Providing every child access to the life-changing experience of making music.
February 2023
Our thirteenth annual INSTRUMENT DRIVE is limited to two weeks, March 6-19, but its impact lasts a lifetime! It is widely known that learning to play an instrument improves cognition and memory, relieves stress, builds confidence and fosters patience.

When you bring the band or orchestral instrument that no longer serves your needs to our INSTRUMENT DRIVE, we refurbish it and then give it to under-resourced music programs in desperate need of instruments. This year we are making a specific appeal for those instruments in short supply: baritone horns, baritone saxophones, cellos, double basses, tenor saxophones, tubas, and violas.

Your instrument donation brings the benefits of music lessons to students who would otherwise be unable to participate in band or orchestra. The past 12 instrument drives have served over 300 music programs and 18,000 children. This year, the instrument YOU no longer play can be the one to CHANGE A CHILD'S LIFE!
Instrument donors are the reason we are able to put so many lovely instruments in the hands of children. Repair fund donors, however, are the reason we are able to keep some distinctly un-lovely things - namely dust, damage and discouragement - out of young student musicians' instrument cases. It is this combination of donations from the community - instruments and the funds needed to repair and refurbish them - that gives children their best chance of success.

Every instrument awarded by BMTL must be in excellent playable condition before it is put in the hands of a child. Learning to play is challenge enough, particularly in the beginning. If a young musician is struggling against the poor condition of their instrument, they are likely to think it is something they are doing wrong, grow frustrated and quit - the last thing any of us want them to do.

These crucial repairs are costly. BMTL is tremendously fortunate to have four repair partners - Rocky Mountain Music Repair, Luther Strings, Monkton Guitars and Denver Percussion - who support our mission by repairing donated instruments at a deep discount. Nonetheless, last year's repair expenses totaled $77,000 and the forecast for 2023 is nearly $87,000.
violin repair
trombone repair
flute repair
Help us put the best chance of success in each instrument case. Please donate to the repair fund today!
Last year, Alameda International Jr./Sr. High School Guitar and Piano Instructor, Micah Edwards, applied for instruments for his Advanced Guitar Ensemble (shown below). He was one of 45 awardees selected to receive instruments in 2022. Here's what he had to say about the experience.
"We are often in short supply of instruments and the instruments we do have are often in need of repair or being replaced."
Sound familiar?
You have "benefitted our school here at Alameda International and we are eternally grateful for all that you guys do. Bringing Music to Life has helped out tremendously in bringing music to the lives of our students and providing them the opportunities they deserve."
Alameda International's need is not unique. Is your school's instrument inventory less than ideal? If so, apply for instruments. By doing so, like Micah, you too can expand the impact of your music program. When Bringing Music to Life awards instruments to qualifying schools, we bring access, we bring opportunities and we bring change. But most importantly, we bring JOY!
We partnered again this concert season with your Colorado Symphony.

Our thanks go both to the symphony for hosting us in the lobby of Boettcher Concert Hall for 10 instrument donation performances and to Colorado Public Radio for supporting us with publicity.

We thank all of the interested and supportive concert-goers whom we met during this rousing prelude to our upcoming March instrument drive!
CPR Classical Program Director Monika Vischer with BMTL Board Member Kathy Newman and husband Rudi Hartmann
Two brothers share their dream of becoming musicians and playing together professionally
Herr Mozart surprised BMTL supporter Linda Heider at the Mozart and Now performance conducted by Peter Oundjian
Founder and Music Director, Bruce Ayers explains the purpose and goals of NAAWS
The mission of the Nashville African American Wind Symphony, kindred to our own, is to promote music education and bring diversity to the world of classical music. We were introduced to this newly-formed symphony because the NAACP of Boulder County invited them to perform at Macky Auditorium Concert Hall or a free Freedom Fund community event.
When Monika Vischer of CPR Classical learned, just days before the February concert, that NAAWS was unable to transport all of their musical instruments to Colorado from Tennessee, she reached out to BMTL requesting a loan. Fortunately, we were able to pull a baritone saxophone, bassoon and string bass from backstock, and two of our repair partners were able to prioritize getting them into excellent, playable condition. The show, as it must, went on!

Certainly, there was some luck involved, but more importantly, there was community. We know that we were able to be there for NAAWS because Colorado Public Radio, Rocky Mountain Music Repair, Luther Strings and, ultimately, donors like you are here for one another.
Convert Cheerios into Cellos

Did you know that when you register your King Soopers Loyalty Rewards Card (or your dedicated King Soopers credit card) your dollars make a difference?

By identifying Bringing Music to Life as the organization you want to support, a percentage of the money you spend at King Soopers will be awarded to us at no additional cost to you. You don't pay more when you are in the community rewards program, but your dollars do more. Sustenance for your family helps to sustain music education in Colorado!
Organization Number
Bringing Music to Life

2390 S Fillmore St
Denver, Colorado 80210
(303) 756-3123
Steve Blatt, Executive Director . Christine Andresen, Assistant Executive Director
Michael Frank, Board Chair . Rebekah Bonn . Peter Dawes . Anne Necker . David Necker . Kathy Newman
Jerry Reuschhoff . Lynne Valencia . Lin Williams