Just as finals are kicking into gear, the semester is coming to a sudden close. The accomplishments that we have collectively made this year are indescribable, but we will try our best with the space we have.
Some of the most ambitious and meaningful contributions of ASI were the efforts of our Lobby Corps and student body to promote civic engagement through voter registration and political involvement. In tandem with Secretary of State Alex Padilla, we were able to secure a voice for hundreds of students, providing hope for the future of our local and national government.
As your student representatives and advocates, we have made it a priority to improve our connection with our constituencies and increase transparency in general. That is why, in addition to live streaming every student government senate meeting on our Facebook page, we have also hosted three Take a Sec with the Execs events in which we received amazing student input that has been carefully incorporated into our agenda. We are looking forward to hosting similar events in the future, and we will continue to work diligently to remove systemic barriers faced by underrepresented groups across our campus community.
One final act of progress is the Support Creation of Sustainable Course Evaluations resolution, which the A.S. Senate will vote on today. This bill will urge the university to create digital course evaluations and remove the need for over a million sheets of paper per semester, helping to make the operations of Long Beach State more sustainable.
As we barge into finals with the holidays and our loved ones on our minds, we also look forward to another semester of student outreach and progress. Thank you all for an amazing semester, and as always, Go Beach!