Councillor Jenna Stoner is here with your look ahead at what’s coming up at Council on Tuesday, March 15.
Limited public attendance is available in Council Chambers though watching and participating online is still highly encouraged.
The Single-Use Items Reduction Bylaw has been amended to:
- Ban the use of plastic bags in Squamish and;
- Regulate additional single-use items including plastic straws, plastic takeout utensils and foam takeout containers.
Bylaw enforcement will begin on August 15 following a six-month period to allow time to provide education to businesses and the community, and to allow for businesses to exhaust existing supplies of bags and source alternatives to the newly banned items.
“Reducing the use of plastics in our recycling and waste streams will bring major environmental benefits to our community in the form of reduced waste, less ocean plastic and less contamination in our recycling streams,” says District of Squamish Mayor Karen Elliott. “Many businesses have already encouraged the use of reusable items and updating this bylaw will move us closer to reaching our goal of zero waste by 2040.”
As we head into week 7 of the transit strike, I know you will share in my disappointment at the lack of progress towards a solution. Transit is a vital lifeline in our community for so many of our residents, and I know this period has presented new challenges at a time when we didn’t think we could absorb any more. The District of Squamish has been absolutely clear that this current situation is hurting citizens and local businesses, and I am frustrated that the parties are not currently talking to one another. Mayor Crompton from Whistler and I have been speaking to media on this situation to keep the pressure on the negotiating parties. And while we are not the employer and so not directly involved in the bargaining process, the regional Mayors are in close contact and we continue to connect with BC Transit, the relevant provincial Ministries and MLA Jordan Sturdy.
To the parties - Unifor Canada and PWTransit – please stay at the bargaining table until you get a deal to end this strike for everyone involved. A negotiated agreement is good for the contractor, the union and our citizens. The longer this strike goes on, the harder it will be for us to grow ridership and continue to grow our transit system to where we want it to be. Everybody loses in the current situation.
In the meantime, I am appreciative of all those who are supporting one another to get around – especially supporting those who are most vulnerable and who have no other means to travel other than on transit.
~ Mayor Karen Elliott.
Squamish Community Housing Society: Tackling the Affordable Housing Challenge
There is an urgent need for stable, secure and affordable housing in Squamish, and the District has established the Squamish Community Housing Society to help create solutions. Please join Mayor Karen Elliott, Acting Mayor Jenna Stoner and local non-profit partners on Wednesday, March 16 from 12:30 to 1:30 p.m. at Municipal Hall to learn and ask questions about the Squamish Community Housing Society and its goal to increase affordable housing options across the community.
This event is open to anyone interested in learning more about affordable housing, the board member and staff hiring and recruitment process, and engaging in thoughtful dialogue on this complex and important topic. RSVP is encouraged.
The District of Squamish is actioning its draft Circular Economy Roadmap that aims to support economic prosperity while reducing environmental impacts in Squamish. The framework offers a sustainable alternative to the current linear economic model which results in a ‘throw-away’ ending for many products and materials.
Through the use of the draft Roadmap, the District identified three areas of focus to initiate discovery research; the built environment, food systems and textiles. The District has embarked on a project to aid in the initial discovery work, and will focus on the establishment of a circular economy in the textiles sector over the next six months. The project is valued at $25,000 with 50 per cent of project funding from the Mitacs Business Strategy Internship program.
Funding Public Works - critical facilities update
Council must find a path forward to fund a critical piece of infrastructure that is foundational to support the ongoing maintenance and growth of Squamish. The Public Works Yard is one of three critical facilities identified for immediate replacement in the Real Estate & Facilities Master Plan. The two Firehalls are the other two critical facilities, and both are currently underway. We have created a Q&A to answer community questions about the decisions in front of Council.
The District is seeking expressions of interest to lease up to 4,000ft2 of commercial space and 833ft2 of patio space. It is the District's intention that these potential new leases will not only optimize this commercial asset by improving its operational efficiency, but also provide the opportunity to refresh and enhance Squamish’s only purpose-built tourism centre. Any level of interest is welcomed.
Artists in any media are encouraged to submit street banner design proposals.
Designs should be influenced by the uniqueness of Squamish and the surrounding community.
The street banners will be located on the street lights located in Downtown Squamish, Tantalus Road in Garibaldi Estates, and at Brennan Park Recreation Centre. The successful artist will receive $2000.
Deadline for submissions is March 21.
Let’s chat about ocean access in Squamish! The District is hosting its second pop-up session today as part of the Marine Access Review. Drop in to chat and discuss marine access maps with District staff. The session will go ahead rain or shine, and social distancing will be in effect.
Details: Today, March 11 from 3 to 5 p.m. at Xwu'nekw Park (located in the paddle boat shed at Main Street and Loggers Lane in Downtown Squamish).
Don't forget to also share your perspectives and marine needs in one of two community surveys and online mapping tool. The surveys are open until March 13.
A Public Hearing is being held on Tuesday, March 15 at 6 p.m.
What’s Proposed: Rezoning from Light Industrial to Creative Mixed Use
An application is being considered to rezone 37799 Second Avenue and 37781 Second Avenue from Light Industrial (I-1) to Creative Mixed-Use District (MUD-2). The rezoning will allow for the development of a four-storey mixed-use building, including employment space on the first and second storey and 20 apartment dwelling units on the third and fourth storey.
It's Food Waste Action Week March 7 - 10!
Did you know that 63% of the food Canadians throw away each year could have been eaten? This costs the average Canadian household $1,100 per year.
Do you have a household plan to reduce your food waste?
Mamquam Road construction update
Work on the sidewalk and bike path improvements are currently underway. This work is anticipated to be complete by June, weather depending.
Please expect parking disruptions (some parking will always be available), minor traffic disruptions, and construction noise.
February transit pass refunds
Refunds are available to residents who purchased February transit passes.
Please bring your February pass to the Municipal Hall main reception desk between 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday to request a refund cheque by mail.
Powerhouse Springs Road closure
Please be advised Powerhouse Springs Road will be temporarily closed from March 7 to 16 while maintenance work is being completed at Powerhouse Springs.
We thank you for your patience as there is no available detour during this time.
Upcoming Adjudication Hearing
An Adjudication Hearing date has been set for March 16 from 9 a.m. until 4 p.m. at 1000 Finch Drive and is open to the public.
Adjudication is the legal process of resolving a dispute, in this case Bylaw Offence Notices (tickets).
The Adjudicator’s are appointed by the Provincial Attorney General Office with no affiliation to the District of Squamish. They will determine if the alleged offence occurred or not.
ICBC launches its Distracted Driving campaign as new survey reveals 42% of drivers admit to still using their phone behind the wheel
Using electronic devices, like smartphones, is one of the most common and riskiest forms of distracted driving and increases the possibility of a crash by five times. In fact, any activity that reduces a driver's ability to focus on the road or control their vehicle puts the safety of other road users at risk.
On March 1, ICBC and police launched a month-long campaign urging drivers to leave their phone alone while driving. Police are ramping up enforcement of distracted driving across B.C., and community volunteers are conducting Cell Watch deployments to remind drivers to keep their eyes on the road when they're behind the wheel.
Latest additions to the Development Showcase:
Tuesday, March 15 at 2:30 p.m.
Tuesday, March 15 at 6 p.m.
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Begin March 14
Ready for spring break? Just a few spots remain in our spring break camps for kids aged 5.5 to 12. Daily drop-in, single-day and week-long camps begin March 14.
Tuesday, March 15 from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Join us on a trip to this beautiful seaside village lined with restaurants, ice cream parlours and coffee shops serving the village’s well-known doughnuts. Seats fill quickly!
Spring program registration - save the date!
Spring Programs are coming soon! Spring Programs launch online on March 21. Registration begins Wednesday, March 23 at 8 a.m.
The library has extended its opening hours on Tuesdays and Thursdays until 7 p.m.! For more information and library hours, visit squamishlibrary.ca.
Visit the Squamish Library this Spring Break for some great activities including a bookmark contest, bingo and board games - or get a library card and check out books, games, puzzles and more!
Tuesdays, Fridays and Saturdays: 10:30 -11 a.m.
Family Storytime is a fun, active half hour for all ages. We read books, sing songs, dance, and much more.
Tuesdays and Fridays: 11:30 a.m. - 12 p.m.
Join us for a half-hour of songs, rhymes, movement, and books. Meet other new parents/ caregivers, have fun with your baby, and help them develop a love of books and reading – and libraries!
Thursday, March 17, 7 - 8:30 p.m. (online)
Let’s chat about bats. This is a crash course on the biology of our local bats, their habits, habitat, conservation and how biologists study them. We will also discuss how new technologies like DNA, drones, and acoustics, are helping us better understand the life of these extraordinary nocturnal mammals. Suitable for all ages.