A Unitarian Universalist Church | 1800 Bell Ave. Des Moines, IA 50315


Sunday, January 19, 2025

9:30 a.m.

There's acceptance. Then there's resistance to acceptance. Then there's resistance with acceptance.

Join the live service on Zoom!

Zoom Passcode: Safford

(Please mute your mic before the service begins!)

Service Volunteers - January 12

Celebrant: Louise Alcorn

Song Leader: Sarah Guenther

Musicians: Bell Avenue Ringers

AV Volunteer: Rob Malcomson

Pastoral Care Associate: Laura Berardi


2025 Challenges to Public Schools

We will discuss some of the bigger issues that schools are dealing with and also highlight any issues coming out of the governor's "State of the State" speech from next week.

Our Congregation: Spotlights

As a reminder, the Sunday spotlights on Our Congregation are reserved for information from a church-recognized group (e.g., committee, Faith in Action partner) about church wide events and activities, or topics of urgency to the congregation. Spotlights should be written out and no longer than 2 minutes (approximately 250 words). To submit a Spotlight request please complete the Spotlight Request Form. Questions? Reach out to celebrants@ucdsm.org

Submit Spotlight Request

Room 114 is available as a Quiet Room during service.

Joys & Sorrows

Visit the Caring Community Webpage for the following options:

  • Caring Ministry – for temporary assistance, such as meals or rides, or to volunteer (515) 423-0847 or email caring@ucdsm.org.
  • Pastoral care - for support through a difficult time email pastoralcareteam@ucdsm.org.

Check the news feed in Realm if you missed last Sunday's Joys & Sorrows.

Submit a Joy or Sorrow

Singing Our UU Gratitude!

Please take a moment to share a thank you or kudos. Submissions will be shared on the board in Griffin Hall and in upcoming worship services. Please click the button below to fill out the form.

UU Recognition Form


Survey says ...

At the end of 2024, the Capital Campaign steering committee sent out a survey asking for feedback about our building, parking lots and grounds. Here's what one church member had to say about the elevator:

"I can't go to the lower level because I can't do stairs, and I don't have the sustained strength to push the button the entire trip to another floor. We could finally transport heavier objects between floors without having to have sturdy people to carry the items."

Wondering what other feedback we received? You can find a summary of the survey results here



Destiny Ruvalcaba-Reveles

Childcare Provider

Hello, my name is Destiny. I’m 21 years old, and I was born in Des Moines, Iowa. I have been working in childcare for almost five years, and I am currently a sophomore at Grand View University majoring in Social Work with minors in Psychology and Spanish.

Post-graduation, my goal is to continue working with children in a school setting. In my free time, I enjoy spending time with my family, traveling, and going to concerts. I am so excited to be a part of this team and meet new people! 

2024 Giving Tax Statements

2024 Giving Tax Statements were emailed out on Wednesday (January 15, 2025). If you don't have an email in Realm, your statement was mailed out on Thursday (January 16, 2025). Please contact the office at admin@ucdsm.org if you need a paper copy or if you have any questions.

Learn the Basics of Adult & Infant CPR, First Aid, and AED

This class includes both an online learning portion and an in-person session. There are only 8 slots available per session - so sign up quickly!

Cost: $40 per participant

Payment is due at the time of your in-person session. We accept cash and checks. Checks should be made payable to First Unitarian Church of Des Moines. Sign up here.

If you have questions, please contact Faithyna Leonard at fleonard@ucdsm.org.

Trans Lives Festival- Call for Participant Submissions

The Central Iowa Trans Lives Festival is calling for participants for the event taking place on Saturday, March 29. All transgender, genderqueer, and non-binary artists, craft persons, poets, writers, musicians, dancers, performers, singers, food vendors and other creators are welcome to submit your request to tag@ucdsm.org. Participants may offer their works for sale. All sales and proceeds belong to participants and there is no registration fee required.

Please include your name, contact information, and your type of work, along with a sample if possible. Samples can include photos, documents, links, etc.

Spaces will be filled as applications come in until full. Submission deadline is March 1.

Office Closed Monday, January 20

The church office will be closed in observance of Martin Luther King Jr. Day on Monday, January 20.

"If you can't fly then run, if you can't run then walk, if you can't walk then crawl, but whatever you do you have to keep moving forward.”

-Martin Luther King Jr. (April 1960 address at Spelman College)

Hospitality Help Needed

We are seeking friendly individuals to assist with hospitality, including greeting individuals on Sunday mornings and helping out in the kitchen. If you enjoy making others feel welcome and ensuring a smooth experience, we would love to have you join us!

To get involved or learn more, please contact: hospitality@ucdsm.org. Thank you for your support—we look forward to working with you!


Click the button below to submit an announcement or event for publication

Deadline: Wednesday at Noon

Submission Form

Pride Night with Iowa Wild Hockey

Friday, January 17, from 7-9:30 p.m.

Join in an exhilarating evening of hockey and pride at the Iowa Wild Pride Night on January 17th! Celebrate diversity and community with the Queer and Trans Action Group (QTAG) of First Unitarian Church of Des Moines, along with many other local LGBTQ+ organizations, while enjoying an action-packed game. A portion of the proceeds from these tickets will benefit QTAG, supporting their ongoing efforts. For this special offer, tickets should be purchased through this link. Contact tag@ucdsm.org for more information.

UU 101 Class

Saturday, January 18, from 1-3 p.m.

Come learn about First Unitarian history within our church and the denomination as a whole. UU101 is structured to help new prospective members and visitors learn more about Unitarian Universalism. Here is a great video to watch prior to the class to get a history overview. If you would like to attend the class, please RSVP by clicking here. If you have questions or concerns, please contact Faithyna Leonard.

Facing Death with Life

1st and 3rd Sundays, January 19-April 28

11:15 a.m.-12:30 p.m.

Facing Death with Life will be led by Hilary Hippen.

This is a facilitated process of personal reflection, learning, and spiritual growth focused on the topic of death and dying, helping participants move from viewing death as an abstract concept to developing a personal recognition of its meaning in their lives. Click here to read more about the class.

This class begins January 19 and meets in-person bi-weekly at First Unitarian after the church service at 11:15am-12:30pm. The last class is April 28.

Workshop topics include:

Talking about Death

Finding Our Personal Views of Death

Beliefs and Practices – What Happens When We Die?


Children and Death

Suicide and the Right to Die

Preparation for Death

Sharing New Insights


Please register here.

Explore the UUA Common Read- On Repentance and Repair

Tuesday, January 21 at 6:30 p.m.

The author, Rabbi Danya Ruttenberg, subtitles the book - Making Amends in an Unapologetic World. We will be exploring how we might use the framework provided in this book. 

This UUA resource page provides an overview and links to videos and documents. Rev Garmon provided two services on this book. Here are podcast links. 

On Repentance and Repair sermon - Oct 3rd

Pardon, Forgiveness and Reconciliation sermon - Nov 21st

You may wish to scan the material, watch some of the videos, or listen to the podcasts prior to attending.

Library Cleaning Workday

Saturday, January 25 from 10 a.m.-12 p.m.

We will be holding a Library Cleaning Workday on Saturday, January 25, from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. to clean and organize the bookshelves.

Anyone interested in helping is welcome to join us. Please meet in the library on the lower level at 10 a.m. Your assistance is greatly appreciated!

Roots of Injustice Seeds of Change Toward Right Relationships with Native Peoples

Saturday, January 25 from 3-5 p.m.

The Peace, Justice, and Democracy Team is encouraging all First Unitarian attendees to attend Roots of Injustice Seeds of Change Toward Right Relationship with Native Peoples to be held at Des Moines Valley Friends Meeting House 4211 Grand Ave on Saturday January 25th from 3:00 to 5:00 p.m. This workshop was last hosted in 2019 in our own Griffin Hall.

Together we will be addressing the roots of colonization, experiencing the impact of the story as told by Euro-American colonists and historians, and connect with others who are wanting to offer reparations and healing as we all move forward. 

For more information, email pjdteam@ucdsm.org. The event can only host 40 people, and they need firm commitments from people who plan to attend. A free will donation of $10.00 to $30.00 is appreciated so that we may give a donation to Meskwaki Nation. If you identify as a native person, we consider you our guest.

Click here to read more about the event and for information on how to register for the event.

mUUvie Discussion Group

Saturday, January 25 from 7-9 p.m.

Please join us to view and discuss the 2015 drama, 45 Years.

Kate Mercer and her husband are excitedly planning a party to celebrate their 45th wedding anniversary. However, one week before the celebration, a letter arrives for her husband. The body of his first love has been discovered, frozen in the icy glaciers of the Swiss Alps. As the party nears, Kate begins to question the meaning of her marriage.

View the trailer here.

We will meet in Room 107. Popcorn will be provided. Bring your own drink.

RSVP to mUUvie@ucdsm.org to let us know that you are coming!

New Member Ceremony

Sunday, January 26

Fueling Our Flame: A Social Justice Revival

Saturday, February 1 from 9 a.m.-12 p.m.

Drawing on ideas from the UUA’s “Inspired Faith & Effective Action” program, all church members, both long-time and recent, are invited to gather with the Social Justice Support Team to consider what we need to engage, renew, and/or grow our commitment and action in the realms of social justice that call to us.

This will be an opportunity to come together in a shared space of passion and care for social justice, framed by our UU values, to better discern what we need to support and inspire our work toward building a more beloved community for all in the coming year.

Please join us in Griffen Hall on February 1, whether you are a veteran of social justice work or just starting to consider how you would like to get more involved. Snacks and beverages will also be provided to help fuel us on our journey. Childcare may also be available, upon request. Email sjmlt@ucdsm.org for questions, requests, or more information.

First Unitarian Humanist Update

**Annual Meeting

Don't miss hearing Iowa State Senator Sarah Trone Garriott discuss the upcoming legislative session. She will be speaking at the Humanist Society annual meeting on Saturday, January 18th. The business meeting will start at 6:30 PM in Griffin Hall, with Ms. Garriott's talk at 7:00.

Read More

Progressive Voices Concerts Presents

Jeremy Facknitz

Saturday, February 1 at 7:30 p.m.

Jeremy Facknitz has been entertaining audiences with his lovingly crafted music and high-energy performances for over a quarter century. Since the 2002 break-up of his Detroit-based band “The Ottomans” (they earned a 2001 Detroit Music Award for Best New Alternative Band, beating out “The White Stripes”), Jeremy has performed primarily as a solo act, marrying folk-rock and jazz stylings to showcase his intimate stories of life, love, and self-discovery.

Tickets are available for advance purchase online at Humanitix or in person at the church on the four Sundays before each concert.

  • Individual advance-purchase tickets: $22
  • Individual tickets at the door: $27
  • 4-show season tickets still available for $78

A limited number of complimentary tickets for this concert are available for those otherwise unable to afford to attend. Please speak confidentially with our minister, Meredith Garmon, about how to obtain them.

More information is also available online at www.ucdsm.org/concerts. Email questions to concerts@ucdsm.org.

cUUriosity Conversations

Sunday, February 2 following the Service

Join us after the service Sunday, February 2 for cUUriosity Conversations! This is an open and welcoming time for visitors and friends to ask questions, share thoughts, and learn from one another about Unitarian Universalism and our congregation. We look forward to seeing you there!


Rev. LoraKim Joyner

Bird Walks in 2025

with Rev. LoraKim Joyner

During these walks, we will have time for conversation, reflections, and quiet, as well as seeking to identify as many birds as possible. There will be plenty of opportunity to learn about birds and practice the spiritual aspects of watching birds. This is without a doubt a wonderful mindfulness practice. If the weather is particularly wintry, please make reservations so we can keep in touch with you. On such days, the walks will be shorter and/or we can meet to enjoy a warm coffee and conversation so we can build community and share our connection to nature. 

These walks will be led by our renowned avian conservationist, Rev. Dr. LoraKim Joyner, who is First Unitarian’s community minister and Co-Director of One Earth Conservation. Donations (suggestions of $5) are much appreciated. All donations will go towards bird conservation in the Americas. Click here to donate.

Upcoming Bird Walk

Saturday, January 18 from 8-10 a.m.

Our theme for this walk on Martin Luther King Jr. weekend will be how birds help us connect to freedom and the goal of flourishing for all beings. We will meet a bit earlier than usual to give us a chance to see as many birds as we can. I was just there and we saw a barred-owl, brown wood-creepers, golden-crowned kinglets, and a pileated woodpecker.

Location: We will meet at Walnut Woods State Park at the circle turnout that leads to the Bird Watching Blind. The address is: Walnut Woods State Park, 3155 Walnut Woods Dr, West Des Moines, IA 50265.

Register Here


Josh Hall

Josh Hall is originally from Arvada, Colorado by way of Rome, Italy. With a BA in Psychology and MA in Psychology of Conflict and Mediation, he worked in mental health and behavioral health for twenty years. Since 2019, Josh has pursued art and painting.

His upbringing in Rome is reflected in his work, channeling both the classical maestros and the street pop culture that is visible in inner city life. As a vehicle to discover the mysteries of humanity, Josh's art reflects on what makes us human and connects us to the Almighty.

Stop in Griffin Hall this month to view Josh's work.



Faith in Action Partners

Young Women's Resource Center | Al Exito

The Young Women's Resource Center and Al Exito are First Unitarian Church's Faith in Action Partners for the 2024/2025 fiscal year.

The Young Women's Resource Center is a non-profit organization that supports, educates, and advocates for girls and young women ages 10-24. Through small groups and individual support, the YWRC provides programming for all young women, no matter what they may be going through. Girls and young women are defined as people who have been socialized and/or identify as female. Trans and nonbinary friends are welcome.

Al Exito is an organization that supports Latinx youth. It inspires, prepares, supports, and positions Latinx leaders from middle school through college for postsecondary attainment, career readiness, and civic engagement.

The Faith in Action team will offer you opportunities to support these two organizations in the coming months. Please follow Intercom to find out what these will be.

Young Women's Resource Center

Our Champion is Judy Davis and

Nicole Cable

Al Exito

Our Champion is Gene McCracken and Dave Witke


Fri Jan 17

6:00 a.m.

7:00 p.m.

Meditation with Meredith, Zoom

Pride Night at Iowa Wild Hockey

Sat Jan 18

6:00 a.m.

8:00 a.m.

9:00 a.m.

1:00 p.m.

6:30 p.m.

Meditation with Meredith, Zoom

Bird Walk- Walnut Woods State Park

Celebrant Team Meeting

UU 101

Humanist Annual Meeting

Sun Jan 19

9:30 a.m.

9:45 a.m.

Sunday Service

Faith Formation Classes

11:00 a.m.

11:15 a.m.

12:00 p.m.

Sunday Forum

Coming of Age

Coming of Age Parent Group

Facing Death with Life

Humanist Book Group

Mon Jan 20

8:30 a.m.

9:30 a.m.

10:00 a.m.

Offices Closed for MLK Jr. Day

DMARC Book Group

Tai Chi

Small Group

Connection Circle

6:30 p.m.

Ministerial Search Committee

7:00 p.m.

Awakening Heart Sangha, Zoom

Tue Jan 21

6:00 a.m.

10:00 a.m.

6:00 p.m.

Meditation with Meredith, Zoom

Connection Circle

Board of Trustees Meeting

Common Read Followup Discussion

Wed Jan 22

6:00 p.m.

5:45 p.m.

6:45 p.m.

Meditation with Meredith, Zoom

Bell Choir Rehearsal

Connection Circle

7:00 p.m.

7:30 p.m.

Recovery Group

Steering Committee

Thu Jan 23

6:00 a.m.

9:30 a.m.

6:00 p.m.

Meditation with Meredith, Zoom

Tai Chi

Infrastructure Committee

7:00 p.m.

UU Singers Adult Choir

Fri Jan 24

6:00 a.m.

Meditation with Meredith, Zoom

1:00 p.m.

Connection Circle

Sat Jan 25

6:00 a.m.

10:00 a.m.

3:00 p.m.

7:00 p.m.

Meditation with Meredith, Zoom

Library Team Workday

Roots of Injustice Seeds of Change Toward Right Relationships with Native Peoples- Friends Meeting House

mUUvie Discussion Group

Sun Jan 26

9:30 a.m.

Sunday Service

New Member Sunday

9:45 a.m.

Faith Formation Classes

11:00 a.m.

11:00 a.m.

7:00 p.m.

Sunday Forum

Coming of Age

Coming of Age Parent Group

Woods and Creek Team

Divorce Support Group

 For a full list of upcoming meetings and events, please visit our church calendar.

Google Calendar

Missed a Sermon? Want to Re-visit?

Videos of past sermons can be found here.

The text of past sermons can be found here.


Who Do I Contact for...?

Please refer to the corresponding email based on your request or inquiry.

Administrative, financial, and pledge requests: admin@ucdsm.org

Communication requests: communications@ucdsm.org

Building/room usage requests: hnotch@ucdsm.org

Calendar requests: calendar@ucdsm.org

Staff Contact Information

Rev. Meredith Garmon

Interim Minister


515-244-8603 ext. 102

cell: 352-682-8492

Faithyna Leonard

Faith Formation &

Congregational Life Coordinator


515-244-8603 ext. 101

Off Mondays

Tuesday - Friday: 9 a.m. - 5 p.m.

Jamie Seitz

Communications Coordinator



515-244-8603 ext. 105

Tracy Aukes

Church Administrator


515-244-8603 ext. 103

Monday - Friday: 9 a.m. - 5 p.m.

Zoom meetings available upon request

Hannah Notch

Office Manager & Childcare Coordinator


515-244-8603 ext. 107

Tuesday - Friday: 1:00 - 5:00 pm

Sally Boeckholt



515-244-8603 ext. 104


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Caring Ministry | Staff Contact Information

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