June 17, 2022
The District of Squamish is moving forward with construction of a new Tantalus Fire Hall (Fire Hall No. 2). The new Fire Hall will be built at its existing site following the completion of the Valleycliffe Fire Hall (Fire Hall No. 1), which is anticipated to be completed in July. 

While construction is underway, a temporary fire hall will be installed on Tantalus Road at Newport Ridge Drive to allow for continued fire protection within the vicinity during construction of the new building. 
Transit service will resume in Squamish and Sea-to-Sky communities this Wednesday, June 22!

The District of Squamish is pleased to offer the following fare reductions to encourage riders back to transit and recognize the hardship caused by the strike:

  • Free transit from June 22 through to September 5
  • 50% off student/senior and adult monthly passes for the months of September, October, November and December
  • 50% off transit fares paid on the bus from September through December (single rides will be $1 rather than $2; day tickets will be $2 rather than $4) 
A Public Hearing is being held on Tuesday, June 21 at 6 p.m.

What's proposed: Rezoning to permit development of townhomes at 1039 Finch Drive.

Proposed amendments: To rezone the subject property from Rural Residential 1 (RL-1) to Comprehensive Development Zone No. 102 (CD-102) to allow for the development of 25 townhomes.

A copy of the proposed bylaw and related information that has been or may be considered by Council is available online (learn more below) or at Municipal Hall, 37955 Second Avenue, through June 21. Please contact the Planning Department on 604.815.5002 for any questions. All submissions will form part of the public record. Council will not consider submissions received after the close of the Public Hearing. 
You should have received your Property Tax and Utility notices in the mail by now. Please note, property owners are responsible for payment of the 2022 property taxes and utilities regardless of whether or not a notice is received.

If you have not received your notice, please contact Financial Services for assistance. New owners should ensure taxes and utilities are paid on their property. If there is any doubt, please call Financial Services at 604.815.5035.

Methods of Payment

  • Online or telephone banking services provided by banks and credit unions.
  • Mail or deliver cheque to Municipal Hall early enough to be received before the deadline. No post-dated cheques please.
  • Deposit a cheque in the dropbox at Municipal Hall. Do not put cash in the drop box.
  • In-person at Municipal Hall, 37955 Second Avenue, Squamish.
Landfill Lateral Expansion

Did you know that the Squamish Landfill is on track to reach capacity within the next six years? The District of Squamish is pursuing a lateral expansion to the existing landfill to ensure there is local capacity for waste management. This requires an amendment to the Squamish Lillooet Regional District’s Solid Waste & Resource Management Plan to include explicit approval of the lateral expansion of the Squamish Landfill, as well as waste export out of the region (as the backup option).

Visit Let's Talk Squamish to have your say, or ask us about this project!
Community Amenity Contribution Policy Review

The District of Squamish is reviewing and updating the Community Amenity Contributions (CACs) policy. The policy was last reviewed in 2018. As market conditions change, it is important to review the policy. These changes will guide how the District collects CACs from new developments going forward. CACs are cash or in-kind contributions that developers provide to help address community needs that result from population growth.

Discussion board and survey open through June 30.
Weather Protected Spaces

The District of Squamish is planning to build 12 weather protected spaces across our community to provide protection from sun, rain, and snow and serve as gathering spaces in our neighbourhoods. We are looking for ideas from each neighbourhood to help make each space functional and welcoming for residents and users in the area.

We are hosting in-person information pop-ups at each of the locations from June 20 - 27. We hope you will join us to chat with District staff and discuss ideas for the weather protected space near you. 
Did you know that food-soiled paper, including napkins and pizza boxes, can be composted? You can also use newspaper to layer in your compost bin to help keep the smell down!

More composting tips to help reduce conflicts with wildlife this season:

  • If possible, keep meat, fish and bones in your freezer or fridge until collection day.
  • Cover and layer food scraps with yard waste in your organics tote whenever possible. 
  • Allow grass clippings and leaves to dry before placing them in the tote.
  • Sometimes maggots (fly larva) grow in organic material. To reduce this problem make sure your kitchen catcher and organics totes are tightly closed so that flies cannot lay eggs in your organic material. If you do see maggots in your tote, they can sometimes be killed by putting salt, vinegar, or lime directly on them.
  • Rinse your kitchen catcher and tote regularly. You can use a mild detergent or vinegar/water solution for this purpose.
  • If your tote is damaged and/or is not locking, email GFL Environmental for repair. 

And remember: organics totes are fitted with a wildlife-resistant locking system. In order to be effective, both locks must be locked at all times except the morning of collection day (as per the Wildlife Attractant Bylaw) and never the night before! If possible, keep your tote in a shed or garage.
High Performance Building Workshops

The City of Abbotsford is hosting a series of in-person high-performance building workshops focused on building envelope practices, applicable to both retrofits and new construction. Sign-up for all four sessions or choose individual dates. Presented by Hamid Heidarali of Hamid Design Build in partnership with the Canadian Homebuilders Association of BC Fraser Valley, FortisBC, and the HPSC. 
Please have your building permit number ready

Due to recent technology improvements and increased volume of permit applications, the District of Squamish Building Department is necessitating some changes to procedures when booking inspections or making submissions related to building permits. 

Please follow the link below to view the changes.
Active Transportation Improvements 

Active transportation improvements to the roundabout at The Boulevard and Highlands Way South, including a new multi-use path, will take place from June to August.

Timeframe: June 13 to August

Impacts: Expect traffic delays.
Sanitary Sewer Flushing, Video Inspection and Vapour Testing

CCTV inspection and vapour testing in the Industrial Park, Loggers Lane, Hospital Hill and Valleycliffe areas is scheduled to begin next week and continue through the end of June.

Timeframe: through end of June.

No Impacts to traffic.
Wilson Crescent Storm Sewer Upgrade

CCTV inspection and vapour testing in the Industrial Park, Loggers Lane, Hospital Hill and Valleycliffe areas is scheduled to begin next week and continue through the end of June.

Timeframe: June through August

Impacts: Expect traffic delays. Watch for and follow the direction of traffic control personnel.
Amendments to Procedure Bylaw

District of Squamish Council will consider adopting “District of Squamish Procedure Bylaw No. 2099, 2009, Amendment Bylaw No. 2862” at the July 5 Regular Business Meeting. The bylaw amendment includes several amendments and is available for viewing at Municipal Hall, located at 37955 Second Avenue, or online by following the link below.
Notice of Annual General Meetings

District of Squamish: The District of Squamish will be holding an Annual General Meeting for receipt of the 2021 financial statements and Annual Report during the Special Council Meeting to be held on June 21 in Council Chambers, at Municipal Hall, 37955 Second Avenue.

Squamish Sustainability Corporation: The shareholder of the Squamish Sustainability Corporation will be holding an Annual General Meeting for receipt of the 2021 financial statements and Annual Report during the Special Council Meeting to be held on June 21 in Council Chambers at Municipal Hall, 37955 Second Avenue.
Downtown maintenance notice

Cleveland Avenue Traffic Island Maintenance is taking place next week. Please watch for traffic control and crews.
Street sweeping will take place on Friday, June 24 beginning at 4 a.m. We suggest that if you are a light sleeper, please plan accordingly.

Downtown Sidewalk Maintenance: Work will take place throughout the Downtown core on Thursday, June 23 beginning at 6 a.m.
Notice of Event and Noise Permits

A Work Permit and Noise Permit have been approved for filming at the Railway Museum of British Columbia at 39645 Government Road on June 27-29. Local businesses and residents have been notified and impacts will be minimal. No special effects will be used.

A Work Permit has been approved for filming on Paradise Valley Road for one day between June 27-29. Local businesses and residents have been notified. Please expect 2-minute delays and obey all signage during filming.
Latest additions to the Development Showcase:

38201 Third Avenue - Development Permit
2100 Newport Drive - Garibaldi Springs Phase 2
20-38936 Queens Way - Delegated Temporary Use Permit (TUP)
Upcoming Events: