setting of millage rates and provide for a statewide homestead exemption from ad valorem taxes in an amount equal to the amount by which a homestead's current year assessed value is more than 3% from the adjusted base year value and others.

Status – Passed Senate by a vote of 42-7 on 2/15/24. Referred to House Ways and Means on 2/16/24.

SB 420 – Senators Anavitarte, Goodman, Beach, Cowsert, and Gooch

A bill to prohibit certain foreign entities from purchasing agricultural land.

Status – Passed the Senate by a vote of 41-11 by substitute on 2/29/24. Referred to House Judiciary on 3/4/24.

SB 426 - Senator Tillery

A bill relating to tort reform involving direct action. Will revise requirements for joining of a motor carrier and motor carrier's insurer to a cause of action and provide for subrogation for unpaid final judgments relative to causes of action involving motor carriers.

Status - Passed the Senate by a vote of 46-2 on 2/13/24. Referred to House Judiciary on 2/15/24.

SB 429 – Senators Dolezal, Gooch, Kennedy, Robertson, Anavitarte, and others

A bill to enact the Small Business Protection Act of 2024. This would provide for an analysis of the economic impact of bills or rules on small businesses at the request of the Governor, Lieutenant Governor, or any member of the General Assembly.

Status – Passed the Senate by a vote of 40-13 with amendment on 2/26/24. Heard in House Budget & Fiscal Affairs on 3/7/24. No action taken.

SB 436 – Senators Watson, Goodman, Anderson, Walker, Ginn, and others

A bill to give operators of farm vehicles the right of way on a state or local roadways when it is unsafe for the farm vehicle to pull off to the far-right-hand side of the road.

StatusPassed the Senate by a vote of 48-0 on 2/16/24. Passed the House Motor Vehicles with amendment for clean-up language on 3/5/24.

SB 437 – Senators Robertson, Kirkpatrick, Watson, Strickland, and Sims

A bill to prohibit the sale of consumable hemp products to people under the age of 21 and to provide regulations for disclosing THC contents to consumers.

Status – Passed the Senate by a vote of 49-1 by substitute on 2/29/24. Passed the House Agriculture & Consumer Affairs on 3/7/24.

SB 494 – Senators Watson, Robertson, Kirkpatrick, Goodman, and Sims

A bill to regulate hemp products and hemp grower licenses.

Status – Passed the Senate by a vote of 43-5 with amendment on 2/27/24. Passed the House Agriculture and Consumer Affairs on 3/7/24.

SB 542 – Senators Watson, Kennedy, and Gooch

A bill to limit the public’s right of navigable streams to only using water as highways and for hunting and fishing. The public is not permitted to trespass upon privately owned beds.

Status – Passed the Senate by a vote of 51-0 by substitute on 2/29/24. Referred to House Judiciary on 3/4/24.


HB 449 Reps. Knight, Corbett, Rhodes, Cannon, and Pirkle

The bill would do away with an exemption provided in the Conservation Use Value Assessment (CUVA) program that allows for the installation of solar panels on land in a CUVA covenant if that portion of the land is removed from the covenant and the penalty is paid.

Status - Passed House Ways and Means Committee 3/3/23. Recommitted to committee on 3/29/23.


HB 452Reps. Pirkle, Jasperse, Meeks, Rhodes, Knight

A bill to prohibit the foreign ownership of agricultural land by any non-resident alien, government, or business from a country considered to be foreign adversary as determined by the US Secretary of Commerce. It would also restrict ownership by those individuals, governments, and businesses of any land that is within a 25-mile radius of a military facility.

Status - Passed House Agriculture and Consumer Affairs Committee 2/28/23. Recommitted to committee on 3/29/23.

HB 808 - Reps. Cheokas, Yearta, Mathiak, Ridley, Powell & Dubnik

A bill to exempt tangible personal property from ad valorem taxes if the fair market value does not exceed $50,000.00.

Status - Passed the House by a vote of 125-42 on 2/26/24. Passed Senate Finance on 3/6/24.

HB 827 – Reps. Smith, Dickey, Pirkle, Leverett, Hagan, and Huddleston

A bill to increase the penalties for livestock theft.

Status – Passed the House by a vote of 156-12 on 2/26/24. Passed Senate Judiciary by substitute on 3/7/24.

HB 880 – Reps. Ballard, Bonner, Burchett, Blackmon, Prince & Sainz

A bill to allow transitioning military spouses to use an existing license in good standing from another state to obtain employment in the State of Georgia.

Status - Passed the House by a vote of 168-0 on 2/27/24. Passed Senate Veterans, Military, and Homeland Security on 3/7/24.

HB 904 – Reps. Vance, Jackson, Campbell, Mainor, and Washburn

A bill to change certain provisions relating to electrical contractors, plumbers, conditioned air contractors, low voltage contractors, and utility contractors.

Status – Passed the House by a vote of 168-1 on 2/21/24. Referred to Senate Regulated Industries on 2/22/24.


HB 905 – Reps. Reeves, Roberts, Leverett, LaHood, and Washburn

A bill to repeal provisions authorizing administrative officers to exercise zoning powers.

Status – Passed House 167-0 on 2/1/24. Referred to Senate State and Local Government - General on 2/6/24.


HB 912 – Reps. Anderson, Rhodes, Burchett, Smith, and Williams

A bill to revise the definition of “multipurpose off-highway vehicle” and amend regulations relating to ad valorem taxes on motor vehicles.

Status – Passed House by a vote of 168-0 on 2/15/24. Referred to Senate Transportation on 2/16/24.

HB 926 – Reps. Reeves, Mainor, Greene, Hilton, and Vance

A bill to authorize individuals to obtain a certificate of good standing and use it as evidence of good moral character for employment, housing, and occupational licensing.

Status – Passed the House by a vote of 159-1 by substitute on 2/29/24. Referred to Senate Judiciary on 3/4/24.

HB 927 – Reps. Hagan, Efstration, Anderson, Cannon, and Sainz

A bill to authorize fluorescent pink hunting outer garments.

Status – Passed the House by a vote of 166-1 on 2/26/24. Referred to Senate Natural Resources and Environment on 2/27/24.

HB 994 – Reps. Powell, Rhodes, Leverett, Cox, Barrett, and McDonald

A bill to revise liability for the negligent operation of a vessel and to provide clarification for claims against owners of boat liveries.

Status – Passed the House by a vote of 163-1 on 2/21/24. Heard in Senate Insurance on 3/6/24. No action taken.

HB 997 – Reps. Corbett, Ridley, Hitchens, Prince, and Powell

A bill to disqualify individuals from operating a commercial motor vehicle upon the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration’s receipt of a positive drug test or refusal to submit a test.

Status – Passed the House by a vote of 162-1 on 2/12/24. Passed Senate Public Safety on 3/6/24.

HB 1017 – Reps. Seabaugh, Reeves, Burchett, Crowe, and Silcox

A bill to deem those who enter and reside upon land or premises without the knowledge or consent of the owner as guilty of a misdemeanor of a high and aggravated nature.

Status – Passed the House by a vote of 167-0 by substitute on 2/29/24. Referred to Senate Judiciary on 3/4/24.

HB 1019 – Reps. Reeves, Burns, Blackmon, Jones, Knight, and Silcox

A bill to raise homestead exemptions from $2,000.00 to $4,000.00 and allow for those participating in the rural housing program to receive the same homestead exemption.

Status – Passed House 162-0 on 2/8/24. Referred to Senate Finance on 2/9/24.

HB 1031 – Reps. Blackmon, Knight, Martin, and Crowe

A bill to define “estimated roll-back rate” and direct the chief appraiser to appraise every parcel in 2025 and every three years thereafter.

StatusPassed House by a vote of 146-24 by substitute on 2/29/24. Referred to Senate Finance on 3/4/24.

HB 1048 – Reps. Carpenter, Huddleston, Cameron, Hilton, and Vance

A bill to make cornbread the official bread of the state.

Status – Passed House by a vote of 155-3 on 2/9/24. Referred to Senate Economic Development and Tourism on 2/13/24.

HB 1052 – Reps. Cannon, Dickey, Huddleston, McCollum, and Meeks

A bill to allow corporations to qualify for CUVA if the land they are leasing is used for agriculture or timber purposes and if the corporation ownership includes at least one US citizen.

Status – Passed the House by a vote of 166-2 by substitute on 2/29/24. Heard in Senate Finance on 3/6/24. No action taken.

HB 1096 – Reps. Washburn, Werkheiser, Evans, and Powell

A bill to allow the Secretary of State to refuse to renew professional licenses unless the licensee has completed the required continuing education (if applicable to the profession).

Status – Passed the House by a vote of 167-1 by substitute on 2/29/24. Heard in Senate Regulated Industries on 3/5/24. No action taken.

HB 1099 – Reps. Huddleston, Burchett, Cannon, Camp, and Rhodes

A bill to constitute a charge of criminal trespass against individuals who enter the land of another person that has been marked with purple paint marks on either trees or posts on said property.

Status – Passed the House by a vote of 167-0 on 2/29/24. Referred to Senate Judiciary on 3/4/24.


HB 1115 – Reps. Williams, Kelley, Crowe, Blackmon, and Horner

A bill to cap local sales and use taxes at three (3) percent.

Status – Passed the House by a vote of 167-2 on 2/27/24. Referred to Senate Finance on 2/29/24.

HB 1127 – Reps. Pirkle, Corbett, Rhodes, and Lott

A bill to prohibit the sale of consumable hemp products to people under the age of 21 and to provide regulations for disclosing the inclusion of THC to consumers.

Status – Passed the House by a vote of 165-1 on 2/27/24. Referred to Senate Regulated Industries on 2/29/24.

HB 1146 – Reps. Stephens, Hitchens, and Petrea

A bill to allow the Environmental Protection Division to issue water permits to private companies in areas where no public water service can be provided within 12 months.

Status – Passed the House by a vote of 105-58 on 2/29/24. Referred to Senate Natural Resources on 2/27/24.


HB 1172 – Reps. Burchett, Rhodes, Leverett, Smith, and Williams

A bill to limit the public’s right of navigable streams to only using water as highways and for hunting and fishing. The public is not permitted to trespass upon privately owned beds.

Status – Passed the House by a vote of 107-60 on 2/26/24. Referred to Senate Judiciary on 2/27/24.

HB 1185 – Reps. Camp, Washburn, Frye, Martin, and Blackmon

A bill to provide for statewide homestead exemption from ad valorem taxes when current year assessed value exceeds the inflation rate.

Status – Passed the House by a vote of 169-0 on 2/27/24. Referred to Senate Finance on 2/29/24.

HB 1190 – Reps. Collins, Powell, Cheokas, Gaines, and Ridley

A bill to allow the division director to issue professional licenses should the licensing board fail to issue a license within 60 days of receiving the application.

Status – Passed the House by a vote of 167-0 on 2/29/24. Referred to Senate Regulated Industries on 3/4/24.

HB 1223 – Reps. Leverett, Petrea, Prince, Jackson, and Adesanya

A bill to prohibit individuals from distributing a soil amendment on a site that is currently subject to a consent order issued by the EPD.

Status – Passed the House by a vote of 165-0 by substitute on 2/29/24. Referred to Senate Agriculture and Consumer Affairs on 3/4/24.

HB 1237 – Reps. Cannon, Corbett, Dickey, Meeks, and Campbell

A bill to remove the acreage requirement from the definition of a producer in relation to citrus fruits.

Status – Passed the House by a vote of 166-0 on 2/26/24. Referred to Senate Agriculture and Consumer Affairs on 2/27/24.

HB 1239 – Reps. Collins, Corbett, Rhodes, Jasperse, and Dickey

A bill to define miniature on-road vehicles and provide licensing requirements and regulations for operators.

Status – Passed the House by a vote of 168-1 on 2/29/24. Passed Senate Public Safety on 3/7/24.

HB 1253 - Reps. Anderson, Greene, Jackson, Corbett, Houston, and Smith

A bill to establish special rural districts and provide provisions for funds for those districts. Incorporates language from Rep. Lynn Smith's HB 999.

Status - Passed the House by a vote of 168-1 on 2/29/24. Referred to Senate Government Oversight on 3/4/24.

HB 1260 – Senators Gaines, Jones, Burchett, Dickey, Smith, and Anulewicz

A bill to require the Commissioner of Agriculture to establish and maintain a directory of nicotine vapor products for sale in the state.

Status – Passed the House by a vote of 163-4 by substitute on 2/29/24. Referred to Senate Regulated Industries on 3/4/24.

HB 1274 – Reps. Huddleston, Ridley, Dickey, Pirkle, Thomas, and Cameron

A bill to amend the terms of the state veterinary loan repayment program so as to change the rural county population requirement to less than 50,000 and to change the payments to no more than $75,000 in the three-year program.

Status – Passed the House by a vote of 166-1 on 2/29/24. Referred to Senate Higher Education on 3/4/24.

HB 1294 – Reps. Pirkle, Green, and Werkheiser

A bill to allow the Georgia Environmental Finance Authority to finance and perform duties related to natural gas facilities.

Status – Passed the House by a vote of 155-7 on 2/29/24. Referred to Senate Regulated Industries on 3/4/24.

HB 1322 – Reps. Cannon, Corbett, Rhodes, Williams, Pirkle, and LaHood

A bill related to hemp regulation as it pertains to legal limits of delta-9-THC concentration.

Status – Passed the House by a vote of 166-3 on 2/29/24. Referred to Senate Regulated Industries on 3/4/24.

HB 1371 – Rep. Burchett

A bill relating to torts regarding owners and occupants of land.

Status – Passed the House by a vote of 168-0 by substitute on 2/29/24. Referred to Senate Judiciary on 3/4/24.


SB 352 – Senators Anderson, Albers, Robertson, Williams, and Payne

A bill to provide standards for the alteration and operation of motor vehicles with modified suspension systems.

Status – Passed the Senate by a vote of 41-9 on 1/30/24. Passed the House by a vote of 136-33 on 3/7/24.

SB 353 – Senators Dolezal and Dixon

A bill to amend weight and dimension requirements for modular unit transporters.

Status – Passed the Senate by a vote of 51-1 on 1/29/24. Passed the House by a vote of 152-0 on 2/16/24.

SB 410 – Senators Kirkpatrick, Walker, Robertson, Payne, and Anavitarte

A bill to provide temporary licenses to out-of-state veterinarians and to exempt certain services performed by out-of-state vets from licensing requirements.

Status – Passed Senate by a vote of 52-0 on 2/8/24. Passed House by substitute by a vote of 170-0 on 3/7/24.


SB 364 – Senators Albers, Hufstetler, Summers, Still, and Anavitarte

A bill to provide for a statewide homestead exemption from ad valorem taxes in an amount equal to the amount by which the current year assessed value of a homestead exceeds the lesser of 3 percent or the inflation rate from the adjusted base year value, and others.

Status – Heard in the Finance Committee on 1/29/24. No action taken.

SB 393 – Senators Dixon, Walker, Lucas, and Summers

A bill to permit certain qualified individuals to register with the Health Department to conduct soil investigations and prepare soil reports of a site.

Status – Referred to the committee on State and Local Governmental Operations on 1/25/24.

SB 403 – Senators Ginn, Dixon, Echols, Hufstetler, and Walker

A bill to list and describe necessary components in annual tax assessment notices, including methods for filing appeals and all assessment values.

Status – Passed the committee on Finance on 2/21/24.


SB 404 – Senators Moore and Beach

A bill to set the income tax rate at 5.49% and then reduce it by 1% each year until it reaches zero percent.

Status – Referred to the committee on Finance on 1/26/24.


SB 408 – Senator Brass

A bill to retract the Board of Natural Resources’ power to require fluoridation of drinking water in incorporated communities.

Status – Heard in the committee on Natural Resources on 2/14/24. No action taken.

SB 470 – Senators Setzler, Albers, Kirkpatrick, and Halpern

A bill to provide for notices of vacancy against tenants and those occupying land or tenement.

Status – Passed the committee on Public Safety on 2/15/24.

SB 471 – Senators Williams, Anderson, Walker, Payne, and Beach

A bill to change renewal dates for professional licenses. Licenses issued after January 1, 2025 are valid for up to four years, with exceptions for certain licensing boards. Those exempted will remain valid for up to two years.

Status – Passed the committee on Regulated Industries on 2/15/24.

SB 488 – Senators Summers, Kennedy, Goodman, Walker, and Anderson

A bill to provide exemptions from ad valorem taxes for aircraft used exclusively for agricultural purposes.

Status – Failed to pass the committee on Finance on 2/21/24.

SB 489 – Senators Goodman, Watson, Summers, Hodges, and Anderson

A bill to designate the blueberry the state berry of Georgia.

Status – Passed the committee on Economic Development & Tourism on 2/22/24.

SB 525 – Senators Gooch, Ginn, Robertson, Harbin, and Goodman

A bill to prohibit the sale of ethanol gasoline.

Status – Referred to the committee on Agriculture and Consumer Affairs on 2/20/24.

HB 848 – Reps. Taylor, Lumsden, Collins, Hitchens, and Dunahoo

A bill to authorize the enforcement of excess vehicle weight violations through an automated vehicle weight detection system.

Status - Referred to the committee on Motor Vehicles on 1/8/24.

HB 893 – Rep. Thomas

A bill to provide exemptions from ad valorem taxes for homesteads used for agricultural purposes, subject to certain circumstances.

Status - Referred to the committee on Ways and Means on 1/10/24.

HB 908 – Reps. Ridley, J., Ridley, J., Jasperse, Fleming, and Persinger

A bill to require food service establishments to disclose if food products contain cell-cultured meat and/or plant-based meat alternatives.

Status – Heard in the committee on Agriculture and Consumer Affairs on 2/22/24. No action taken.

HB 922 – Reps. Vance, Tarvin, Lunsden, Collins, and Hitchens

A bill to constitute the entrance upon another’s property without consent of the owner as an offense of criminal trespass.

Status – Heard in the Judiciary Non-Civil subcommittee on 2/15/24. No action taken.

HB 981 – Reps. Burchett, Cannon, Dickey, Meeks, and Rhodes

A bill to exempt agricultural structures from permit fees in excess of $500.00.

Status – Heard in the committee on Agriculture and Consumer Affairs on 1/31/24. No action taken.

HB 999 - Reps. Smith, Greene, Jackson, Stinson, and Cannon

A bill to define special rural districts and allow those districts to qualify for certain state and federal funds.

Status - Referred to the committee on Governmental Affairs on 1/24/24.

HB 1011 – Reps. Momtahan, Gullett, Daniel, Leverett, and Cannon

A bill to prohibit insurers from unfair and deceptive acts because the applicant or insured inquires about or submits a claim for which no payment is made.

Status – Referred to the committee on Insurance on 1/25/24.

HB 1047 – Rep. Byrd

A bill to set the income tax rate at 5.49% then reduce it by 1% each year until it reaches zero percent.

Status – Referred to the committee on Ways and Means on 1/26/24.

HB 1093 – Reps. Clark, Pirkle, Blackmon, Corbett, and Bonner

A bill to prohibit certain foreign companies or individuals from purchasing agricultural land.

Status – Passed the committee on Agriculture and Consumer Affairs on 2/14/24. Withdrawn from Rules calendar and recommitted to the Rules Committee on 2/27/24 by Rep. David Clark.

HB 1119 – Reps. Carson and Hilton

A bill to provide specific dimension requirements for altered suspension systems on motor vehicles.

Status – Heard in the committee on Motor Vehicles on 2/16/24. No action taken.

HB 1120 – Reps. Taylor, Ehrhart, Mathiak, Smith, and Thomas

A bill to provide that a freeze on increased assessment values applies to residential properties only when the property owner has been granted a homestead exemption.

Status – Referred to the committee on Ways and Means on 2/6/24.

HB 1142 – Reps. Martin, Gullett, Jones, Hilton, and Momtahan

A bill to remove the residency requirement for the issuance of professional licenses for spouses of active or transitioning military personnel.

Status – Referred to the committee on Regulated Industries on 2/7/24.

HB 1152 – Reps. Camp, Carson, Powell, Persinger, and Gullett

A bill to provide regulations and expectations of consumers and solar financing agents in relation to solar energy.

Status – Heard in the committee on Energy, Utilities, and Telecommunications on 2/20/24. No action taken.

HB 1164 – Reps. Miller, Smith, T.P., LaHood, Buckner, Fleming, Smith, V., and Willis

A bill to charge individuals with criminal trespass if they enter, without proper licensure or authorization, the enclosure of a wild animal and cause injury or death.

Status – Heard in the committee on Judiciary Non-Civil on 2/22/24. No action taken.

HB 1169 – Reps. Townsend, Smith, DeLoach, Vance, and Reeves

A bill to allow the Environmental Protection Division to deny permit applications if the applicant has violated environmental laws or regulations.

Status – Heard in the subcommittee on Natural Resources and Environment on 2/15/24. No action taken.

HB 1173 – Reps. Ridley, Rhodes, Ridley, Cannon, and Corbett

A bill to authorize fishing with bow and arrow for any catfish species in any waters of the state.

Status – Passed the committee on Game, Fish & Parks on 2/13/24.

HB 1177 – Reps. Stephens, Washburn, and Blackmon

A bill to provide for statewide homestead exemption from ad valorem taxes when current year assessed value exceeds base year value.

Status – Heard in the subcommittee on Ways and Means on 2/12/24. No action taken.

HB 1195 – Reps. Kendrick, Jackson, Kelley, Greene, Buckner, and Frye

A bill to provide a tax credit to workforce-ready graduates employed in high-tech full-time jobs in rural counties.

Status – Passed the committee on Ways and Means on 2/20/24.

HB 1206 – Reps. Lumsden, Carson, Gullett, Gunter, and Scoggins

A bill to require businesses to treat electronic signatures with the same privacy as physical signatures.

Status – Passed the committee on Agriculture and Consumer Affairs on 2/26/24.

HB 1219 – Reps. Silcox, Stephens, and Holland

A bill to provide for a pilot program to enforce traffic laws relating to excessive noise levels.

Status – Referred to the committee on Public Safety & Homeland Security on 2/12/24.

HB 1220 – Reps. Rhodes, Williams, Corbett, Jones, Houston, and Williamson

A bill to give the Public Service Commission regulatory powers over water service providers servicing 1,000 or more customers.

Status – Passed the committee on Energy, Utilities, and Telecommunication on 2/20/24.

HB 1227 – Rep. Thomas

A bill to prohibit squatting and charge those in violation with criminal trespass. A fine will be imposed based on the fair market monthly rental value.

Status – Referred to the committee on Judiciary on 2/12/24.

HB 1263 – Reps. Schofield, Drenner, David, Scott, and Evans

A bill to require state entities to consider and report environmental impacts before taking certain actions and to create the Environmental Justice Commission.

Status – Referred to the committee on Natural Resources and Environment on 2/15/24.

HB 1285 – Reps. McCollum, Hitchens, Jones, Fleming, and Hilton

A bill to prohibit the sale of mufflers when it is known that it will produce excessive noise.

Status – Referred to the committee on Motor Vehicles on 2/16/24.

HB 1286 – Reps. Corbett, Cannon, Williams, LaHood, and Rhodes

A bill to regulate hemp products and hemp grower licenses.

Status – Passed the committee on Agriculture and Consumer Affairs on 2/22/24.

HB 1289 – Reps. Gunter, Anderson, and Jasperse

A bill to prohibit people from operating motor vehicles with more than six wheels on dangerous highways (term defined by the Department of Transportation).

Status – Referred to the committee on Transportation on 2/16/24.

HB 1300 – Rep. Prince

A bill related to the disclosure of a taxing authority’s intent to increase property taxes.

Status – Referred to the committee on Ways and Means on 2/20/24.

HB 1315 – Reps. Williams, Meeks, Corbett, Jones, and Campbell

A bill to exempt aircraft used for agricultural purposes from ad valorem taxes.

Status – Referred to the committee on Ways and Means on 2/21/24.

HB 1397 - Rep. Burchett

A bill to identify the waterways presumed to be navigable in the state.

Status - Heard in Natural Resources Subcommittee on 2/26/24. No action taken.


The 2024 GAC Star Sponsor program registration is now underway, and it's off to a good start. This program assists with events during the legislative session along with building support for a variety of projects and initiatives that cannot take place without the added participation.

Star Sponsors are reflected in each of our newsletters and are included with the weekly legislative reports throughout each session of the Georgia General Assembly and more. 

Click here for 2024 Star Sponsor registration information, email Jill Hansard, or call the GAC office at 706-336-6830. Thank you!

*Star Sponsors listed below are as of 3/7/2024


Abraham Baldwin Agricultural College

Asmark Institute

Bagwell Insurance Group, Inc.

Dickey Farms Inc.

Georgia CEO

Georgia Electric Membership Corporation

Georgia Power Co.

Martin Trucking, LLC

Premium Peanut

R & A Orchards, Inc.

Southwest Georgia Farm Credit

The Burkhalter Ranch

The Center for Rural Prosperity and Innovation

Ag Technologies

Albany Dougherty Economic

Development Commission

Carroll EMC

Color Burst

DeWitt Produce Co. Inc.

Fort Valley State University Co-op Ext. Program

Georgia Cotton Commission

Georgia Development Authority

Georgia Green Industry Association

Georgia Peanut Commission

Greg Sikes Farm, LLC

J & B Irrigation Inc.

Jaemor Farms

Leatherbrook Holsteins LLC

Kelley Manufacturing Co.

Leatherbrook Holsteins LLC

Mobley Greenhouses, Inc.

Osage Farms Inc.

Riverview Plantation Inc.

SafEnvirons, Inc.

Sunbelt Agricultural Exposition

Sunbelt Greenhouses

Superior Blueberries

The Turfgrass Group, Inc.

Triple Creek Farm

USA Poultry & Egg Export Council

Woodruff & Howe Environmental Engineering, Inc.

AgLanta Grown

American Peanut Shellers Association

B.C.T. Gin Co., Inc.

Boston Gin Company

Burriss Law Group, LLC

Centurion Poultry Inc.

Chastain & Associates Insurance Agency, Inc.

Circle C Farms Inc.

Citizen Farmers Academy

CLW Harvesting, LLC

Coastal Plains Farmers

Co-Op. Inc.

Cotton Partners LLC

Curry Farm Supply Inc.

EGA, Inc

Emanuel Peanut & Grain LLC

 Embry Transport, Inc.

Feeding Georgia

Fresh Plants, Inc.

Funston Gin Co., Inc.

Georgia Association of County Agricultural Agents

Georgia Association of Professional Ag Consultants

Georgia Cattlemen's Association

Georgia Crop Improvement Association Inc.

Georgia Federal-State Inspection Service, Inc.

Georgia FFA Association

Georgia FFA-FCCLA Center

Georgia Forestry Association

Georgia Fresh, LLC

Georgia Grown Citrus @ JoNina Farm

Georgia Milk Producers Inc.

Georgia Peach Council

Georgia Pecan Growers Association, Inc.

Georgia Seed Association Inc.

Georgia Watermelon Association

Georgia Women in Agriculture Association, Inc.

Green Fern Enterprises, LLC

Greene County Fertilizer Co.

Grow Green Services, LLC

Hat Creek Peanut Co. Inc.

Hazel Creek Cider, Inc. / Yearwood Farms, Inc.

Hulsey Farm Services

JKB Farm Services LLC

Lenox Peanut Company

L. R. Land & Cattle Company, Inc.

Lyle Farms, LLC

Majors Electric & Mechanical Company, Inc.

National Peanut Buying Points Association

Northeast Georgia Livestock, LLC

Omega Farms of GA

Red Clay Ranch Equine Rescue and Sanctuary, Inc.

Patrick Farms

Peebles Timber, Inc. / Longleaf LLC 

Pike Creek Turf, Inc.

Quality Gin, Inc.

RAJ Farms Inc.

Samara Plantation LLC

Sconyers Gin & Warehouse Co.

Shealy Farms, Inc.

Southeastern Cotton Ginners Association, Inc.

Southern AGCOM Inc.

Southern Crop Production Association

Southern Seed Co., Inc. & Hinson Family Ptrship.

Southern Specialty Equipment, Inc

Southern Livestock

Stanley Farms

The Dairy Alliance, Inc.

Three Brothers Trucking, LLC

Tri Scapes, Inc.

UGA Innovation Gateway

University of Georgia Agricultural Leadership, Education, and Communication

Vidalia Onion Business Council

Wallace Farm and Pet Supply, Inc.

Walter J. Turner Farms


In a policy environment that is rapidly changing, supporting state political leaders that understand and support agribusiness has never been more important than it is today.

The Georgia Agribusiness Council was created for the purpose of advocating for agricultural interests in the legislative and regulatory arenas. This lofty initiative continues to get harder and harder each election cycle. In our efforts to advance these activities, the Council formed the Georgia AgPAC several years ago that utilizes member's donations to:

* Financially support the campaigns of political candidates who are supportive of agriculture;

* Educating elected officials and key decision makers on issues important to agribusiness;

* Advocacy of issues that advance our industry and rural communities

We ask for your financial support so that we can continue to fight on behalf of Georgia agribusiness interests. Campaign contributions from Georgia AgPAC is restricted to non-federal candidates in races for legislative and statewide offices. Georgia AgPAC needs your contribution to advance this initiative. 

Your corporate or personal commitment will help us prepare today. All donations are welcome. Please call our office at 706-336-6830 or click here to download the donation form to be a partner in this effort. 


April 4 I ATHENS

Flavor of Georgia

Contestant registration is open for the 2024 Flavor of Georgia Food Product Contest. Join us on Thursday, April 4, 2024, at the Classic Center in Athens, Ga.

April 6 I ATHENS

CAES Alumni Awards

Classic Center Atrium

Reception: 11:00 am

Luncheon and Awards: Noon




Second Annual Agribusiness Classic Clay Shoot

Join the Agribusiness Council and its members on May 1 in Forsyth at Meadows Clay Sports for our second annual clay shoot. More details will be coming soon!


This information is intended for members of the Georgia Agribusiness Council, Inc. No part of this document shall be copied, edited, or redistributed in any form without express written consent from the Georgia Agribusiness Council, Inc.

Georgia Agribusiness Council | 706-336-6830 | WWW.GA-AGRIBUSINESS.ORG


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