A Unitarian Universalist Church | 1800 Bell Ave. Des Moines, IA 50315
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Sunday, January 5, 2025
9:30 a.m.
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New Year's resolutions are famously short-lived. Still, it's helpful to reflect on what changes you want to make. It helps to put those changes in the context of the overall purpose of your life. Which begs the question: What is the overall purpose of your life?
Join the live service on Zoom!
Zoom Passcode: Safford
(Please mute your mic before the service begins!)
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Service Volunteers - January 5 | |
Celebrant: Elijah Evans
Song Leader: Louise Alcorn
Musicians: Special Music
AV Volunteer: Rob Malcomson
Pastoral Care Associate: Ellen Taylor
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From "Awe & Wonder" to "Vow"
A check-in on how we experienced with the December theme, "Awe & Wonder," and beginning to explore the January theme, "Vow."
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Our Congregation: Spotlights | |
As a reminder, the Sunday spotlights on Our Congregation are reserved for information from a church-recognized group (e.g., committee, Faith in Action partner) about church wide events and activities, or topics of urgency to the congregation. Spotlights should be written out and no longer than 2 minutes (approximately 250 words). To submit a Spotlight request please complete the Spotlight Request Form. Questions? Reach out to celebrants@ucdsm.org. | |
Room 114 is available as a Quiet Room during service. | |
Visit the Caring Community Webpage for the following options:
Caring Ministry – for temporary assistance, such as meals or rides, or to volunteer (515) 423-0847 or email caring@ucdsm.org.
Pastoral care - for support through a difficult time email pastoralcareteam@ucdsm.org.
Check the news feed in Realm if you missed last Sunday's Joys & Sorrows.
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Singing Our UU Gratitude! | |
Please take a moment to share a thank you or kudos. Submissions will be shared on the board in Griffin Hall and in upcoming worship services. Please click the button below to fill out the form. | |
Giving Tree was a Great Success! | |
The Faith in Action team gives a big thanks to all of you that supported our Giving Tree for the Young Women's Resource Center (YWRC) including: Jo Cox, Kay Hertz, Jack Hackett, Amanda Kruse, Kay Scott, Lynne and Kerry George, Heidi Lackmann, Linda Lemons, Laura Berardi, Denise Rathman, Susan Bridgford, Ann Mowery, Linda Goff, Carmen Dow, Sherwin and LeeAnn Back, Steve Stephenson, Sarah Chang, Anne Rozeboom, Bill Brauch, Natalie Mason, Mike and Kara Andreski, Karen Nicholson, Lori Emison-Clair, Barb Martin, Terry Meek, Andy Curl, Liz Bredeson, Karen Kraemer, Diane Ford, Katherine Lyons, Dian Schmiedeskamp, Elaine Imlau, Judy Davis, Ellen Taylor, and Harvey Harrison.
A special thanks to the Giving Tree builders including Dave Witke, Elaine Imlau, Judy Davis, Gene McCracken, and Sue Huber, and to Judy Davis and her family for delivering all the packages to YWRC.
The Young Women's Resource Center's pantry received over 1400 diapers, 164 Pull Ups, 43 tubes of toothpaste, 20 bottles of shampoo and conditioner, along with boxes of sanitary napkins, deodorant, lip balm, baby shampoo and baby lotion. Overall, members and friends gave $1000 worth of goods to the Young Mom's Pantry.
Just as a reminder, we have two Faith in Action Partners, the Young Women's Resource Center with champions Judy Davis and Nicole Cable and Al Exito with champions Gene McCracken and Dave Witke. Please continue to check your intercom for more activities to support these two wonderful organizations.
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Thank You for Participating in the
No Rehearsal Christmas Pageant!
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A heartfelt thank you to everyone who participated in our No Rehearsal Christmas Pageant! It was truly a joy to come together and share the story of the birth of Jesus with our congregation. Your enthusiasm and spirit made the pageant a memorable and meaningful experience for all. We are so grateful for your participation and the joy you brought to this special celebration. | |
Winter Solstice Bird Walk Fun! | |
Big thanks to everyone who joined the Winter Solstice Bird Walk on December 21, led by our community minister, Rev. LoraKim Joyner! It was a day of birdwatching and good vibes at Bill Riley Trail—what a perfect way to celebrate the season! | |
Office Closed Monday, January 20 | |
The church office will be closed in observance of Martin Luther King Jr. Day on Monday, January 20.
"If you can't fly then run, if you can't run then walk, if you can't walk then crawl, but whatever you do you have to keep moving forward.”
-Martin Luther King Jr. (April 1960 address at Spelman College)
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The church will be getting a new recycling dumpster delivered on January 8. Please do not put anything in the recycling dumpster after they empty it on January 7 so they can haul it away the next day. The trash dumpster will be available if you need to dispose of anything during this transition. Thank you! | |
Click the button below to submit an announcement or event for publication
Deadline: Wednesday at Noon
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cUUriosity Conversations
Sunday, January 5 following the Service
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Join us after the service Sunday, January 5, for cUUriosity Conversations! This is an open and welcoming time for visitors and friends to ask questions, share thoughts, and learn from one another about Unitarian Universalism and our congregation. We look forward to seeing you there! | |
All Leader Gathering
Saturday, January 11 from 9-11 a.m.
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Kick-start your group in 2025!
All leaders, members of groups, and those interested in leadership are welcome for the next All Leader Gathering. Join us January 11 from 9 - 11:00 am in Griffin Hall to gather with fellow members to share ideas for more effective ways to lead and be a member of a group. January's agenda will include deep discussion of self-differentiation, self-awareness and the impact on group dynamics.
Breakfast will be served. Please RSVP to leadership@ucdsm.org.
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Talent Limited/A Monthly Reading Group
Sunday, January 12 from 5-7 p.m.
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Our small group of would-be thespians has been meeting since June 2023 on the 2nd Sunday of each month. We invite you to join us on Sunday, January 12, for a play chosen, directed, and read by our members. We gather at 5:00 p.m. for a potluck, so bring your beverage of choice and something to share. The reading begins at 6:00 and we are usually finished by 7:00 p.m. The event is held in the party room at The Towers Club, 3663 Grand Avenue, Des Moines, IA 50312. All are welcome!
** Next month's meeting will be moved from February 9 to February 16 due to the Super Bowl.**
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Grief Circle
Monday, January 13 from 5:30-6:30 p.m.
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The Grief Support Circle meets monthly on the 2nd Monday of the month at 5:30 p.m. in the Minister's Office. Our society is not great at confronting grief. As a result, there is abundant unhelpful advice, platitudes, and reactions out there. Perhaps even more unsettling, though, are the things we can’t talk about. What if you feel relief after someone dies? What if losing them also means losing a way of life for you? Let’s lay it all out on the table in a safe, judgment-free zone. Beyond losing a person, what else are you dealing with? What do you wish people would ask you? What do you wish they’d stop saying? We’ll extend ourselves – and others – a hefty dose of grace as we talk through this sticky topic. | |
Women Around the Table
Tuesday, January 14, from 10:30 a.m.-12 p.m.
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Women Around the Table will meet at the church in Griffin Hall from 10:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. All women are invited for conversation and connection. Morning treats will be provided, but participants are reminded to bring their own beverage. | |
Women's Wednesday
Wednesday, January 15 from 12:30 p.m.-3 p.m.
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Join us in the Stonewall Conference Room for a discussion chosen by women, about women, and discussed by women. Any person interested in or curious about a female perspective is welcome to join us! | |
Unity Circle
Thursday, January 16, at 12:00 p.m.
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We will be meeting at noon on Thursday, January 16, for lunch and a program. Our guest speaker will be Community Minister, LoraKim Joyner sharing about her fascinating work with Parrot Sanctuary. Our sharing will be any monetary donation you would like to contribute to the vital organization she is a part of.
Reminder: We are doing a jigsaw puzzle exchange. Bring one or more you are done with in exchange for a new to you one. Puzzles are fun, especially in winter, and board member, Sandy Johnson, shares that they are great for our brains!
Please bring a dish to share, and your own table service and a cup for your beverage. Looking forward to seeing you.
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UU 101 Class
Saturday, January 18, from 1-3 p.m.
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Come learn about First Unitarian history within our church and the denomination as a whole. UU101 is structured to help new prospective members and visitors learn more about Unitarian Universalism. Here is a great video to watch prior to the class to get a history overview. If you would like to attend the class, please RSVP by clicking here. If you have questions or concerns, please contact Faithyna Leonard. | |
Facing Death with Life
1st and 3rd Sundays, January 19-April 28
11:45 a.m.-12:30 p.m.
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Facing Death with Life will be led by Hilary Hippen.
This is a facilitated process of personal reflection, learning, and spiritual growth focused on the topic of death and dying, helping participants move from viewing death as an abstract concept to developing a personal recognition of its meaning in their lives. Click here to read more about the class.
This class begins January 19 and meets in-person bi-weekly at First Unitarian after the church service at 11:15am-12:30pm. The last class is April 28.
Workshop topics include:
Talking about Death
Finding Our Personal Views of Death
Beliefs and Practices – What Happens When We Die?
Children and Death
Suicide and the Right to Die
Preparation for Death
Sharing New Insights
Please register here.
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New Member Ceremony
January 26
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Join us on Sunday, January 26, as we celebrate and welcome our newest members into the First Unitarian Church community. This special ceremony honors the commitment and connection that each new member brings, marking an important moment in our shared journey. It’s a time to celebrate growth, community, and the bonds that unite us all. We look forward to embracing our new members and sharing this meaningful occasion together! | |
First Unitarian Humanist Update |
**Annual Meeting:
Don't miss hearing Iowa State Senator Sarah Trone Garriott discuss the upcoming legislative session. She will be speaking at the Humanist Society annual meeting on Saturday, January 18th. The business meeting will start at 6:30 PM in Griffin Hall, with Ms. Garriott's talk at 7:00.
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Progressive Voices Concerts Presents
Jeremy Facknitz
Saturday, February 1 at 7:30 p.m.
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Jeremy Facknitz has been entertaining audiences with his lovingly crafted music and high-energy performances for over a quarter century. Since the 2002 break-up of his Detroit-based band “The Ottomans” (they earned a 2001 Detroit Music Award for Best New Alternative Band, beating out “The White Stripes”), Jeremy has performed primarily as a solo act, marrying folk-rock and jazz stylings to showcase his intimate stories of life, love, and self-discovery.
Tickets are available for advance purchase online at Humanitix or in person at the church on the four Sundays before each concert.
- Individual advance-purchase tickets: $22
- Individual tickets at the door: $27
- 4-show season tickets still available for $78
A limited number of complimentary tickets for this concert are available for those otherwise unable to afford to attend. Please speak confidentially with our minister, Meredith Garmon, about how to obtain them.
More information is also available online at www.ucdsm.org/concerts. Email questions to concerts@ucdsm.org.
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Rev. LoraKim Joyner
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Bird Walks in 2025
with Rev. LoraKim Joyner
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During these walks, we will have time for conversation, reflections, and quiet, as well as seeking to identify as many birds as possible. There will be plenty of opportunity to learn about birds and practice the spiritual aspects of watching birds. This is without a doubt a wonderful mindfulness practice. If the weather is particularly wintry, please make reservations so we can keep in touch with you. On such days, the walks will be shorter and/or we can meet to enjoy a warm coffee and conversation so we can build community and share our connection to nature.
These walks will be led by our renowned avian conservationist, Rev. Dr. LoraKim Joyner, who is First Unitarian’s community minister and Co-Director of One Earth Conservation. Donations (suggestions of $5) are much appreciated. All donations will go towards bird conservation in the Americas. Click here to donate.
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Sandhill Cranes in Kearny, Nebraska
March 14-16
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Join Rev. LoraKim Joyner and Rev. Merdith Garmon in Kearny, Nebraska on Friday, March 14 at 7 p.m. through Sunday, March 16, midday (depending on weather).
Focus and expected viewings: A Spiritual Retreat and Bird Walks with Sandhill Cranes in Kearny Nebraska. You can attend any or all of the planned events: meals, board walk views, short walks.
Location: Please register so we can send you the final schedule. We begin with a shared meal on Friday in Kearny, Nebraska. The next morning, we will meet very early (7 a.m.) at the Plautz Crane Viewing Area at the corner of Lowell Road and Elm Island Road to see the cranes and other water birds begin their day.
If you plan on attending, it’s best to reserve hotel rooms early. Click here for more information.
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Josh Hall
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Josh Hall is originally from Arvada, Colorado by way of Rome, Italy. With a BA in Psychology and MA in Psychology of Conflict and Mediation, he worked in mental health and behavioral health for twenty years. Since 2019, Josh has pursued art and painting.
His upbringing in Rome is reflected in his work, channeling both the classical maestros and the street pop culture that is visible in inner city life. As a vehicle to discover the mysteries of humanity, Josh's art reflects on what makes us human and connects us to the Almighty.
Stop in Griffin Hall this month to view Josh's work.
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Faith in Action Partners
Young Women's Resource Center | Al Exito
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The Young Women's Resource Center and Al Exito are First Unitarian Church's Faith in Action Partners for the 2024/2025 fiscal year.
The Young Women's Resource Center is a non-profit organization that supports, educates, and advocates for girls and young women ages 10-24. Through small groups and individual support, the YWRC provides programming for all young women, no matter what they may be going through. Girls and young women are defined as people who have been socialized and/or identify as female. Trans and nonbinary friends are welcome.
Al Exito is an organization that supports Latinx youth. It inspires, prepares, supports, and positions Latinx leaders from middle school through college for postsecondary attainment, career readiness, and civic engagement.
The Faith in Action team will offer you opportunities to support these two organizations in the coming months. Please follow Intercom to find out what these will be.
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6:00 a.m.
1:00 p.m.
4:30 p.m.
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One Earth Zen, Meditation with Meredith, Zoom
Connection Circle
AMOS event
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Sunday Service
Faith Formation Classes
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Sunday Forum
Coming of Age
Coming of Age Parent Group
cUUriousity Conversations
Humanist Book Discussion
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Ministerial Search Committee | |
Awakening Heart Sangha, Zoom | |
6:00 a.m.
3:00 p.m.
6:30 p.m.
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One Earth Zen, Meditation with Meredith, Zoom
Caring Community Team Meeting
COA Facilitator Meeting
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6:00 p.m.
10:00 a.m.
5:30 p.m.
5:45 p.m.
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One Earth Zen, Meditation with Meredith, Zoom
Connection Circle
Website Meeting
Bell Choir Rehearsal
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Recovery Group
Queer/ Trans Action Group
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6:00 a.m.
9:30 a.m.
6:00 p.m.
6:30 p.m.
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One Earth Zen, Meditation with Meredith, Zoom
Tai Chi
Soul Matters Writing Group
Building Team Meeting
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6:00 a.m.
9:00 a.m.
10:00 a.m.
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One Earth Zen, Meditation with Meredith, Zoom
Leadership Gathering
Connection Circle
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Sunday Forum
Coming of Age
Coming of Age Parent Group
cUUriousity Conversations
Sacred Earth
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For a full list of upcoming meetings and events, please visit our church calendar. | |
Missed a Sermon? Want to Re-visit? | |
Videos of past sermons can be found here.
The text of past sermons can be found here.
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Staff Contact Information | |
Rev. Meredith Garmon
Interim Minister
515-244-8603 ext. 102
cell: 352-682-8492
Faithyna Leonard
Faith Formation &
Congregational Life Coordinator
515-244-8603 ext. 101
Off Mondays
Tuesday - Friday: 9 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Jamie Seitz
Communications Coordinator
515-244-8603 ext. 105
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Tracy Aukes
Church Administrator
515-244-8603 ext. 103
Monday - Friday: 9 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Zoom meetings available upon request
Hannah Notch
Office Manager & Childcare Coordinator
515-244-8603 ext. 107
Tuesday - Friday: 1:00 - 5:00 pm
Sally Boeckholt
515-244-8603 ext. 104
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