Patient Centered Teaching, Research, Care
Linman Li , MBA receiving the Outstanding Global Engagement Award for Contributions by a Staff Member at the  Global Achievement Awards. President Judy Genshaft, Provost Wilcox, and Vice Provost Roger Brindley presented her with the award. 
From the Desk of Dr. Sinnott...

I am often asked how I like my position. I love it. Yes, there are days when I have no idea how to rein in the alphabet soup of EMRs, RVUs and ICD-10 coding, not to mention seemingly endless evaluations.  But whatever its hassles, being an internist remains the best job there is, and helping others develop their careers in academic medicine is by far the most joyous part of my work. Though I was never fortunate enough to have children, I have shared the privileges of healing, teaching, and scholarship with generations of internists since joining the USF faculty in 1983. I recently advised the son of my former mentee regarding his career in medicine.  As a great thinker once told me, when I help others grow, my story becomes their story.
As always, our newsletter highlights recent accomplishments of our department affiliates in education, research, and patient care. In this issue, I am particularly struck by the large representation of trainees and early career faculty.  It is especially encouraging that so many of our faculty, at varying career stages, have made it their priority to support others. For example, Drs. Claude Bassil and Eduardo Gonzales both mentored award-winning student research. I cannot help but stare at the photo below of MS4 Stephanie Hudey standing before her winning poster-the look of accomplishment on her face reminds me why I, and so many others, joined this department in the first place.
Thanks to all of you whose accomplishments reaffirm our commitment to academic internal medicine and bring luster to USF Health.


John Sinnott  MD FACP (Laureate)
J. Cullison Professor of Medicine

Chairman Department of Internal Medicine
Morsani College of Medicine
University of South Florida 
Inside this Issue Top
Patient Centered

Patient Centered

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In the News News
Tampa Bay Times: For Pinellas' new health director, the patient is 'the whole population'
The Tampa Bay Times recently published an article on Dr. Ulyee Choe's appointment to the position of Director of the Pinellas Health Department.

Dr Choe joined the Division of Infectious Disease as an Assistant Professor in 2011. His first role was Director of the Polk Health Department where he is credited with expanding indigent dental care, strengthening partnerships with the county, and expanding the healthy weight initiative. Dr. Choe is also Director of the State Regional Security Task Force and was recognized by the State with the iCare Award. He also held the position of Interim Director for the Hardee Health Department in 2015.

When Dr. Choe was selected for the position of Director for the Pinellas Health Department in August it was more than a promotion, it was a homecoming. Dr. Choe's family moved from Kuwait City to Clearwater Beach when he was a child and he has called Pinellas home ever since. This appointment is especially meaningful to Dr. Choe who notes in the article, "My heart is here."

With the health of the whole Pinellas population in mind, Dr. Choe has big plans as he settles into his new role. Following the Pinellas County Community Health Improvement Plan, Dr. Choe aims to make behavioral health a priority, improve overall access to care, and help Pinellas residents achieve a healthy weight. 
Read the full article  here

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Context Florida: The Biggest Story of 2015: Cheap and Effective Gene-Editing
Tom O'Hara with Context Florida recently published an article on Crispr/Cas9, a gene-editing tool scientists are hoping may one day be used to rewrite flawed genes in people to cure and prevent diseases.

At USF Dr. Jia-Wang Wang, with the Division of Allergy and Immunology, is leading a team of researchers aiming to use the Crispr technology to correct mutations to the LRBA gene, which is linked to a number of autoimmune disorders.

Read the full article here

ResearchGate Spotlight

Dr. Wang was also in the ResearchGate Spotlight for being the most cited researcher from Internal Medicine for the month of January. Keep up the good work Dr. Wang. 
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MedPage Today: Extremely Obese Face Highest Risk of Fatty Liver Disease    

Dr. Ashley Davis-Yadley was recently featured in an article by MedPage Today on the link between obesity and liver disease. Dr. Davis-Yadley was interviewed about her research pertaining to the increased risk of mortality in obese patients with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD).

"The finding goes along with the consensus that the metabolic syndrome, diabetes, and obesity all contribute to fatty liver disease and eventually to increased mortality," Davis-Yadley told MedPage Today.

Dr. Davis-Yadley's research on this subject yielded other unexpected results as well.

Read the full article here

Univision: Dr. Ana Paula Velez discusses infections associated with chemotherapy

As part of Moffit Cancer Center's Hispanic outreach campaign, Perguntale al Medico, local television station Univision interviewed Dr. Velez on issues related to the increased risk of infections in cancer patients and measures patients can take to prevent infections.

Watch the interview here

Achievements and Awards Achievements
Allergy and Immunology Top BioMedLib Review's list of Top 20 Publications
BioMedLib Review released its list of Top 20 Articles published in their journal,  "Who Is Publishing In My Domain?" The Division of Allergy and Immunology topped the list with its article  Asthma Phenotypes: An Approach to the Diagnosis and Treatment of Asthma, by Dr. Richard Lockey. Congratulations!
Read the article  here.
World Allergy Organization Congress 2015
Dr. Lockey was also the recipient of the Gold Medal Award at the World Allergy Organization Congress in Seoul, Korea; this is the highest honor from the WAO. The award is given for service to the specialty of allergy and immunology and to the World Allergy Organization. 
Dr. Dennis Ledford also received an award from WAO. He was presented with the Outstanding Clinician's Award for his clinical and research accomplishments in the specialty of allergy/immunology.    
Both awards were presented at the World Allergy Congress in Seoul, Korea on Sunday, December 6th.
Medicine International staff recognized at USF World Global Achievement Awards  
USF World held their inaugural Global Achievement Awards in November in the USF Gibbons Alumni Center. Internal Medicine staff were recognized for their contributions toward making USF the second largest University in Florida for international students.

Linman Li, Assistant Program Director for USF Medicine International, received the award for Outstanding Global Engagement for Contributions by a Staff member. 

Dr. Lynette Menezes
, the Assistant Vice President for USF Health International and the Associate Dean for International Programs for the USF Health Morsani College of Medicine, received honorable mention for Global Engagement.
Read more about the ceremony here.

Dr. Lynette Menezes and Linman Li photographed with Dean Lockwood, Dr. John Sinnott, and other award recipients at the Global Achievement Awards.
Four Internal Medicine doctors make Top 20 Clinical Investigators List

2015 was a successful year for USF clinical trials! Internal Medicine is proud of all of its investigators who contributed to the University's success, especially those physicians who made the Top 20 Clinical Trials Investigators List:

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Dr. Barbara Hansen's abstract judged 'one of the best in the field'  
The Obesity Society selected Dr. Hansen as one of 10 winners at their annual Basic Science Section Poster competition. Dr. Hansen won for her abstract, Obesity-hypertension: the first characterization of a spontaneously-hypertensive large animal model, the nonhuman primate (rhesus NHPs) with comparisons to humans.

"Advances in basic science offers great promise for impacting the problem of obesity, and outstanding work like [Dr. Hansen's] will help us realize that potential." - Diana M. Thomas, Basic Science Section Chair
Congratulations Dr. Hansen!
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Dr. Kevin O'Brien awarded AAIM Innovation Grant
The AAIM Innovation Grant Committee voted to award Dr. O'Brien the AAIM Innovation Grant for his project entitled "
Medical Student Abuse - Analysis from a Multi-Specialty Perspective." The grant is for $5000. Recipients are expected to complete their project within 12 months and they have the opportunity to present their outcomes during the 2017 Academic Internal Medicine Week. 

AAIM received very strong proposals for projects and the committee was most impressed with [Dr. O'Brien's] submission. - Nancy D. Delanoche, Innovation Center Manager  

Congratulations Dr. O'Brien!
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Student poster on USF Health BRIDGE Clinic wins at conference
Fourth-year medical student Stephanie Hudey presented one of four winning student posters at the Institute for Healthcare Improvement (IHI) Annual Forum in December in Orlando.

Read more about this accomplishment

American Heart Association
Dr. Claude Bassil, Associate Program Director of Nephrology, and his student Shane Leighton were awarded the 2015  Summer Medical Student  Research Fellowship Award by the American Heart Association. Congratulations!
VanManen Award for MS1 Excellence
Dr. Michael T. Flannery presented the 1st annual VanManen Award for MS1 Excellence to Mark Schattschneider.
Publications and Presentations Publications
Bender BG, Lockey RF. Solving the Problem of Nonadherence to Immunotherapy. Immunol Allergy Clin North Am. 2016 Feb;36(1):205-13. doi: 10.1016/j.iac.2015.08.014. Review. PubMed PMID: 26617236.

Carris NW, Pardo J, Montero J, Shaeer KM. Minocycline as A Substitute for Doxycycline in Targeted Scenarios: A Systematic Review. Open Forum Infect Dis. 2015 Nov 25;2(4):ofv178. doi: 10.1093/ofid/ofv178. eCollection 2015 Dec. Review. PubMed PMID: 26719847; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC4690502.

Calero K , Anderson WM. Home Portable Sleep Testing Has Gone Global. J Clin Sleep Med. 2015 Dec 22. pii: jc-00522-15. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 26715406.

Deletion of P2X7 attenuates hyperoxia-induced acute lung injury via inflammasome suppression.Galam L1, Rajan A1, Failla A1, Soundararajan R1, Lockey RF1, Kolliputi N2. Am J Physiol Lung Cell Mol Physiol. 2016 Jan 8:ajplung.00417.2015. doi: 10.1152/ajplung.00417.2015. [Epub ahead of print]

Johnson SM, McNally BA, Ioannidis I, Flano E, Teng MN, Oomens AG, Walsh EE, Peeples ME. Respiratory Syncytial Virus Uses CX3CR1 as a Receptor on Primary Human Airway Epithelial Cultures. PLoS Pathog. 2015 Dec 11;11(12):e1005318. doi: 10.1371/journal.ppat.1005318. eCollection 2015 Dec. PubMed PMID: 26658574; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC4676609.

Joseph Trang, Amanda Martinez, Sadaf Aslam, and Minh-Tri Duong (2015) Pharmacist Advancement of Transitions of Care to Home (PATCH) Service. Hospital Pharmacy: December 2015, Vol. 50, No. 11, pp. 994-1002.

Ledford DK. Cephalosporin Side Chain Cross-reactivity. J Allergy Clin Immunol Pract. 2015 Nov-Dec;3(6):1006-7. doi: 10.1016/j.jaip.2015.08.014. PubMed PMID: 26553624.

Malone, J. Diabetic Central Neuropathy: CNS Damage related to hyperglycemia. Diabetes.

Plowman EK, Watts SA, Tabor L, Robison R, Gaziano J, Domer AS, Richter J, Vu T, Gooch C. Impact of expiratory strength training in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. Muscle Nerve. 2015 Nov 24. doi: 10.1002/mus.24990. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 26599236.

Richter JE. Current Management of Eosinophilic Esophagitis 2015. J Clin Gastroenterol. 2016 Feb;50(2):99-110. PubMed PMID: 26485101.
Sarfaty M, Kreslake JM, Casale TB, Maibach EW. Views of AAAAI members on climate change and health. J Allergy Clin Immunol Pract. 2015 Dec 15. pii: S2213-2198(15)00529-2. doi: 10.1016/j.jaip.2015.09.018. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 26703816.
Taylor SP, Ecker DJ, Taylor B. CMS Reimbursement Reform. J Gen Intern Med. 2015 Nov;30(11):1587. doi: 10.1007/s11606-015-3464-6. PubMed PMID: 26163008; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC4617944.

Wang T, Green R, Nair RR, Howell M, Mohapatra S, Guldiken R, Mohapatra SS. Surface Acoustic Waves (SAW)-Based Biosensing for Quantification of Cell Growth in 2D and 3D Cultures. Sensors (Basel). 2015 Dec 19;15(12):32045-55. doi: 10.3390/s151229909. PubMed PMID: 26703604.

Woodson BT, Soose RJ, Gillespie MB, Strohl KP, Maurer JT Md, de Vries N, Steward DL, Baskin JZ, Badr MS, Lin HS, Padhya TA, Mickelson S, Anderson WM, Vanderveken OM, Strollo PJ Jr; STAR Trial Investigators. Three-Year Outcomes of Cranial Nerve Stimulation for Obstructive Sleep Apnea: The STAR Trial. Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2015 Nov 17. pii: 0194599815616618. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 26577774. 

Dr. Amit Shah a nd  Dr. Adam Winkler , both second year Nephrology Fellows and Chief Fellows, presented their pos ter,  Acute HIVAN in a HIV-Naive Patient during primary HIV Infection and High Viral Load, at the  American Society of Nephrology in San Diego in November.
Dr. Jacques Durr, Program Director of Nephrology, and Dr. Claude Bassil, Associate Program Director of Nephrology, presented their post er,  Lowering Dialysate Conductivity Stopped a Painful Sickle Cell Crisis in a ESRD Patient at the American Society of Nephrology in San Diego in November.
Dr. Amit Shah, Dr. Adam Winkler (second year Nephrology Fellows and Chief Fellows), Dr. Jacues Durr  Program (Director of Nephrology), and Dr. Claude Bassil ( Associate Program Director of Nephrology) presented at the American Society of Nephrology in San Diego
Dr. Alexandra Stauss presented her poster, Colon Cancer Metastatic to the Biliary Tree, at the American College of Gastroenterology (ACG) Annual Conference in Hawaii. The case presentation has also been published in the ACG Journal. 
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Appointments and Promotions Appointments
Dr. Michael Flannery appointed Professor Emeritus
Dr. Michael Flannery retired at the end of 2015 after 24 years of service to USF Medicine. Dr. Flannery enrolled as an undergraduate at USF in 1979 and received his medical degree here in 1988. Throughout his long history with USF he has received numerous awards and honors including recognition for Extraordinary Devotion, Outstanding Teaching, Innovation in Medical Education, and Lifetime Achievement. The Department of Internal Medicine is proud to have such an exemplary faculty member.

It is truly an honor to work with so many medical students and residents over the years," said Dr. Flannery, who now holds the title of Professor Emeritus.

"Dr. Flannery has dedicated himself to USF, its medical students, residents, and faculty for so many years, it seems a befitting honor. He still has so much knowledge and mentoring to share. I am very happy for the honor bestowed upon him." - Nancy Hunter, longtime co-worker and friend of Dr. Flannery.

Congratulations Dr. Flannery!

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Dr. Beata Casanas named Program Director for the Division of Infectious Disease and International Medicine
Dr. Casanas, an Associate Professor in Internal Medicine, was recently promoted to the position of Director for the Division of Infectious Disease and International Medicine.

Dr. Casanas is regularly listed as one of the Best Doctors in the country by Best Doctors in America®. Her research interests encompass the development of cutting edge HIV pharmaceuticals, the epidemiology and treatment of Mycobacterium Tuberculosis, and the unique therapeutic challenge of TB-HIV co-infection. Internal Medicine is proud to have such a distinguished faculty member.

Congratulations Dr. Casanas!

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Welcome Aboard! Welcome

Marcos Maldonado, MD

Dr. Maldonado successfully completed his Internal Medicine Residency in 1996 from Walter Reed Army Medical Center. He served as an active duty military physician for the US Army at Aberdeen Proving Grounds, William Beaumont Army Medical Center and served while stationed in Southwest Asia for the Air Defense Artillery Regiment and US Army Central Command.
Dr. Maldonado successfully completed his Rheumatology fellowship at the University of New Mexico and Albuquerque Veterans Administration Hospital in 2001. His areas of clinical interest and clinical research include Systemic Lupus Erythematosus and Mixed Connective Tissue Disease.
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Laiheng Cabral, MA   
Family Nurse Practitioner 
Department of Internal Medicine 

Ms. Cabral is a certified Family Nurse Practitioner. She has a BA and MA in nursing from the University of Buffalo. Between getting her degrees Ms. Cabral worked at Erie County Medical Center where she advanced to the position of Unit Charge Nurse. After getting her MA she moved to New Jersey to be closer to her hometown of New York City and to continue pursuing a career as an ARNP.

Ms. Cabral worked as a Primary Care Provider for three years in the Bronx, NY. She was grateful for the opportunity to work not only in an environment that she was familiar with but also a population that is dear to her. After visiting Tampa with her family she fell in love with the city and is excited to pursue the next step of her career here. 
Christina Haynes, MBA  
Academic Services Administrator
Division of Nephrology & Hypertension 
Department of Internal Medicine

Christina Haynes joined USF Health as the Academic Services Administrator for the Nephrology & Hypertension Division. Her previous position was with a local not-for-profit organ and tissue transplant organization where she worked in Corporate Compliance and reported to the top four executives of the organization. She has experience with internal auditing, finance & accounting, training development, and administration.  
She studied at the University of South Florida where she graduated with her Bachelor of Science in Management. She also earned her Masters of Business Administration with a concentration in Human Resource Management from Saint Leo University.

David Kirk, BS  
Research Assistant 
USF HIV Research Unit

David Kirk is a research assistant at the USF HIV Research Unit located at the Florida Department of Health - Hillsborough County. He graduated from USF in December 2015 with his Bachelors in Health Sciences with a concentration in Biological Sciences. David has applied to medical school, which he is planning to start in August 2016. In his spare time, he enjoys surfing and rock climbing.
Events Events
Dr. John Sinnott presents Dr. Carl Flatley with an Award of Appreciation for his work to spread the word about the dangers  of Sepsis
Celebration of Success!

In December the department held its annual Celebration of Success. Faculty, staff, and supporters of USF Internal Medicine turned out to celebrate all of the department's accomplishments in 2015, as well as look ahead to what 2016 holds.

Special guests Dr. Carl Flately and Dr.
Jean-François Rossignol were recognized for their significant contributions to the medical field.
Dr. John Sinnott presents Dr. Jean-François Rossignol with an Award of Recognition for his contributions through medical chemistry 

Dr. Flatley received an Award of Appreciation for saving lives from Sepsis. Dr. Flatley is the founder of Sepsis Alliance, an organization dedicated to raising awareness of the life threatening dangers of Sepsis.

Dr. Rossignol was presented with an Award of Recognition for his global impact through medical chemistry. Among his many accomplishments, Dr. Rossignol is renowned for the development of nitazoxanide, the first of the thiazolide agents and of its use in combating the hepatitis C virus.     

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BRIDGE Clinic Family Holiday Party

Throughout the year the BRIDGE Clinic provides free patient care to under-served members of the community. BRIDGE faculty and student volunteers continued serving the community throughout the holidays by presenting twenty-five patients and their families with gifts donated by faculty and staff from all over the department at their annual holiday party. Thank you, BRIDGE staff, for all your hard work and the selfless example you set.
BRIDGE Clinic faculty and student volunteers spread some holiday cheer  
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Career Day at Ferrell Middle School

Dr. Kevin O'Brien with the division of General Internal Medicine recently gave a presentation to students at Ferrell Middle School's Career Day. Dr. O'Brien spoke with students about medical school and a career in the field of medicine. He also tested their medical knowledge with the assistance of Angel the Reader Rabbit.     
Dr. O'Brien at Ferrell Middle School 
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Patient Centered Focus
Patient Centered Teaching Teaching
Photo courtesy of USF Health Communications
USF Health faculty among USF's best, honored with Outstanding Faculty Awards
More than 80 distinguished USF faculty members received highly prestigious awards and honors during the calendar year 2015, including a number of Internal Medicine faculty members.
Barbara Hansen, PhD, the Director of the Obesity, Diabetes, and Aging Research Center and professor of Internal Medicine and Pediatrics was elected a member of the National Academies as well as named a fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science.
Dr. Stephen Liggett, Vice Dean for Research and a professor of Internal Medicine and Molecular Pharmacology and Physiology was named a fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science. 
Shyam Mohapatra, PhD, Director of the Division of Translational Medicine, Associate Dean in the USF Collge of Pharmacy, professor of Pediatrics ad Molecular Medicine in the College of Public Health was elected to the AIMBE College of Fellows and honored as an inductee to the Florida Inventors' Hall of Fame.
Congratulations everyone!
Read more about the awards  here.
Patient Centered Research Research
Mable Chow and Irene Chen, MA have made significant strides in recruiting participants to the REPRIEVE Trails
REPRIEVE Trials: USF team recieves Exemplary Site Notification for 'going above and beyond' 
The Division of Infectious Disease and International Medicine is part of a collaborative study supported by the Department of Health and Human Services aiming to prevent vascular events in HIV-REPRIEVE. 

" Since people started taking HIV medications, illness from AIDS has decreased, but other serious diseases, like heart disease, have increased. HIV causes inflammation (irritation) inside the body that cannot be felt but can be measured," said Mable Chow, one of the USF team investigators. "Patients' participation in this study will help us determine if the use of statins can prevent heart-related disease among people with HIV infection. The results of this study may help to create guidelines for the prevention of heart disease in HIV infection."

The study is still in the early stages, but the USF team is making significant strides in recruitment for the trial. The REPRIEVE Site Selection and Performance Committee recently reviewed the USF team's progress and found the team had exceeded expectations, noting they have gone "above and beyond" in their recruitment efforts. This is the second time since the study began that the team has received Exemplary Site Notification. Good work team!

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Patient Centered Care Care
Photo courtesy of USF Health Communications
GIM focuses on Quality Improvement as USF Health makes progress toward recognition as a Patient Centered Medical Home

One of the 6 Standards of the Patient Centered Medical Home (PCMH) is "Performance Measurement & Quality Improvement." As such, General Internal Medicine (GIM) has identified 6 QI measures as key components toward achieving PCMH status: wait time, breast cancer screening, pneumococcal vaccination, rate of prescribed daily aspirin in patients over 40, access to care, disparity in mean hemoglobin A1c values.
"[T]his is not just about achieving Level 2 or 3 recognition [as a PCMH]-- it is about the transformation of how primary care is delivered in the U.S.  We have a lot of work to do toward this aim and the QI projects represent a strong initial effort." - Stephanie Peters, Quality Assurance Administrator
Photo courtesy of USF Health Communications
Daughter of patient recognizes Internal Medicine doctors for helping her father live to see 2016

"Even though he has a long road ahead of him, my dad will live to see 2016. Thanks to the amazing doctors, nurses and staff at Tampa General Hospital, not only for your amazing skills, but your caring ways. Doctors Pinkas, Taunk, and Kolkhorst you are amazing. Dr. John Leone, you're like a guardian angel.

The week leading into the New Year has made me realize how fleeting life is. Here's to living everyday to its fullest, showering your family and friends with too much love, and being grateful for blessings big and small. Thanks friends for your PRAYERS and encouraging words - they are what got me through the week one day at a time. Happy New Year!"

~ Gayle Guyardo
Announcements Announcements
Roy H. Behnke Grand Rounds   
Grand Rounds are back in session!

*Grand Round Lectures are held in MDL 1003*

 **All DOIM Grand Rounds lectures are held from
12:00- 1:00pm, lunch is provided. Lectures are simulcast to TGH B107 and FOB 1304

Dr. Jane Carver will teach a scientific writing course on March 15th at STC from 8:30 to 4:00pm. Topics will include strategies to enhance your success as a published author, ethical issues related to writing, authorship, helpful resources, using standardized formats for scientific manuscripts, effective tables and figures, clear and concise sentence structure, and poster and slide presentations. Please contact Dr. Carver at for more information.

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Save the Date!

Graduation will be held at the USF Embassy Suites on June 2, 2016. The ceremony will begin at 4pm with a reception to follow.

Stay tuned for more information!