NPC Congregational Meeting
Following the 10:30am service on March 30, 2025, an annual meeting of the Congregation will be held in the Sanctuary to conduct the following business: Discussion of Endowment Committee Bylaws, to vote on the revised terms of call for Rev. Gregory M. Doll, Rev. Brandi W. Drake, and Rev. Gary M. Morello, and to review the budget for 2025. We will also be nominating and electing the officers of the class of 2028.
Elders: Kristine Braden, Shepard Halsch, Steph Jones, Michael King, Jed Lawrence
(1 yr), Deb Travers, Fred Wilms (1 yr).
Deacons: Robyn Carpenter, Tad Ehrbar, Kate McIntosh, Sean Whitehead
Youth Deacons (1 yr term): Hadley Hazelton, Zach Maier
All members are welcome and encouraged to attend. Childcare will be extended.