Selacia Article with Updates:

Intensity & The Void
-Look for Signs-

by Selacia

Feeling an extra dose of intensity this week, or perhaps like you're in the void with no reference point? Among the reasons: the June 10 eclipse, Mercury retrograde, and the extra potency experienced during Wesak season. Continue reading for a big picture of these roller-coaster moments and how to manage the intensity.


Eclipses like the ring-of-fire solar eclipse at the new Moon on June 10 are like a cosmic lightning bolt of change. It makes no difference where you live, whether you can see, or even whether you can sense or feel it. Eclipses can be game changers for humanity's evolution and each one of us. They happen on one day, yet energetic effects can be felt for weeks or months.

For any of you sensitives, you're likely feeling much more intensity during 2021 energy cycles. These include eclipses, new Moons, full Moons, equinoxes, solstices. Add in Mercury retrograde--with its impact on communications, timings, and technology--and your intensity barometer rises.

Wesak season isn't really intense. It is, however, a powerful and auspicious period of time when we can connect more tangibly with spiritual forces, the unseen realms, and enlightened beings like Kuan Yin and the Buddha who we celebrate at Wesak. At our Post Wesak of June 19, you can have personal experiences with these.

Manage The Intensity

Life in 2021 is already intense. After all, we have ongoing uncertainty and our global society is experiencing an earthquake of change! Everything at the foundation of how we live, work, and interact with each other is up for review. Indeed, the very foundation has so many cracks that it must be totally rebuilt!

I'll be writing more about how to navigate this dynamic in my new book, "The Spiritual Compass to 2021".

If you are like most of us, coping with intensity is a "side job" in everyday life. What does this mean?

  • It means that we must daily be mindful of things like eclipses and the significant undercurrents of change they catalyze within us and the collective.
  • We need to daily remind ourselves---especially when working on a task--to keep our time focus quantum and single-pointed vs multitasking.
  • We must daily allow for emotional roller-coaster responses so we can better manage them when they surface. Many times, as you likely have noticed, they seem to arise out of nowhere.

Look for Signs

Remember that we are purposefully alive now to co-create a brand-new world. We cannot do that in the back seat. We cannot create meaningful change in a vacuum, or by only praying for world peace. The Earth, and all of nature, need us to step into our full power--in the front seat.

The natural world is reminding us of our role--to be at the forefront of a global movement honoring the planet and each other. We do this by reaching deep inside ourselves, connecting with our divine power and embodying it--in our words, responses, and actions. Let's trust in the rainbows we see-- they symbolize our potentials.

Rainbows are among the signs the Universe gives us. They stir our strong inner knowing that we can prevail and thrive, even during hardship when things look very dark. Seeing a rainbow, or even imagining one, can catalyze our passion for being alive and able to make a difference.

I look forward to your feedback on this article and knowing how I can serve you in an expanded way in 2021. Feel free to contact me at my website.

Copyright by Selacia - Writer & Guide for Awakened Souls at Communication for Transformation * All Rights Reserved * * Feel free to share these articles with your friends and post to your blog or website as long as you include this entire copyright notice, with link back to website, and the full article text.

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Below The Picture Offerings
1-Post Wesak Global Meditation June 19
3-The Spiritual Compass to 2021 - Selacia's New Book
4-Private 1-1 Virtual Sessions with Selacia
5-Staying Connected in 2021 - Social Media Pages to Follow
Post Wesak at Solstice & Other Global Meditations
Dear friends,

Looking forward to our next global meditation Saturday June 19 - Post Wesak!

Come join me and The Council of 12 for our monthly 2021 global meditations and other offerings that can help you find your center, thrive, and make sense of living in this world.

On my website now are upcoming meditations and Divine Changemakers courses.

For Post Wesak during Solstice weekend - Register HERE

Looking forward to having you with us June 19!

Don't miss this year's annual Post Wesak event: June 19 Post Wesak/Solstice.

Next month's meditation: Cosmic Connections July 10.

Love and blessings,
Post Wesak on Solstice Weekend - June 19
Live & Recorded
Virtual: 6:30-8:30pm Pacific Time
Annual Event - Not To Be Missed!
Post Wesak at Solstice
Global Meditation June 19
Virtual * Live * Recorded

Focus: anchor Wesak blessings, connect with the Masters

Selacia's Annual Post Wesak on Solstice Weekend:
  • Tangibly connect with the Masters who set the template for enlightenment
  • Receive an anchoring of this year's Wesak blessings during a powerful Council of 12-guided meditative journey process designed to accelerate your enlightenment and connect you more with your spiritual path
  • Have a personal experience with one of the enlightened Masters like Buddha, Kuan Yin, Christ, Tapihrista, Kuan Yin
  • Join with others across the world, celebrating the divine energy in all sentient life
  • Benefit from spiritual openings and healing facilitated by sacred sound
  • Connect with your potentials to re-envision what kind of world you want and what roles you will play
  • Receive quantum healing and insights about your life path and spiritual purpose
  • Be renewed by Solstice energies that can help you embody more compassion, hopefulness, and an ability to connect with all beings (physical and nonphysical)
  • Receive an anchoring of how spirit sees you - divine, limitless, eternal

Don't miss it by registering now.

The MP3 recording is available in the days following a meditation, should you miss it live or want to tell friends.

Crystals (optional for registrants): if you have a favorite crystal you want to energetically include in our meditation (live or MP3), designate it in advance of guided process. Not necessary to hold the crystal, but you can if desired.  A quantum grid of healing will be created with the crystals, as part of the planetary healing.

Essential oils (optional for registrants): if you resonate with essential oils, it's recommended that you apply or diffuse therapeutic grade oils. These will raise your frequency and help you experience the healing energies on a deep level. Among the oils often suggested: Awaken, Into the Future, Frankincense, Sacred Mountain, Clarity, Joy, Sandalwood, 3 Wise Men, Abundance. The ones I work with are from Young Living. If you are new to aromatherapy or want more information about these oils from Young Living, contact me.

All registrants receive MP3. If you miss the event and didn't register ahead, receive the MP3 afterwards by registering at the website.

Post Wesak packet & dial-in/codes emailed upon registration. In the packet are playback numbers for listening to the recording by phone, if desired.

Note: this is a virtual audio event. All global meditations are virtual.
No limit on global telecast attendance - from anywhere in the world. On registration, receive bridge line number for your country. Call in 10-15 minutes early to connect with live participants from around the world. Live group sharing happens at the very end of the meditation, too, after the recorded portion ends.

Not yet registered for June 19 Post Wesak? Don't miss Post Wesak this year! Register HERE.

More info below about The Spiritual Compass to 2021 and other offerings.
Selacia's New Book - The Spiritual Compass to 2021

Previously titled "Predictions" - look for this new title in 2021!
In this new book now being prepared, I will give you a big-picture view of 2021 and guidance on how to best navigate the year and prepare for what's next after 2021. Included will be specific process to help you evolve, and an easy-to-follow roadmap to what will be historically known as an unprecedented year.

The Spiritual Compass to 2021 will give you:
  • Spiritually-grounded context for happenstance
  • Understanding of key themes & societal issues
  • Preparation for what’s coming throughout the year
  • Specific tools to navigate change & uncertainty
  • Heads up on key planetary energy cycles
  • Practical process to elevate dynamics of your relationships  
  • Historical perspective of issues for a long view
  • Inspiration for stepping forward in new ways as a divine changemaker

To be first to know when my new 2021 book is out, join my mailing list. The 2020 book is still available, too, giving you helpful context for this rare year that's about to end. I appreciate your ordering my books and reviewing them if they resonate with you. Thank you for being a part of my journey!
July 11-17 Practicum for
Divine Changemakers
-Resilience & Self-Awareness-

Practicum for Resilience & Self-Awareness*
*Open to all registered for the 4-week Resilience course beforehand

Attend the July Practicum (live or with MP3) for guided support using tools and energy processes included in Selacia's 4-week Resilience & Self-Awareness course.
Two Practicums are offered in 2021: January and July.

Participating in the Practicum helps you:
  • Anchor what you learned in the 4-week course
  • Have guided practice for more mastery of tools
  • Receive insights about your life path, relationships, work, and spiritual development
  • Increase level of self-awareness and tap a deeper level of self-trust
  • Connect with other divine changemakers from around the world during the live group call

Register for 4-week courses:
  • Brand-new Divine Changemakers 2021 live 4-week live September 19-October24
Other Offerings by Selacia
Private Virtual Sessions With Selacia
Private virtual sessions to address life issues and DNA patterns, understand how you are impacted by energy cycles, and have foresight about your future potentials.
Sessions - General Information
Self-awareness and the ability to go within for understanding are key to our personal and spiritual growth. Each of us alive now is in a process of spiritual unfolding and becoming more of who we really are. In that process, we must face our own shadow and look deeply at conditioning that keeps us stuck in a linear limited existence.

The purpose of 1-1 sessions is to have an experienced neutral guide - helping you to uncover and bring to light what's in the way of your joy and inner peace. The process involves a series of sessions over time, helping you to see a larger picture and heal what's blocking your ability to thrive. Sometimes sessions involve a DNA-level pattern you've been carrying from your ancestors. Other times, sessions help you understand more optimal ways to lead others, run your business, or navigate relationships. In the process, healing happens for you and the circle of others you energetically touch in everyday life.

Self-Awareness & Self-Empowerment
The purpose of private sessions is to empower you, assisting you with self-discovery that comes more quickly when you have the support of an experienced trusted guide. As part of the spiritual path, increasing levels of self-awareness are needed. This accelerates the journey by leaps and bounds, for you are able to discern more quickly what's blocking your progress and to connect the dots regarding things outside your awareness. Becoming more empowered, you begin to make different and better choices - in the moment - rather than discovering months or years later the healthier choices you could have made.

Accessing Energy Field Around the DNA
During DNA healing, Selacia is able to intuitively see and connect with the field around the DNA. This field contains a person’s entire akashic map–not only related to this life but beyond. Within that field she is able to discern patterns and beliefs that keep people stuck-–stemming from this life, ancestors, and other lifetimes. The healing work sometimes involves clearing things like ancestral imprints in the DNA. Other times what is seen in the DNA field helps Selacia guide clients in their relationships, and to change their life or work in ways that serve their highest good.

There is a synergy involved in combining DNA healing and astrology. Your astrology will indicate your soul's path and dominant energies revealing potentials for your creative expression. This big picture adds depth and context to healing work.

Order your session now at Selacia's website - she will contact you for details/scheduling.

Selacia's Books
"A deeply profound guide for readers on all levels of self-discovery and action. Selacia's sage writing reflects her deep understanding of the paradigm shift we are experiencing..." - Verified Purchase Amazon Review
All you need to read this book is the free Amazon Kindle App installed on any of your devices - once you order the book, it automatically appears in the app on ALL of your devices that you install it - for reading anywhere anytime. 

Contact Selacia for more info on Essential Oils

Ask about therapeutic grade oils to support your immune system, elevate your mood, enhance your meditations, clean your home or office naturally, and raise your frequency. 

June 19 - Post Wesak with the Masters
July 10 - Cosmic Connections
August 21 - Full Moon
September - 18 Equinox
October 9 - Life Force Renewal
November 20 - Full Moon Eclipse
December 4 - Eclipse New Moon