Our mission at St Cecilia Catholic School is the ongoing Catholic formation and education of the whole child in mind, heart, and spirit, in preparation for an adult life of commitment and service.
FACTS ParentsWeb Directory Updates
During the annual enrollment / re-enrollment process, using FACTS ParentsWeb, you completed forms providing current contact information. In order to ensure we publish the most current information in our printed directories, we are asking for your assistance to login to FACTS ParentsWeb, and check that your family information is correct.

The data in those records will be published in the printed directory. Unless otherwise noted, we will use the same fields in the directory as last year: one email and cell phone for each contact, the home address and home phone. For students with a parent in a separate residence, that address and phone will follow that parent's name, email and cell.

Before logging in to review your information, please note the following important points:

  • Student Demographic Form - Student Email Field: new this year under the student contact information section is an email address for each student. This is an email address the school had to assign to each student for the purposes of setting up the new ClassLink program the school is using. These emails are used as usernames for the program, and are not functioning as actual email addresses. Students are not aware of nor are they using this email address. Please do not share it with students or delete the email address in this field.

  • Parent Demographic Form - Parent Preferences: "Auto Email Gradebook Report" - families with students in PK3, PK4, and Kindergarten should select "Never" as the option for this field as there are no grades in the Gradebook for those grade levels.

  • Parent Demographic Form - Parent Preferences: "Parent Alert" - this section this is a service that FACTS offers to schools that St. Cecilia does not use. We already have in place the IRIS Alert emergency notification system. For the safety of all students, and the expediency of communication with all parents - there is no opt-out of the IRIS Alert system. We cannot remove this Parent Alert section from the demographic form. Please dis-regard this section of the form. The school will not use any data selections from Parent Alert options.

More information on the points listed above, and how to update your family information is included in the instructions linked below.

Please complete these updates by Friday, September 27th.