Thursday, Nov. 21
Headers LBSU

Inside Student Government provides weekly summaries of all major board meetings within student government: the president's cabinet, lobby corps, board of control and the senate. Please take a moment to read the summaries from each section.
Hey, everyone! I hope you've been gearing up for the break and are ready to wrap up the last few weeks of classes! We're pushing hard to the end of the semester within student government, reflecting on our accomplishments and showing appreciation for everyone who makes our operations possible. Watch the senate meetings every Wednesday at 3:30 p.m. on our Facebook page, or in person at USU-234, the Farber Senate Chambers. We hope to see you there!

If you or someone you know are interested in travelling to an off-campus conference to present research, represent LBSU, or benefit our university in another capacity, don't hesitate to fill out a student travel grant to see if ASI can help get you where you need to go. The Board of Control is eager to give grants that help students attend important events across the country, and you can only be a recipient if you apply!

Lastly, if you're looking for a way to advocate for your fellow students in a meaningful way, we have an open position in the Lobby Corps that would be perfect for you. As a Student-at-Large, you would meet with important California legislators, attend the annual CHESS Conference in Sacramento and help to organize important events here at CSULB. To see a full list of current vacancies in student government, click here. More will be posted in the spring, so stay up to date on our website if you want to make a difference on campus!

Have a great rest of your week!
Go Beach!
Mondays - 3:30 p.m. (USU 234)
The President's Cabinet did not meet. This week's meeting will be covered in the next edition of Inside Student Government.

For more information on the President's Cabinet, check out their web page here .
Thursdays - 2:30 p.m. (USU 234)
The Lobby Corps met last Thursday to discuss meetings with government officials, university updates, the California Higher Education Student Summit (CHESS) and more.

The board discussed ongoing district visits in which members meet with elected officials to discuss the needs of the CSULB student body. Members discussed recent meetings and plans to meet with assembly members and representatives in the near future.

The Lobby Corps continued their discussion on Advocacy Day, an event that aims to bring attention to issues facing our student body and the resources that are available to students. The board discussed the benefit of Advocacy Day in the form of bringing student organizations together, connecting students with legislators, raising awareness and boosting on-campus engagement.

Other issues discussed in the meeting include the proposed fourth-year quantitative reasoning requirement, the ethnic studies requirement outlined in assembly bill 1460 and updates from our local city government.

To learn more about the Lobby Corps, click here .
Tuesdays - 3:30 p.m. (USU 234)
Last Tuesday, the Board of Control (BOC) awarded funds to:
  • Lamba Theta Alpha Latin Sorority, Inc. - Project Street Heat
  • ASI Beach Pride Events - An Evening with Rainn Wilson and Shabnman Mogharabi
  • Jacob Dickerson - Southern California Conferenec for Undergraduate Research

The board discussed the ASI Scholarship Rubric and heard reports from Treasurer Reyalyn Villegas, Senator Aaron Chiu, and Beach Pride Coordinator Sabrina Ware (on behalf of ASI Executive Director Miles Nevin).

To learn more, check out BOC agendas and minutes here .
Wednesdays - 3:30 p.m. (USU 234)
Action Item Summaries

  • SR #2020-05: Support for the Fair and Equitable Compensation of Academic Student Employees (1st Reading) - PASSED

  • SR #2020-06: Increased Support and Access for Students with Disabilities (1st Reading) - PASSED

Report Summaries

  • ASI President Lizbeth Velasquez - State of the Associated Students - highlighted ASI's accomplishments over the past semester, declared goals for spring, and commended fellow ASI leaders for their dedication.
  • ASI Chief Diversity Officer Maythe Alderete - reported on recent work completed, including successful events such as Agents of Change, as well as upcoming goals and plans to address student concerns.
  • ASI Chief Government Relations Officer Katherine Pham - discussed district visits, voter registration and other ongoing work in the Lobby Corps. Discussed the board's goals in preparation for CHESS, Advocacy Day and other events.
  • ASI Commissioner for Wellness Affairs Janet Chung - provided report regarding outreach efforts to expand wellness resources across campus. Discussed student concerns regarding awareness and availability of resources and how they will be addressed.
  • ASI College Senators - Discussed work they've completed since the last senate meeting and how they plan on addressing student concerns from within their respective colleges.

To learn more about the Senate, visit their web page here .
Wednesdays - 3:30 p.m. (USU 234)

  • Dr. Patience Bryant, Director, Office of Student Conduct and Ethical Development

New Business

  • SR #2020-05: Support for the Fair and Equitable Compensation of Academic Student Employees (2nd Reading)
  • SR #2020-06: Increased Support and Access for Students with Disabilities (2nd Reading)


  • ASI President Lizbeth Velasquez
  • ASI Treasurer Reylayn Villegas
  • ASI Commissioner for Women and Gender Equity Affairs Hayli Antoniewicz
  • ASI Beach Pride Events Lead Leanna Meyers
  • ASI Commissioner for International Student Affairs Debbie Catayong
  • ASI Executive Director Dr. Miles Nevin
  • ASI At-Large Senators 
ASGV Senate Chambers USU