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AIS VHF Antenna Installation

Best Practice Review

June 22, 2023

Service Advisory #2023-06

When installing an Automatic Identification System (AIS) VHF antenna on a vessel, it's important to follow several key guidelines to ensure the best possible operation of the AIS and any other electronics installed on the vessel.

1. Find an elevated position that's as free of conductive materials as possible, with at least half a meter of clearance in every direction.

2. Avoid placing the antenna too close to a large vertical barrier, which could impede 360-degree visibility of the horizon.

3. Mount the AIS antenna away from high-power Radio Frequency (RF) sources like Radar and other transmitting radio antennas, preferably at least 3 meters away and out of the Radar’s beam angle. If you have other antennas on the same plane, be sure to keep them at least 10 meters apart to avoid interference. 

4. Mounting VHF Radiotelephone antennas near AIS antennas could cause damage to the AIS, so be sure to maintain separation guidelines as shown below. The AIS VHF antenna should be positioned directly above or below the ship's primary VHF Radiotelephone antennas, with no horizontal separation and a minimum vertical separation of 2.8 meters. 

If you have any questions, please visit our website ( or send an e-mail to You may also contact a Furuno support technician at either our Camas, WA facility (360) 834-9300 or our Denton, MD facility (410) 479-4420. 


Furuno USA, Inc.