Inside District I
February 2019 Newsletter 

The City of Houston, through the Housing and Community Development Department, will administer a $1.17 billion program funded by the federal government to assist Houstonians affected by Hurricane Harvey. One of the primary programs being funded is a Homeowner Assistance Program (HoAP) to help homeowners whose homes were damaged during Harvey. There are five options within HoAP to assist homeowners at different stages of recovery and with specific recovery needs. If eligible, homeowners may qualify to participate in one or more of the program options described below.

REIMBURSEMENT: If you have completed repairs on your home you may be eligible for reimbursement of some expenses. Any work considered for reimbursement must have been performed prior the date you submitted your application and must pass an environmental clearance and an on-site inspection.

ACQUISITION: If your home was substantially damaged, you may be eligible to have your property purchased by the City. You may also be eligible to apply for additional assistance to purchase a new home.

CITY-MANAGED REHABILITATION AND RECONSTRUCTION: The City will use a pool of contractors to rehabilitate or reconstruct storm-damaged homes. The City will manage and complete the construction process on your behalf.

INTERIM MORTGAGE ASSISTANCE: If you are making both a mortgage payment on your storm-damaged home and making a rental payment for a temporary home, you may be eligible to receive up to 20 months of mortgage assistance.

HOMEOWNER-MANAGED REHABILITATION: This option is only available if you have already started construction on your home and are under contract at the time of application, but need financial assistance and technical expertise to complete repairs.

Because funding is limited, the Homeowner Assistance Program will have priorities for people who need the most help first. For more information about the programs or about the application process call 832-393-0550 or visit .

Robert Gallegos
Houston Council Member
District I
Public Input Meeting for Southeast Mobility Study - Feb 9
Please mark your calendar for the next public meeting for the Southeast Houston Mobility Plan. The meeting is scheduled for Saturday, Feb. 9 from 9:30 to 11:30 a.m. at Charlton Community Center.

The Southeast Mobility Plan is the City of Houston’s multimodal mobility study (inclusive of vehicular, transit, pedestrian, bicycle and freight) in the area bounded by Interstate 610 to the north, State Highway 288 to the west, Sam Houston Toll Road to the south, and Interstate 45 and Galveston Road to the east.

The plan will be used to guide the City's short and long-term multimodal mobility planning efforts, and will help identify projects that will improve mobility and access in southeast Houston.
NOW HIRING! Summer Jobs for Houston's Youth
Hire Houston Youth offers youth ages 16 to 24 internship and job opportunities at public and private employers throughout the Houston area. All positions offer at least 7 weeks of employment, and employers are asked to compensate youth at least $8 an hour. Most opportunities begin June 10, 2019 and end August 1, 2019. The application will open February 11, 2019 and close March 23, 2019.

Youth interested in a summer internship should apply online by visiting .
Metro Seeks Input on Draft Transportation Plan - Feb 12
Houston METRO is hosting several community meetings to seek input on a draft long-range transportation plan that includes light rail extensions, enhanced bus routes, additional HOV lanes, and other improvements needed for METRO to meet the mobility needs of the next 20 years.

Meetings will be held across the City including in District I on February 12. For more information visit
Project Underway to Enhance Pedestrian & Cyclist Mobility
The City of Houston has begun work on a new sidewalk project near Gus Wortham Golf Course that will better connect residents to the Brays Bayou Greenway hike and bike trail system. As part of the project the contractor is working with the Parks Department and Trees for Houston to replace several trees along the right of way. Most of the trees being replaced are invasive species and in poor condition.

Trees for Houston is working with the Parks Department to mitigate the tree removals and will donate 21 new 100-gallon trees as well as additional smaller-size trees for planting once the sidewalk is complete.

Councilman Robert Gallegos allocated the funding to rebuild and widen the public sidewalk that surrounds Gus Wortham along Lawndale, Wayside and on the north end of the golf course property. When completed, the new 8-foot-wide sidewalks will loop around the course and provide trail users direct connection to the Brays Bayou trail system and beyond.

In addition, Councilman Gallegos is working with the Parks Department at Harrisburg TIRZ 23 to replace the perimeter fence at the golf course. The sidewalk project is tentatively scheduled to be completed by June 2019.
Baker-Ripley Offering FREE Tax Preparation
FREE Quality Tax Preparation
Opening date: January 14, 2019

Who is eligible?
Families and individuals earning up to $58,000.

Free Services:
*Tax returns for 2013–2018
*Amended returns for 2013–2018
*Free e-filing & direct deposit
*ITIN applications and renewals (Service will resume Feb 2019)
*No appointments, walk-ins only

For services, hours of operation and address click here .
Wayside Bridge Under Reconstruction 
The Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) continues construction to replace the Wayside (US 90A) bridge over Country Club Bayou (near Polk Street). The $3.8 million project will include the complete reconstruction of the four-lane vehicular bridge, and add wider sidewalks, and decorative concrete railings. 

Work began in October with the closure of the northbound side of the bridge. Traffic has temporarily been shifted to the southbound side, with one lane open in each direction. When work is completed on the northbound side of the bridge traffic will be shifted back for work to begin on the southbound lanes.

The project is being completed by TxDOT's contractor, Harper Brothers Construction, and is scheduled to be completed by September 2019. Drivers should slow down for the work zone and be alert and cautious of roadside workers. 
TxDOT Closes Gulf Freeway Ramp to I-69/288
In January, the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) closed the I-45 Gulf Freeway northbound ramp to I-69/288 southbound. The closure will remain in place until July 2019 when motorists will be able to utilize the new connector.

During the six-month closure, TxDOT is recommending drivers on that corridor travel north on I-45 through downtown, exit east on I-10, then take I-69 southbound. East End residents can take Scott or Cullen to Elgin then left on Hamilton to the ramp to 69/288 South. Additionally, drivers can take Polk westbound to Hamilton to the 69/288 south ramp.
SAVE THE DATE! District I CIP - March 6
Council Member Robert Gallegos  encourages all District I residents to attend the annual Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) meeting on Wednesday, March 6 beginning at 6:30 p.m.

HCC Southeast Campus (auditorium)

Tour de Houston Bike Ride - March 17
Tour de Houston Presented by Apache is a fundraising bike ride that benefits Houston's Reforestation Program.

The ride will take place Sunday, March 17, 2019. This annual event offers Houstonians and visitors a unique way to view the city with bike routes winding through Houston’s historic neighborhoods, scenic districts and parks. With three ride length options ( 20, 40 and 60-miles ), the Tour de Houston is the perfect event for leisure riders or cycling enthusiasts. In addition, it is a BP MS 150 recommended training ride.

Proceeds benefit the Houston Parks and Recreation Department through Houston Civic Events, Inc., a Texas 501(c)(3) non-profit. Sponsorship is tax-deductible. For more information visit,
Helpful Numbers
District I Office

Houston Help & Info 
3-1-1 or 713-837-0311

Air Pollution Concerns 


Citizens' Assistance

Dept. of Neighborhoods 
HPD (non-emergency)

Report Dumped Tires

Solid Waste Department

Report trains blocking intersections

Utility Customer Service 