Noroton Presbyterian Church Weekly Newsletter

NPC Congregational Meeting

Following the 10:30am service on March 30, 2025, an annual meeting of the Congregation will be held in the Sanctuary to conduct the following business: Discussion of Endowment Committee Bylaws, to vote on the revised terms of call for Rev. Gregory M. Doll, Rev. Brandi W. Drake, and Rev. Gary M. Morello, and to review the budget for 2025. We will also be nominating and electing the officers of the class of 2028.

Elders: Kristine Braden, Shepard Halsch, Steph Jones, Michael King, Jed Lawrence

(1 yr), Deb Travers, Fred Wilms (1 yr). 

Deacons: Robyn Carpenter, Tad Ehrbar, Kate McIntosh, Sean Whitehead

Youth Deacons (1 yr term): Hadley Hazelton, Zach Maier

All members are welcome and encouraged to attend. Childcare will be extended.

Wednesday Evening Service

Please join us for our next Wednesday Evening Service, March 19 at 7pm in the Skylight Lobby.

We will continue in our study of the 9 Spiritual Practices that bring us closer to God and help us to grow in our faith. This week our focus will be on the “Power of Scripture.”

Dinners For Eight

New to NPC? You're invited to Dinners For Eight! Hosts from NPC invite you to join them for a special meal in their home. You gather, meet new people, share a meal, and enjoy conversation. View opportunities below!

Dinners For Eight

PEP Luncheon

You're invited to our next 55+ PEP Seniors get-together! Join us on Thursday, March 27 from

12:30 - 2:30pm.

We will have a luncheon and a wonderful talk by Rosemary Mace on NPC history, the people, and the buildings. Don't forget to invite your friends!

2025 Easter Eggstravaganza

We're having a huge party to celebrate Jesus on April 5 from 11am-1pm! We'll have games, treats, music, Easter eggs, and most importantly we'll share the story of Easter. We can't pull off this event without YOU! Click below to see all of the volunteer opportunities.


Sunday's Sermon

Pastor Brandi Drake

“You Just Can’t Make This Up"


If you missed Sunday's Sermon, no problem! You can WATCH the message, and browse all of our other sermons on our YouTube page.

Listen For those long commutes or vacation rides, you can LISTEN to our sermons on our Podcast.

Mission Spotlight

Roma Networks

Tom & Dora Becker

You can find Roma people all over Europe. They are Europe’s largest minority -- and the most marginalized. But the Romani are coming to faith in great numbers -- and our Mission Partners, Tom and Dora Becker, play an integral part of resourcing them! They work with Roma Networks to equip national leaders in Europe so they can strategically plant Roma churches, disciple Roma leaders, and resource Roma communities, creating jobs, education opportunities, and more.

We'll come alongside Roma Networks this October in Croatia and Bosnia. Want to meet Romani families and leaders, learn about the challenges they face, and have opportunities to support and encourage them? Here are two videos that will help you understand who the Roma are and what is helping them recover their culture and identity in Christ: We Are Here and Reach. If you have a heart to disrupt systemic injustice, equip people with resources, and encourage faith, consider going with us Oct. 24 – Nov. 1 to Croatia and Bosnia with Tom Becker!

Learn about NPC’s Mission Partners and trips HERE

Winter 2025 Prayer Guide

Invitation to Prayer

Join Our Prayer Team!

"Serving as a member of the NPC Prayer Team has been a privilege and has helped transform my prayer life in numerous ways. Having a connected group that regularly meets to pray over the needs of our community provides structure and encouragement for my commitment to prayer. In addition, hearing fellow team members praying has helped me find my voice and increased my comfort in praying aloud. Learning the prayer requests of our church and community gives me more awareness of the needs, making me much more empathic. Most significantly, praying for the NPC community's concerns humbly allows me to serve and see how God faithfully hears our prayers."

-Allegra Erickson

Please join us, either by praying with us or allowing us the honor of praying for you. Simply reach out to Evie Knight or click here to visit Noroton.Church.

Prayer Guide


Worship Schedule

Service in the Chapel - 9am

Service in the Sanctuary - 10:30am

Wednesday Evening Service in the Skylight Lobby - 7pm



Children's Ministry

Youth Ministry

Online GIving

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