

ARC Modification




We are looking forward to hosting our Community Wide-Garage sale next weekend. The banner for the entrance of the community will be installed on Monday. We currently have 22 owners who have confirmed their participation. Linked here is a community map that can be shared with your friends and family. The Garage Sale will be advertised on several social media platforms to help increase awareness about our event. If you still need to sign up, register before 3:00 pm next Thursday, September 21st, to be included in the community map. 


Heather Bordner-Ayyob

Community Manager I

Join our Event Entourage to get connected on upcoming events throughout the community.

I want to Volunteer!

Osage Lane: 

Osage Lane will close indefinitely starting Monday, September 18th. Please be advised there may be some intermittent closures between now and Monday. We recommend owners leave a few minutes earlier than usual as we will have increased traffic at Parker Road and Inspiration Blvd. 

Peace Park: 

The developer began repairs to Peace Park this week. We appreciate your patience at this park, and the work should be completed by the end of next week. 

Round About Lighting @ Huffines Blvd: 

Construction has begun on installing the solar lights at the roundabout at Huffines Blvd. The lights are expected to be installed by the end of next week. 

Harvest Moon Festival

Date: Saturday, September 16th

Time: 7:00 pm

Where: Solomon's Park


Celebrate a long-time fall tradition during the Harvest Moon Celebration! Enjoy a night of shopping with local vendors and dancing under the moonlit sky. Country-style dancing and music will be present, so grab your boots and scoot over to Solomon's Park! 

**Please note parking will be limited. We are watching the weather, and the event will be moved to Club Inspiration if needed.**

No RSVP Required

Community Garage Sale Weekend

Date: September 22nd - 24th

Time: 10:00 am

Where: Community-Wide


Community Garage Sale Weekend! All residents can set up shop on their property and sell their goods!

Sign me up!
Community Map

Inspire Around the World


We are seeking volunteers to assist with our Inspire Around the World event on Sunday, November 12th.


If you would like to participate and showcase your cultural background, please get in touch with Taylor Cowan to join our Event Entourage and assist with this fantastic community event.

I want to Volunteer

Inspiration Paw Park Pals: Every Thursday & Tuesday at 5:00 pm at Urban Trails Dog Park.

Ladies Crafting Club: Wednesday September 13th, Starting at 6:00 pm at Club Inspiration

Left Center Right Club: Thursday, September 14th starting at 7:30 pm at Club Inspiration.

Los Amigos Spanish Speaking Club: Monday, September 18th, Starting at 7:00 pm at Club Inspiration

Poker Club: Tuesday September 19th, doors open at 6:30 club starts at 7:00 pm at Club Inspiration.

Community Manager
Heather Bordner-Ayyob
Lifestyle Director
Taylor Cowan

Maintenance Coordinator

Mario Cortinez

Community Standards Coordinator

Anna Wood

Inspiration is proudly and professionally managed by CCMC

Inspiration | 469.522.2120 | 1715 Inspiration Blvd, Wylie Texas
After Hours Association Emergency: 1-800-274-3165