"We Protect What Matters Most"
As we approach the season of love, it's a perfect time to reflect on the importance of protecting those we care about most. No one likes to dwell on the idea of life insurance, but when someone depends on you financially, it's a conversation that can't be overlooked.

At FRM Group Insurance and Financial Services, we understand that talking about life insurance may not be the most exciting topic, but we believe it's a crucial one. It's about securing the well-being of those you hold dear, ensuring their financial stability even when you're no longer there to provide.
Common Questions about
Life Insurance: Answered

Getting life insurance doesn't have to be a complicated or dull process. To make it more accessible, we've compiled answers to some common questions about life insurance. We're here to provide clarity and support as you navigate this important decision.

Who is Life Insurance For?

Whether you're deeply committed to your spouse or partner, devoted to your children or grandchildren, looking out for your parents, or passionate about supporting a favorite charity, life insurance ensures that your loved ones are financially protected in the event of the unexpected.

Making Informed Decisions

Our goal is to empower you to make informed decisions about life insurance. We believe it's not just about preparing for the future; it's an expression of love and responsibility towards those who matter most to you.

If you have any questions or if you're ready to explore life insurance options tailored to your needs, don't hesitate to reach out. Our dedicated team is here to guide you through the process, making it as straightforward and stress-free as possible.

This Valentine's Day, consider it an act of love to secure the future of those you hold dear. Wishing you a month filled with love, warmth, and peace of mind.
Let's Chat Pet Insurance
If your dog or cat is sick or injured, pet insurance can cover your eligible veterinary bills and certain medications according to what's covered by your policy. With pet insurance, you can typically use any licensed vet, including specialty and emergency clinics.
There are no networks or co-pays; instead, you'll submit your eligible expenses as a claim after your vet visit. For comprehensive plans that cover accidents and injuries, you'll likely need to meet a deductible before your coverage kicks in.
To check for pre-existing conditions (which aren't usually covered), some insurers require a checkup and waiting period before your coverage begins. The waiting period may be a few weeks for illness coverage; for accident coverage, it's usually a few days. Note that Progressive's Pet Insurance by Pets Best does not require a checkup, but it does require waiting periods: three days for accident coverage and 14 days for illness coverage.
Jessica Martinez
Operations Manager
Agent, Commercial Lines
Stacy J. Ferguson
Account Manager, Personal Lines
Hablemos de seguro
para mascotas
Si su perro o gato está enfermo o lesionado, el seguro para mascotas puede cubrir sus facturas veterinarias elegibles y ciertos medicamentos de acuerdo con lo que cubre su póliza. Con el seguro para mascotas, normalmente puede utilizar cualquier veterinario con licencia, incluidas las clínicas especializadas y de emergencia. No hay redes ni copagos; En su lugar, presentará sus gastos elegibles como un reclamo después de su visita al veterinario.
Para los planes integrales que cubren accidentes y lesiones, es probable que deba cumplir con un deducible antes de que comience su cobertura. Para verificar las condiciones preexistentes (que generalmente no están cubiertas), algunas aseguradoras requieren un chequeo y un período de espera antes de que comience su cobertura.
El período de espera puede ser de unas pocas semanas para la cobertura de enfermedad; Para la cobertura de accidentes, generalmente son unos pocos días. Tenga en cuenta que el seguro para mascotas de Progressive de Pets Best no requiere un chequeo, pero sí requiere períodos de espera: tres días para la cobertura de accidentes y 14 días para la cobertura de enfermedad.

Take your agent with you!

FRM Group Insurance and Financial Services is licensed in Pennsylvania,
Alabama, California, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Indiana, Kansas, Maryland,
New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, South Carolina, Texas

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FRM Group Insurance
1286 N Ninth Street, Stroudsburg , PA 18360
445 Coal St, Lehighton, PA 18235