Volume 4:2 | April 24 2020
Your COVID-19 weekly news & updates
Inspiration and Meaningful Connection in a Recovering World  
As both a performance and exhibit-based organization we at Danville Museum of Fine Arts and History are tasked to create programs and experiences that are responsive to COVID-19 and the needs of our community. While we have many ideas for programming when we reopen – the Richmond MFA  Artmobile  is scheduled for July 14 - we would like to ask you how you are feeling and what you would like to see when the museum opens.  
Lets Talk About What Is Happening At The Museum  
Earth Day, April 22:  DMFAH is working closely with the city to not use pesticides on the lawn. The lawn will be aerated and seeded but we are hoping to create a healthy eco-system for children and for animals. We will also soon be sporting a new  DOGGIE STATION

Even as the museum community is challenged by this life-changing crisis, it may be time to give some thought to what happens when we re-open. Maybe programming can be moved outside? Maybe DMFAH should let fewer people in at a time to see exhibits? We want you to feel safe when you return and there is already hand sanitizer located in each gallery and room at the Sutherlin Mansion, awaiting your return. Keep in mind that DMFAH is however not just a set of walls, but that the programming we do, and your experience of that programming, can be shared in virtual formats and a lively social media platform. There will be operational changes as we go forward and this will be communicated in a weekly newsletter to keep everybody up to date on news, views and programming. Please send your thoughts and messages to us at  info@danvillemuseum.org  

  1. How can the Danville Museum support local businesses in the City and in Pittsylvania and Caswell Counties? 
  2. Let us know how the museum can contribute to your health. Yoga on the lawn with mats far apart?
  3. Doggie Walk Centers with bags posted outside the museum will soon be visible for those enjoying the Museum garden with pets.
  4. DMFAH has also set up a COVID-19 Pantry shelf called “ If you need one take one, if you don't put one in.” 
  5. Do you know of any recipes that you think could tell a story about the Danville Museum? If you send us your submission and your story to info@danvillemuseum.org we will post it on Social Media. 
  6. Are there any history and art movies or books you would like to recommend to the Danville Museum communities?  
Traveling Trunks +
Education Packages:  We are currently still uploading new educational material to the website. Please check out the Camilla Williams Education packet  here . We are currently working to update all our traveling trunks and our lesson plans. ArtSmart uploads will be ready next week!! We are reaching out to the education communities and families with children at home to let you know that the museum has mysterious and exciting stories to tell about the Museum collections. For those of you who would like to find out more about the world famous African American opera singer Camilla Williams who grew up during segregation in Danville Virginia please press  here .
I am... Danville

 DMFAH is happy to announce the  I am… Danville Legacy stories  produced by February Artist in Residence Karen Williamson. Filmed and Edited by Wenn Harold
Upcoming VIRTUAL Tours

If you would like to take an audio tour of the House Museum  produced by Evince Editor Joyce Willburn and David Hutcheson please look  here .  Thank you David for putting this museum audio tour into a photo gallery for all to enjoy during COVID-19. If you want a personal tour through the old Sutherlin Mansion with CB Maddox please look   here
Celebrating International Sculpture Day
International Sculpture Day, April 25, 2020 : We're going through collections and pulling beautiful works of art that we have in our collection to share with you during COVID-19. The lime stone and granite sculpture titled PORTAL VIII, by artist Paris Alexander, is located on the DMFAH front lawn and is easily accessible to the public right now. It is part of the Parks and Recreation Art's Walk program and was installed in August of 2018. We’re looking forward to a new sculpture that will be installed in the fall of 2020.
Service Spotlight
Renovations and conservation efforts : Welcome to Josh Lucia who will be moving into house 126 to work on the Virginia Humanities “Omitted History” video. We are writing grants to put in a new green-screen studio in the Research Center at house 126.  Thank you to Rick Barker who is heading up renovations for a new DMFAH satellite Gallery on Craighead Street in the historic Downtown River District.  We are also undertaking a conservation maintenance project by restoring as well as painting the Museum fence this summer. We thank the Danville Public Works Office and Rick Drazenovich as well as Mike Kendrick’s team for helping with this project. Let us know if you are interested in contributing to these renovation and conservation efforts by filling out a donation form  here
Inspiring Connectivity in a Recovering World
Researching our Common Ground
DMFAH is currently working with two national historians Grace Hale and Fitzhugh Brundage to update the current Sutherlin Mansion histories , which will include the Library Histories from 1928- 1972. Local historian Gary Grant will be working with  Josh Lucia and as well as Asher Caplan and local history groups on a Danville History Symposium to add to the new information in the DMFAH visitor service video. If there are any specific histories that you feel should be included pertaining to the Sutherlin Mansion, Swanson Studio (The Old Firehouse) and House 126 (The Research Center), please let us know at  info@danvillemuseum.org .