We had amazing nominations for our Giving Back program.
These three winning entities will each receive a $2,000 gift certificate to be used toward the purchase of iConnect Training units in the next 2 years!
The three individuals who nominated the winning entities will be honored in a press release, and receive an iConnect Training thermal mug with a crisp $100 bill inside.
Nominating Person: Thomas Roberts of CFM Distributors
Reason for Nominating: This excellent HVAC program is in its first year in an area that has a critical shortage of trained HVAC workers. iConnect products could play a vital role in cementing key concepts such as superheat and subcooling in the students' formative minds. This bootstrap community effort is supported widely in the Tarkio community and their facilities are great!
Nominating Person: Joseph Owens of Antelope Valley College
Reason for Nominating: We are a community college making every effort to teach our students the skills they need to succeed in the HVAC/R industry. Budgets have been extremely tight, with barely enough to cover the refrigerants, tools and copper tubing used in the labs. The equipment and tools we use are changing so rapidly it's hard to keep up, but our overall goal is to give the students experience with all types of equipment.
Nominating Person: Jon Schutte of Xetex
Reason for Nominating: Their HVAC program is the same one I went through before going out into the field. They are made up of great teachers. I believe the more available equipment these young men can get their hands on and see before moving on to the real world is a big benefit. We're a small town area and would love to see them get their hands on different types of equipment out there.