While many of us are getting ready for Passover Seder (aka the most complicated dinner party of the year) tomorrow, it is critical that we remember those who are not as fortunate. Our hearts go out to Evan Gershkovich and his family. Evan is an American reporter for the Wall Street Journal, who is being detained in Moscow and faces up to 20 years in prison. He is the son of Soviet-born Jews and should be at a Passover table, not sitting behind bars. Please share this email to spread awareness about Evan’s plight. Read more about Evan here.

JewBelong’s free Haggadah is a perfect reflection of the bitterness and sweetness of life. Don’t miss Peace Olives for Ukraine on page six (inspired by the olive branch that signified peace in the story of Noah’s ark), and Seder Coffee to wake us up to the modern-day Twelve Plagues of Antisemitism on page 28. 

Our Haggadah also includes all the traditional parts of the Seder plus lively songs and an original skit that will delight your guests of all ages. Props are optional!

Click here for all of JewBelong’s free Passover resources!

Happy Passover!


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