HB 449 – Reps. Knight, Corbett, Rhodes, Cannon, and Pirkle
The bill would do away with an exemption provided in the Conservation Use Value Assessment (CUVA) program that allows for the installation of solar panels on land in a CUVA covenant if that portion of the land is removed from the covenant and the penalty is paid.
Status - Passed House Ways and Means Committee 3/3/23. Recommitted to committee on 3/29/23.
HB 452 – Reps. Pirkle, Jasperse, Meeks, Rhodes, Knight
A bill to prohibit the foreign ownership of agricultural land by any non-resident alien, government, or business from a country considered to be foreign adversary as determined by the US Secretary of Commerce. It would also restrict ownership by those individuals, governments, and businesses of any land that is within a 25-mile radius of a military facility.
Status - Passed House Agriculture and Consumer Affairs Committee 2/28/23. Recommitted to committee on 3/29/23.
HB 808 - Reps. Cheokas, Yearta, Mathiak, Ridley, Powell & Dubnik
A bill to exempt tangible personal property from ad valorem taxes if the fair market value does not exceed $50,000.00.
Status - Passed the House by a vote of 125-42 on 2/26/24. Passed Senate Finance on 3/6/24.
HB 827 – Reps. Smith, Dickey, Pirkle, Leverett, Hagan, and Huddleston
A bill to increase the penalties for livestock theft.
Status – Passed the House by a vote of 156-12 on 2/26/24. Passed Senate Judiciary by substitute on 3/7/24.
HB 880 – Reps. Ballard, Bonner, Burchett, Blackmon, Prince & Sainz
A bill to allow transitioning military spouses to use an existing license in good standing from another state to obtain employment in the State of Georgia.
Status - Passed the House by a vote of 168-0 on 2/27/24. Passed Senate Veterans, Military, and Homeland Security on 3/7/24.
HB 904 – Reps. Vance, Jackson, Campbell, Mainor, and Washburn
A bill to change certain provisions relating to electrical contractors, plumbers, conditioned air contractors, low voltage contractors, and utility contractors.
Status – Passed the House by a vote of 168-1 on 2/21/24. Referred to Senate Regulated Industries on 2/22/24.
HB 905 – Reps. Reeves, Roberts, Leverett, LaHood, and Washburn
A bill to repeal provisions authorizing administrative officers to exercise zoning powers.
Status – Passed House 167-0 on 2/1/24. Referred to Senate State and Local Government - General on 2/6/24.
HB 912 – Reps. Anderson, Rhodes, Burchett, Smith, and Williams
A bill to revise the definition of “multipurpose off-highway vehicle” and amend regulations relating to ad valorem taxes on motor vehicles.
Status – Passed House by a vote of 168-0 on 2/15/24. Referred to Senate Transportation on 2/16/24.
HB 926 – Reps. Reeves, Mainor, Greene, Hilton, and Vance
A bill to authorize individuals to obtain a certificate of good standing and use it as evidence of good moral character for employment, housing, and occupational licensing.
Status – Passed the House by a vote of 159-1 by substitute on 2/29/24. Referred to Senate Judiciary on 3/4/24.
HB 927 – Reps. Hagan, Efstration, Anderson, Cannon, and Sainz
A bill to authorize fluorescent pink hunting outer garments.
Status – Passed the House by a vote of 166-1 on 2/26/24. Referred to Senate Natural Resources and Environment on 2/27/24.
HB 994 – Reps. Powell, Rhodes, Leverett, Cox, Barrett, and McDonald
A bill to revise liability for the negligent operation of a vessel and to provide clarification for claims against owners of boat liveries.
Status – Passed the House by a vote of 163-1 on 2/21/24. Heard in Senate Insurance on 3/6/24. No action taken.
HB 997 – Reps. Corbett, Ridley, Hitchens, Prince, and Powell
A bill to disqualify individuals from operating a commercial motor vehicle upon the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration’s receipt of a positive drug test or refusal to submit a test.
Status – Passed the House by a vote of 162-1 on 2/12/24. Passed Senate Public Safety on 3/6/24.
HB 1017 – Reps. Seabaugh, Reeves, Burchett, Crowe, and Silcox
A bill to deem those who enter and reside upon land or premises without the knowledge or consent of the owner as guilty of a misdemeanor of a high and aggravated nature.
Status – Passed the House by a vote of 167-0 by substitute on 2/29/24. Referred to Senate Judiciary on 3/4/24.
HB 1019 – Reps. Reeves, Burns, Blackmon, Jones, Knight, and Silcox
A bill to raise homestead exemptions from $2,000.00 to $4,000.00 and allow for those participating in the rural housing program to receive the same homestead exemption.
Status – Passed House 162-0 on 2/8/24. Referred to Senate Finance on 2/9/24.
HB 1031 – Reps. Blackmon, Knight, Martin, and Crowe
A bill to define “estimated roll-back rate” and direct the chief appraiser to appraise every parcel in 2025 and every three years thereafter.
Status – Passed House by a vote of 146-24 by substitute on 2/29/24. Referred to Senate Finance on 3/4/24.
HB 1048 – Reps. Carpenter, Huddleston, Cameron, Hilton, and Vance
A bill to make cornbread the official bread of the state.
Status – Passed House by a vote of 155-3 on 2/9/24. Referred to Senate Economic Development and Tourism on 2/13/24.
HB 1052 – Reps. Cannon, Dickey, Huddleston, McCollum, and Meeks
A bill to allow corporations to qualify for CUVA if the land they are leasing is used for agriculture or timber purposes and if the corporation ownership includes at least one US citizen.
Status – Passed the House by a vote of 166-2 by substitute on 2/29/24. Heard in Senate Finance on 3/6/24. No action taken.
HB 1096 – Reps. Washburn, Werkheiser, Evans, and Powell
A bill to allow the Secretary of State to refuse to renew professional licenses unless the licensee has completed the required continuing education (if applicable to the profession).
Status – Passed the House by a vote of 167-1 by substitute on 2/29/24. Heard in Senate Regulated Industries on 3/5/24. No action taken.
HB 1099 – Reps. Huddleston, Burchett, Cannon, Camp, and Rhodes
A bill to constitute a charge of criminal trespass against individuals who enter the land of another person that has been marked with purple paint marks on either trees or posts on said property.
Status – Passed the House by a vote of 167-0 on 2/29/24. Referred to Senate Judiciary on 3/4/24.
HB 1115 – Reps. Williams, Kelley, Crowe, Blackmon, and Horner
A bill to cap local sales and use taxes at three (3) percent.
Status – Passed the House by a vote of 167-2 on 2/27/24. Referred to Senate Finance on 2/29/24.
HB 1127 – Reps. Pirkle, Corbett, Rhodes, and Lott
A bill to prohibit the sale of consumable hemp products to people under the age of 21 and to provide regulations for disclosing the inclusion of THC to consumers.
Status – Passed the House by a vote of 165-1 on 2/27/24. Referred to Senate Regulated Industries on 2/29/24.
HB 1146 – Reps. Stephens, Hitchens, and Petrea
A bill to allow the Environmental Protection Division to issue water permits to private companies in areas where no public water service can be provided within 12 months.
Status – Passed the House by a vote of 105-58 on 2/29/24. Referred to Senate Natural Resources on 2/27/24.
HB 1172 – Reps. Burchett, Rhodes, Leverett, Smith, and Williams
A bill to limit the public’s right of navigable streams to only using water as highways and for hunting and fishing. The public is not permitted to trespass upon privately owned beds.
Status – Passed the House by a vote of 107-60 on 2/26/24. Referred to Senate Judiciary on 2/27/24.
HB 1185 – Reps. Camp, Washburn, Frye, Martin, and Blackmon
A bill to provide for statewide homestead exemption from ad valorem taxes when current year assessed value exceeds the inflation rate.
Status – Passed the House by a vote of 169-0 on 2/27/24. Referred to Senate Finance on 2/29/24.
HB 1190 – Reps. Collins, Powell, Cheokas, Gaines, and Ridley
A bill to allow the division director to issue professional licenses should the licensing board fail to issue a license within 60 days of receiving the application.
Status – Passed the House by a vote of 167-0 on 2/29/24. Referred to Senate Regulated Industries on 3/4/24.
HB 1223 – Reps. Leverett, Petrea, Prince, Jackson, and Adesanya
A bill to prohibit individuals from distributing a soil amendment on a site that is currently subject to a consent order issued by the EPD.
Status – Passed the House by a vote of 165-0 by substitute on 2/29/24. Referred to Senate Agriculture and Consumer Affairs on 3/4/24.
HB 1237 – Reps. Cannon, Corbett, Dickey, Meeks, and Campbell
A bill to remove the acreage requirement from the definition of a producer in relation to citrus fruits.
Status – Passed the House by a vote of 166-0 on 2/26/24. Referred to Senate Agriculture and Consumer Affairs on 2/27/24.
HB 1239 – Reps. Collins, Corbett, Rhodes, Jasperse, and Dickey
A bill to define miniature on-road vehicles and provide licensing requirements and regulations for operators.
Status – Passed the House by a vote of 168-1 on 2/29/24. Passed Senate Public Safety on 3/7/24.
HB 1253 - Reps. Anderson, Greene, Jackson, Corbett, Houston, and Smith
A bill to establish special rural districts and provide provisions for funds for those districts. Incorporates language from Rep. Lynn Smith's HB 999.
Status - Passed the House by a vote of 168-1 on 2/29/24. Referred to Senate Government Oversight on 3/4/24.
HB 1260 – Senators Gaines, Jones, Burchett, Dickey, Smith, and Anulewicz
A bill to require the Commissioner of Agriculture to establish and maintain a directory of nicotine vapor products for sale in the state.
Status – Passed the House by a vote of 163-4 by substitute on 2/29/24. Referred to Senate Regulated Industries on 3/4/24.
HB 1274 – Reps. Huddleston, Ridley, Dickey, Pirkle, Thomas, and Cameron
A bill to amend the terms of the state veterinary loan repayment program so as to change the rural county population requirement to less than 50,000 and to change the payments to no more than $75,000 in the three-year program.
Status – Passed the House by a vote of 166-1 on 2/29/24. Referred to Senate Higher Education on 3/4/24.
HB 1294 – Reps. Pirkle, Green, and Werkheiser
A bill to allow the Georgia Environmental Finance Authority to finance and perform duties related to natural gas facilities.
Status – Passed the House by a vote of 155-7 on 2/29/24. Referred to Senate Regulated Industries on 3/4/24.
HB 1322 – Reps. Cannon, Corbett, Rhodes, Williams, Pirkle, and LaHood
A bill related to hemp regulation as it pertains to legal limits of delta-9-THC concentration.
Status – Passed the House by a vote of 166-3 on 2/29/24. Referred to Senate Regulated Industries on 3/4/24.
HB 1371 – Rep. Burchett
A bill relating to torts regarding owners and occupants of land.
Status – Passed the House by a vote of 168-0 by substitute on 2/29/24. Referred to Senate Judiciary on 3/4/24.