Insurance Update
April  2017
Issue No. 79
In this issue
Benefits of volunteering 

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  A not-for-profit ministry of
Church of the Brethren Benefit Trust Inc.

Church of the Brethren Insurance Services provides the following products: dental, vision, basic life and accidental death & dismemberment, supplemental life and AD&D, dependent life and AD&D, retiree life, long-term disability, short-term disability, and Medicare supplement for eligible Church of the Brethren employees .
Dental, vision, retiree life, and Medicare supplement coverage may also be available for eligible retired Church of the Brethren employees.
For eligibility information, call Connie Sandman at 800-746-1505, ext. 366, or contact your human resources representative.
Medical and ancillary plans (named above) may be available to Brethren-affiliated employer groups.
Long-Term Care Insurance is available for all members of the Church of the Brethren, their family and friends, and employees of Church of the Brethren-affiliated agencies, organizations, colleges, and retirement communities. 

Contact Us 
1505 Dundee Ave., Elgin, IL 60120


Are you one of the many people who willingly and generously volunteers your time? If so, you'll be interested to know that April is National Volunteer Month, dedicated to honoring volunteers and encouraging volunteerism. In this spirit, we offer you the opportunity to read about volunteering from different viewpoints.
Brethren Benefit Trust is an agency of the Church of the Brethren, and this denomination has a long and rich history of volunteer work that rises from its religious and cultural fabric. One of the denomination's proudest moments was when Brethren Volunteer Service was created. You will find an article narrating that dramatic story, and briefly detailing some of the extensive volunteer work of the denomination.
Volunteerism is also deeply embedded in America's storybook, going back to our very beginnings. You will find a short essay surveying some of the interesting moments, as Americans have developed a robust and varied group of volunteer institutions and efforts.
To keep it all in perspective, you might find it interesting that there are many health benefits to doing volunteer work. You can read about that as well.
Further, in our ongoing effort to bring you insurance information, we ask you to think about accident insurance. Those of you who are employed by Church of the Brethren institutions may be able to receive this insurance from Brethren Insurance Services through your employer. But wherever you work, you would be wise to consider voluntary accident insurance as a supplement to your other insurance.
When you receive this issue of Insurance Update, spring will have already begun. Depending on where you live, you may still have to endure a few last spasms of winter, but mostly we can all begin to expect warmer breezes, budding flowers, and greening lawns and trees. May you enjoy these beauties, and may you find ways to volunteer some of your time to celebrate this National Volunteer Month.

We welcome new team member Jeremiah Thompson this month, as the director of Insurance Operations. 

Tammy Chudy will still be serving our Insurance members as she helps Jeremiah transition to his new position.

Tammy is also transitioning within BBT to director of Retirement Operations as well as continuing in her role as assistant director of Employee Benefits.
Voluntary accident insurance -- beyond medical insurance

No one likes to think about the possibility of an accident, but the very likelihood is inescapable. Think about it: Have you or anyone in your family ever had an automobile accident? Have you ever slipped and fallen? How about a bicycle or skiing accident? When was the last time you saw the inside of an emergency room? If you're like most Americans, it wasn't too long ago!
Medical insurance offsets most of the treatment costs for injuries resulting from an accident, but what about the out-of-pocket costs you don't consider? There's time off from work while you or a loved one convalesces, doctor visits and hospital co-pays, medical insurance deductibles, child care expenses -- maybe even stocking up on ibuprofen and bandages! It's inconvenient, expensive, and can make a serious dent in a family's budget.
Accident insurance provides a hedge against this possibility, paying a fixed, lump-sum benefit for injuries resulting from a covered accident -- up to and including death if your employer's plan includes that provision.
These benefits are paid directly to you or your designee, to use however you wish. The benefit schedule specifies payment amounts for events like hospitalizations, emergency room treatments, surgery, coma, paralysis, major diagnostic tests, physical therapy, fractures, burns, dislocations, etc.
Think about this: You buy life insurance in the event you die. You buy disability insurance in the event you can't work for a period of time because of an illness. But you buy medical insurance because you're pretty sure you're going to need it! Accident insurance is like that: the odds are good you or someone in your family is going to be injured in an accident at some point. And you can purchase coverage for you, you and your spouse, or your entire family. Further, your employer may offer a choice of plans that allow you to select the one that fits your need and budget best.
Voluntary accident insurance may be purchased from your insurance carrier and may be offered through your place of work. For eligible full-time employees of the Church of the Brethren, voluntary accident insurance is available from Brethren Insurance Services. It covers the employee, spouse, dependents, and unmarried children under age 26 who are full-time students. Three coverage options are offered. There is no underwriting if the employee signs up during the enrollment period. For eligibility information, call Connie Sandman at 800-746-1505, ext. 366, or contact your human resources representative. 

To view a short video on accident insurance, click here.
What does research show about the health value of volunteering?
Volunteering leads to greater life satisfaction and lower rates of depression.
Volunteering gives you a sense of purpose and accomplishment and enlarges your social network. These buffer stress and reduce the risk of disease and depression.
Older volunteers are most likely to receive greater health benefits from volunteering.
While depression might be a barrier to volunteering for people in mid-life, it is a catalyst for older adults who may want to compensate for role changes and reduced social activity.
There is a "volunteering threshold" for receiving significant health benefits.
You have to do a certain level of volunteering in order for it to be good for you, such as volunteering with two or more organizations or giving 100 or more hours per year.
Volunteering and physical well-being are part of a positive reinforcing cycle.
Studies have shown that those who volunteer report higher levels of happiness, life-satisfaction, sense of control, self-esteem, and physical health.

Evidence suggests the possibility that the best way to prevent poor health in the future, which could be a barrier to volunteering, is to volunteer.
If you start volunteering early, you will be more likely to have good health to enable you to volunteer when you are older, which will help you keep your good health.
Individuals who volunteer live longer.
Studies seem to indicate that if you volunteer, you will lengthen your life. It's worth a try, right?
State volunteer rates are strongly connected with the physical health of the states' population.
Data from the U.S. Census Bureau and the Center for Disease Control indicate that states with a higher volunteer rate report lower rates of mortality and incidence of heart disease. Health problems are greater in states with a lower volunteer rate.
Volunteering can improve cognitive functioning in older adults
A Johns Hopkins study showed that older adults who tutored children or took part in some other form of volunteer service were able to delay or even reverse declining brain function. This was confirmed by a study at Washington University in St. Louis - older adults who tutored children showed improvements in stamina, memory, and flexibility as well as depression levels.

Adapted from "The Health Benefits of Volunteering: A Review of Recent Research,"
Taking Conference by storm -- volunteering and the Brethren
BVS Unit One

In 1948, a small young man with big ideas climbed atop an orange crate at a church conference in Colorado to address an audience of more than a thousand people. He made a motion which was allowed, though it came through a highly unorthodox process by a moderator who usually went "by the book." With this dramatic act, Brethren Volunteer Service was born.
That moment has been made almost legendary by Brethren church members who have been volunteering for years. Serving thy neighbor is deeply rooted in the culture of the Brethren. They believe they are called by the example of Jesus, who washed his disciples' feet and told the story of the Good Samaritan.
Brethren had been helping one another and others in the community since their beginnings. They began to do organized volunteer work as early as the 1930s. They continued through World War II and into the post-war years, focusing on relief and reconstruction in Europe. Brethren to this day continue to have a robust program of volunteer effort. The action at the Colorado conference was a dramatic moment that captured, advanced, and symbolized the volunteer spirit of the Brethren that would continue and flourish under many different leaders. But it wasn't the church leaders who brought it to that new level in 1948. It was the youth.
Annual Conference the year before, in 1947, met in Orlando, Fla. The executive secretary of the Brethren Service Commission, M. R. Zigler, described his recent experience traveling in Europe to the youth in attendance, who were gathered in a football stadium to hear him speak. He told them of the hunger and homelessness, the illness and misery, the devastated land and leveled cities all over Europe. Brethren historian Donald Durnbaugh described the scene: "Zigler's firsthand accounts of the suffering he had seen in Europe shook his hearers. His message was electrifying. It shocked the youth into a state of horror. Dismay and soul-searching followed, then the questions, 'What can we do?' The decision was to begin praying and wait for an answer."
The National Youth Cabinet called for a round-the-clock vigil to pray for peace, inviting all youth and all Conference-goers to participate and keep it going all through Conference week. One evening as some youth and adults lingered to talk, the idea of voluntary service came up. One of the church leaders said, "If you want to get the Brethren interested in the peace movement, you have to get the ideas of the young people out into the churches."
Heading home from Conference on a train that summer, several of the young adults decided the prayer vigil was too important to drop. "Let's continue it through the summer," they said. They contacted the Brethren summer camps and assigned each with a different month of prayer. The idea caught fire.
Meanwhile about 40 young adults gathered in Salina, Kan., for a work camp and peace institute. They built a community playground and did a door-to-door survey. They studied the Bible, discussed international problems, studied the history of the peace movement, looked at Jesus' teachings, and thought about the post-war needs. They were led by an impressive group of church leaders among whom was Dan West, the founder of Heifer Project -- now known as Heifer International.
This was intended to be a two-week event, but it was such a high spiritual adventure that the campers extended it for another two weeks. They were serious about peace and that seriousness fueled their passion for volunteer service. Brethren leader and organizer Dan West challenged them to begin by starting peace caravans. The idea -- to send volunteer groups of young people out across the country to ask Brethren to help spread messages of peace -- caught on.
Plans were to keep the caravans going for a whole year. Those who could go, pledged to travel. Others who could not travel, pledged to pray and provide money. On the last night of the work camp, to symbolize their commitment, they lit candles and floated them down a stream.
The first group to hit the road were four men and a woman. Soon others joined. They divided into two groups and went to a different church each week, staying in the homes of members, helping with the Sunday service if asked, meeting with the youth and others. They also met with community groups and spoke at high schools. One of the caravan volunteers remembered his self-assurance with some embarrassment, "We young squirts went out and told them what to think. How presuming!" Still, the Brethren received these idealistic and energetic youth with courtesy and appreciation.

A glimpse of Brethren Volunteer Services through the years.
Ted Chambers, a Manchester College student from Michigan, missed the work camp at Salina, but joined that first 1947 caravan and stayed with it all the way into the following summer. The caravaners went to Brethren churches in Texas, Iowa, Kansas, Oklahoma, Indiana, and Illinois. With a kind of inspired naiveté they even tried to practice their peacemaking by offering to mediate internal disputes in the host churches. In one little congregation where Chambers sensed an internal rift, he gave a speech and invited them to stand up, hold hands, and sing together.
Ted had a gift for communicating. He enjoyed the challenge of talking to people who might be less than excited about his peace message. One of his fellow caravaners said, "He could present a program in a way that you'd say, 'Yeah, that's right!' When he visited service clubs, he'd say, 'Gentlemen! I'm going to make you mad, but I'm going to make you think.'"
The youth came to the 1948 Annual Conference in June at Colorado Springs, Colo., revved up and excited, with more momentum than anyone realized. They had kept their prayer vigil and their peace caravans going all year. Young leaders from all over the country had met with the National Youth Cabinet in a sort of mini youth conference in Chicago just before heading to Colorado, and they were full of new ideas. After praying and working for peace all year, the youth were saying, "Let's do something! Come on, adults. Get on board."
So they arrived at Conference ready to act, but amazingly, without a plan. No one came with a prepared motion. All the revved-up youths had to offer was energy and prayer and talk and activity, and with all of them together at the Conference, something like spontaneous combustion happened.
Each day began with an early morning vigil in a local park where the young people would make a circle, hold hands, and pray for direction. Then on Wednesday of Conference week, a local radio station interviewed Dan West along with a young woman from Ohio named Alma Moyers (Long). "I prayed a lot about what I should say," she remembered, "and during that  interview ... I found myself saying that before the end of the week the young people would be proposing a new program for youth concerning peace and service. I just said that! And after I said it, I thought, well, how do I know that? Somehow I just knew. It was just like a gift of the Spirit or something."
A glimpse of Brethren Volunteer Services through the years.

Alma, Ted, and two other young adults created a questionnaire that they distributed to more than 100 youth. Ninety-five percent said a volunteer program should be started, and 89 percent said they would join it. Saturday morning, the youth discussed the results in a lar ge meeting. That day, the report of the Brethren Service Commission would be presented to the Conference body in the afternoon session. This would be the time, they decided, to bring up their idea. But someone had to write it up and figure out how to get it on the Conference floor.
Dan West helped them hurriedly draft the proposal and coached them on how to present it. They knew it was a long shot -- it was nearly impossible to bring an item of new business to the floor at the last minute. The polity was clear; items were required to go through a standing committee and be placed on the agenda ahead of time. Because Alma was a church delegate, which gave her special status, she had the unenviable job of approaching the moderator, Dr. Calvert N. Ellis, president of Juniata College, to ask that their proposal be considered.
"I felt like a mouse against a giant. I told him the young people have an idea they'd like to bring up at Conference. I felt like I was only two inches high."
"He said, 'Well, we've never done this before. Standing Committee has to pass on everything.'"
Of course, Alma knew that. Dan West had already told them he didn't know if they could get this done. And  Dr. Ellis was a man who appreciated correct procedure. He was not rigid, but he did not quickly abandon practices that had worked well and were designed for a good purpose. He had only a few minutes to make up his mind.
There were many other important people on the podium that year - Dr. William Beahm, Dean of Bethany Biblical Seminary; Paul Robinson, pastor of the Hagerstown, Md., congregation and later president of Bethany; and Dr. Paul Bowman, president of Bridgewater College. Beahm and Robinson were willing to bend the rules and allow the item. They sensed its importance and neither was quite as starchy as Dr. Ellis. But it was Paul Bowman, fellow college president, who helped Dr. Ellis make up his mind. "We'd better listen to the young people," Dr. Bowman said.
Dr. Ellis knew the call had to be his own because there was no time to run the idea past Standing Committee. The afternoon session was about to begin. The young people had selected Ted Chambers, who was also a delegate -- from his home church in Grand Rapids, Mich., -- to make the proposal. Dr. Ellis made an arrangement with Ted to give him a sign when it was time to bring up the item.  Calvert Ellis didn't let them down. 
But there was one small problem. Ted Chambers was very short. How would he reach the microphone? How would he be seen? It was Dan West who came up with the solution. That morning he went out and fetched an orange crate from a nearby grocery store.

A glimpse of Brethren Volunteer Services through the years.
Everything was ready. Alma and Ted were sitting side by side in the delegate section with the orange crate beside Ted's seat. All the young people gathered in the balcony. Dr. Ellis was explaining that the youth were asking to bring a matter to the conference floor. "The officers have met," he said, "and we believe this is of such importance that it ought to be admitted as business." A vote was taken and the delegates agreed to consider the matter.
Calvert Ellis gave Ted the sign and he headed down the aisle carrying his orange crate. He climbed up on the crate, all 4 feet 10 inches of him, looking like a high school kid, and took the microphone. "Ladies and Gentlemen," he said, "I'm Ted Chambers from Grand Rapids, Mich., and believe it or not, I'm 22 years old." People laughed. The ice was broken. "And I have to interrupt this meeting." He went on, reading the motion and then making a speech.
One of the extraordinary things about that moment is that beyond those few opening words, no one remembered what Ted said -- not Ted, not Paul Robinson, not Alma Moyers Long. They remembered that it was a persuasive speech, that it generated excitement, that it stirred almost immediate support. Authorized audio recordings of Conference only began the following year, so there is no tape for 1948. It was an historic moment. People remember what it felt like, what they thought, but no one remembers the words that actually made it happen.
There were no speeches in opposition, and when the vote was taken, it was unanimous. The motion to create a volunteer service for young people had passed! The youth in the balcony broke into cheers, something Brethren of the time did not do in business sessions or anywhere else. "It took Conference so much by storm," one young man remembers. "It was amazing the support it got almost immediately. Ted really won the support of Conference."
"We felt it was a  kairos moment," Paul Robinson said. "The time was right. The young people were concerned. We felt it was a great cause. We felt all of this overruled the objections of protocol."
Dr. Ellis admitted in a conversation many years later, just before he died, that he never expected the program to amount to anything, and how wrong he was.
"I don't suppose any of us recognized how significant that moment was," Paul Robinson said. "We never dreamed that Brethren Volunteer Service would become what it has become. But we did think this was an idea whose time had come. If the youth had not been as insistent as they were, if Dan West had not been insistent, probably it would never have come to Conference that year. 
"When the young people stood up and cheered," Alma Moyers Long recalled, "the whole Conference was surprised. I remember that evening at supper time everybody was talking about it. It was a big thing ... the Holy Spirit was just so in evidence. It was just like Pentecost! Just like a football game! You could just feel the power of God in that place!"
She also remembered Dan West's comment, "This baby's born now! What do we do with it?"
A glimpse of Brethren Volunteer Services through the years.

That was in June. By September the program was up and running and its first unit of volunteers was being trained at the Brethren Service Center in New Windsor, Md. When was the last time a major program was created in three months? Since that time, more than 7,000 people have served in 315 units at hundreds of projects in the U.S. and across the world. Currently there are 86 projects in eight countries, ranging from the Asian Rural Institute in Japan; to Lybrook Ministries on a Navajo reservation in New Mexico; to a L'Arche project in Belfast, Northern Ireland; to ministries in Sudan and Nigeria. There is a mentoring project in an inner city neighborhood in Washington, D.C. and a cafĂ© in Portland, Ore., that offers homeless or destitute customers unique opportunities to purchase and eat a meal with dignity.  When the Peace Corps was created in 1961, BVS was one of the programs the government looked to for ideas.
Volunteer work springs out of need and the generosity of the people. Church of the Brethren people have always reached out to their neighbors. Important efforts continued to rise out of the same milieu and energy that produced BVS. In 1960, the Emergency Disaster Fund was begun to support Brethren efforts to respond to disasters. This work really took off in 1972 after Hurricane Agnes struck Pennsylvania, Maryland, and Virginia. More than 2,000 volunteers came forward. Soon an organization was created with each Church of the Brethren district appointing a disaster coordinator. Regular calls for volunteers were sent out in response to each new disaster. That program continues into the present. In 2016, 1,174 volunteers spent 9,324 work days rebuilding devastated areas in New Jersey, Colorado, West Virginia, Michigan, and South Carolina.
Disaster response volunteers noticed that children especially suffer when catastrophe strikes. Since 1980, Children's Disaster Services has been setting up child-care centers in shelters and assistance centers, training volunteers to respond to traumatized children, providing a calm, safe, presence in the midst of the chaos caused by natural and human disasters. In 2016, 97 volunteers gave 764 days at 10 disaster sites. Thirty leaders trained 334 participants in CDS workshops.
Then there are the summer work camps, a tradition that goes back to the 1930s, beyond that Salina, Kan., work camp in 1947. In 2016, 323 people ranging from junior high to adult participated in 18 work camps in both urban and rural setting across the United States.
These organized denominational efforts tell only part of the tale of all that the Church of the Brethren does. And let's not forget that almost everything that happens in a congregation from teaching Sunday school, to planning potlucks, to working in soup kettles, to singing in the choir is through volunteer efforts.

A glimpse of Brethren Volunteer Services through the years.

Though the beginning of BVS was a visible and dramatic moment in a growing volunteer movement that continues to this day, it really points to a deeper reality -- that Brethren by their very name consider themselves sisters and brothers to all humans, called to reach out in love and service. So you see, volunteer service is essential to the Church of the Brethren.
Making a life by what we give

In this National Volunteer Month, we should remember that many of the cultural and political institutions of the United States began as volunteer community efforts, and to this day many segments of U.S. society are served by volunteers. Elizabeth Andrew said, "Volunteers do not necessarily have the time, they just have the heart." Here is a quick survey of only a few of the many volunteer organizations and efforts that have distinguished American life.
The earliest settlers in the new land had to work together and depend on one another for survival. These efforts were, of course, voluntary; people did not compensate each other. When they built houses, raised barns, brought in harvests, and built churches, they did these things together. Even government itself called for voluntary cooperation. Later as cities developed, volunteer fire departments were established, and the earliest hospitals were set up and staffed by volunteers. The citizen militias were voluntary.
As the new nation took shape and grew in the early 19th century, everything from trade groups, to the Lyceum movement in adult education, to public health efforts, to the temperance movement were begun by volunteers. In the years before the Civil War, abolitionist societies and the Underground Railroad developed as a great network of volunteers. It was in these years that a Children's Aid Society and the YMCA were founded. During the Civil War, women volunteered to make food and clothing. They served as nurses. A group of mostly volunteer women called the Sanitary Commission, attended and evacuated 20,000 wounded soldiers left on the battlefield at Gettysburg.
In the period from the Civil War to World War I, labor unions were forming as manufacturing grew rapidly. Charities were springing up. There were secret organizations like the Odd Fellows and the Freemasons. The Women's Christian Temperance Union was begun in 1873. The women's suffrage movement was gaining momentum. One of the great American volunteer organizations, the American Red Cross, was founded in 1881. The Salvation Army was transplanted from England. There were groups like the American Farm Bureau and 4-H Clubs forming. City Clubs and Athletic clubs became a new type of meeting place in cities. During World War I women mobi
lized for the war effort, and the Red Cross grew.
After the war, business was king for a time and then the Depression hit. Soup kitchens and bread lines depended on volunteers. The first radio stations were run by volunteers. The League of Women Voters was started, and conservation groups began to spring up.
When World War II came, draft boards were often run by volunteers. Families volunteered to collect newspapers, tin cans, and rubber for the war effort. People donated blood and bought bonds. Th e USO was cr eated to provide social activity and entertainment for soldiers.

After the war, America reached out to war-torn Europe through the Marshall Plan, and individuals went to Europe to volunteer in the reconstruction. The post-war period saw such diverse  volunteer activities as the Civil Air Patrol and a huge volunteer effort to carry out the Salk vaccine trials. Then came the civil rights demonstrations and marches, which were soon followed by the Vietnam war protests. This period also saw the Peace Corps and VISTA Volunteers.
In the 1970s, the Nixon administration made an effort to stimulate volunteerism. People were beginning to see volunteer work as a good way to develop leadership in young people. In the 1980s, volunteerism became the subject of books, articles, dissertations, and grants. Pro bono work by lawyers increased and more doctors offered their services free of charge. Volunteering came to be part of the curriculum at many high schools.
In the new millennium, the widespread use of the internet introduced something new -- an online community of virtual volunteering. People could connect with others of like interests and give each other assistance. And did you know that if you Google "volunteer vacations," you'll find opportunities to combine travel with volunteering your time in different places across the country?

At present, there are opportunities for volunteering all up and down the structure of U.S. society. In September of 2015, the Bureau of Labor Statistics estimated that 26.9 percent of the U.S. population did volunteer work (defined as unpaid work through or for an organization). The median number of hours for all volunteers was 52 per year.
The volunteering that grew out of simple necessity in the early days of our Republic has evolved over three-and-a-half centuries into an important and necessary element in a complex network of social and medical institutions and philanthropic and religious organizations. Yet in a basic way, it remains a simple response to human need. Whether it is working in a soup kitchen or doing a how-to video on YouTube, it is one human being reaching out to another and voluntarily giving time, resources, advice, help, support, money, and/or labor so that circumstances are improved. Winston Churchill wrote, "We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give."
Sign up for the Long-Term Care Webinar
Do you have a plan for long-term care? Learn more about this important insurance coverage at the free Long-Term Care Webinar on Thursday April 6, at 10 a.m. or 7 p.m.

This webinar, "The Ins and Outs of Long-Term Care," explaining long-term care insurance, will be hosted by Randy Yoder, Independent Agent for Brethren Benefit Trust and Long-Term Care Specialist.  

What is it? What are the options? What are the basic costs? The webinar will run for 30 minutes with live Q&A to follow. 

To register for the 10 a.m. morning session  click here.

To register for the 7 p.m. evening session  click here.

Call or email for a personal contact or a group presentation
Randy Yoder is also available to talk with you by phone or, if possible, through a personal visit to explore options that might fit you and your goals for the future. He also could bring a presentation to you and your family and friends and to your congregation. Randy can be reached at 847-849-0205 or  [email protected].
Brain Puzzle
We hope you are enjoying our new addition to Insurance Update -- monthly BRAIN PUZZLES -- just for fun!


Can you figure out the phrases depicted by the following pictures?

 LTCILong-Term Care Insurance 
Brethren Insurance Services offers Long-Term Care Insurance
Eligibility for long-term care insurance benefits is determined by the inability to meet at least two of these six activities of daily living -- bathing, eating, dressing, toileting, continence, or transferring. Cognitive impairment can also trigger benefits.
It's difficult to think about the fact that a debilitating condition or a disabling injury might leave you unable to care for yourself, or that when you reach your twilight years, the time will come when you will need some extra care. Long-term care insurance makes sure that you will get the care you need. It assures that the cost of your custodial care will not eat up your savings. Finally, and this is one of the best things about LTCI, it can help protect your children and other relatives from having to use their resources to care for you.
Brethren Insurance Services offers Long-Term Care Insurance for all members and employees of the Church of the Brethren and their family and friends; and also for employees of Church of the Brethren-affiliated agencies, organizations, colleges, and retirement communities and their families and friends.
If you are interested in obtaining this coverage, contact Brethren Insurance Services at  [email protected] or 800-746-1505 for a free, no-obligation proposal or  click here to request more information.