ISSUE 274 | September 12th, 2024

The Institute is an economic research and applied research and consulting group that provides customized client solutions and strategies to facilitate decision making and planning that enhances growth, impact, and sustainability for organizations.

From Around the Region and the State
Economic and Policy News

School Districts Awarded Grants for Asbestos Abatement, Water Damage, Sewage Systems


Several school districts in Northeast and Central Pennsylvania have been awarded close to $6 million to repair water and infrastructure systems.

Across the state, 109 school districts will use the funds to repair walls, remove mold and asbestos, and replace old sewage systems.

Repair projects are vital to the functioning of rural school districts and the building of safe learning environments for students. 

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These Tools Can Help New and Expecting PA Parents Find Child Care That Meets Their Needs

Pennsylvania-based Keystone STARS program rates the quality of local care providers based on new parents’ professions, location, and educational development for their children.

Over the last two decades, increased scrutiny on the quality of child care has prompted a task force to study what makes child care effective.

PA Post discusses new tools and programs that parents can use to meet their child care needs. 

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Delaware County to Experiment with Police-Assisted Diversion

An emerging pilot program in Delaware County would allow police officers to discern whether individuals with behavioral issues would be referred to a case manager.

In lieu of arrest, a person would be entered into a care program, a move that the County Council hopes to implement by the end of the year.

This model is based on an existing program in Philadelphia, and will help individuals from repeat encounters with law enforcement.


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From Around the Nation and the Globe
Economic and Policy News

The Urban Gardens Where Gender and Climate Justice Grow


In Ecuador, the Participatory Urban Agriculture Project focuses on providing local farmers and residents with equal access to food, climate justice, and gender equity.

As of this year, approximately 21,000 urban farmers have been trained, with a focus on employing those who have been subject to domestic abuse, elderly women, and those with disabilities.

NextCity discusses the local benefits of urban farming, as well as the potential to operate similar pilots in the United States.

  Click here to read the full article

Five Facts That Debunk Myths About the Opioid Crisis

The Opioid crisis remains a major issue across the nation, with misinformation being an obstacle to fully understanding potential solutions.

Between 2015 and 2023, opioid related overdose deaths have nearly tripled, prompting a need for accurate research and educational resources.

The Urban Institute debunks five common opioid myths, and discusses current findings regarding the national crisis. 

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AI-Powered Tenant Screening Tech Worries Fair Housing Advocates 


The potential of automating apartment applications and background checks can help landlords quickly screen best matches for housing.

 However, those with financial insecurity may be at the end of an unfair digital process.

Bloomberg Research discusses the potential benefits of streamlining housing applications with AI, and the reasons for concerns that many advocates state.

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