Wednesday, Sept. 12
Headers LBSU

Hello, Long Beach State!

It has been an eventful first two weeks here at the Beach. With the success of our back to school activities such as Week of Welcome and the first ever RecFest, our student body is becoming more congruent and harmonious. I am hoping we can continue this trend throughout the school year.

As we continue to get settled into our new schedules, your ASI student government maintains a strong, consistent voice that will always advocate on your behalf. Our efforts to represent all students on campus can be read in the individual sections of this newsletter.

A main part of our Lobby Corps efforts this semester will be surrounded around civic engagement. As a student government we hope to get more students registered to vote and more students educated on the importance of voting in the November election. Info about registering to vote before the Oct. 22 deadline can be easily found on out lobby corps web page.

The start of our civic engagement efforts will be this Friday, September 14 at 10 am on the 4th floor of the University Library where students can come to engage in a round-table discussion with our Secretary of State Alex Padilla, regarding civic engagement on our campus. I encourage any and all interested students to attend as I will also be signing a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the Secretary Padilla. The MOU is a commitment between Padilla’s office and LBSU to increase voter engagement on our campus.

I would also like to invite all students to volunteer and give back to those in need on Saturday, October 6, 2018 from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. at an event called Generosity Feeds to Help Fight Child Hunger . The event will be taking place at St. Anthony High School in Long Beach. If students volunteer they will be able to pick up non-perishable meals at the end. This is a great way to donate to the Beach Pantry while giving back to the community.

I am looking forward to a fantastic year with all of you and I cannot wait to see what the future holds!
Mondays - 3:30 p.m. (USU 234)

Last Monday, the President's Cabinet met for the second time of the academic semester. The team discussed potential events and advocacy initiatives for their respective communities. Here are some items to anticipate:
  • Continued support for DACA students, legal clinics, and support groups
  • Environmental Justice Fair, Spring 2019
  • Creating a club focused on the needs of pregnant and parenting students
  • Commissioner Paulina Jones spoke at the 9/11 Remembrance Day event

To learn more, check out the President's Cabinet web page here.
Tuesdays - 3:30 p.m. (USU 234)

La st Tuesday, the Board of Control (BOC) awarded funds to:
  • Biomedical Engineering Society for the creation of a future robot hand in a project with an estimated 20 participants this month

To learn more, check out BOC agendas and minutes  here.
Thursdays - 2:30 p.m. (USU 234)

Since the start of the semester, the Lobby Corps has been working tirelessly to get students involved in all levels of government. They have been operating in tandem with the LA County Registrar's office to supply students with a ballot drop-off location at the USU. The Lobby Corps also assists students with voter registration on campus.

Several positions within the Lobby Corps are still available. Students who wish to join a team of enthusiastic student advocates here at Long Beach State are highly encouraged to attend their public meetings.

To learn more, check out the Lobby Corps' website  here.
First Fridays of the Month - 1 p.m. (USU 234)

This past Friday, the USUBOT met for the first time of the semester and the fourth time of the fiscal year. Their main action item was to review and revise the USU/SRWC 2018/19 operating calendar.

To learn more, check out the USUBOT web page here.
Wednesdays - 3:30 p.m. (USU 234)

Last Wednesday, the Senate met for the second time of the semester and fifth time this fiscal year. The board passed two resolutions aimed at enhancing ASI's outreach efforts. The board also heard reports from ASI President Jara, ASI Treasurer Jesse Luna, Executive Director Haller and 13 College Senators. Here is a summary of the Senate's actions:
  • Passed SR #2019-01: 100 Classes in 100 Days - 1st Reading
  • Passed SR #2019-02: 50 Organizations in 50 Days - 1st Reading

To learn more about the Senate, visit their web page here.
Wednesdays - 3:30 p.m. (USU-234)
  • Dr. Jane Close Conoley, CSULB President

Action Items:
  • SR #2019-01: 100 Classes in 100 Days (2nd Reading)
  • SR #2019-02: 50 Organizations in 50 Days (2nd Reading)

  • ASI President Genesis Jara - Time Certain 3:45 p.m.
  • ASI Chief Diversity Officer Sean Aquino - Time Certain 3:50 p.m.
  • ASI At-Large Senators
ASGV Senate Chambers USU