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Spanning AI design, development and governance, eight UMIACS faculty are leading projects that will advance cutting-edge research.
High school senior Aaron Akolly is getting a jumpstart at UMD by working in Ramani Duraiswami's Perceptual Interface and Reality Lab.
Brantley Hall's findings could be applied to future studies of gut health, including conditions like jaundice and inflammatory bowel disease.
Researchers from the CLIP Lab are exploring the quality of English-to-Chinese machine translation systems in high-stakes medical settings.
As the world's biggest social media network turns 20-years-old, Cody Buntain explains the platform's past and future impact in an engaging Q&A.
Amitabh Varshney and Irina Muresanu explain how they're using a holographic camera to capture people's movements in 3D for what could be high-impact training, education and entertainment.
Vanessa Frias-Martinez is part of a team that received a $5M NSF grant to develop a portable sensor to detect if produce is still fresh or should be converted to fertilizer.
The Institute hosted a conference at George Washington University to identify gaps in data governance related to large language models and discuss ideas to address them.
The event joined researchers from the federal government, academia and private industry, all focused on exploring the interactions between complex microbial communities.
QuICS Researchers presented six papers at the annual conference on Quantum Information Processing in Taiwan covering topics like quantum error correction and quantum simulation devices.
The $650K award will fund his work in “descattering,” which involves developing novel ways for computers to “see through” objects and obstructions that scatter light.
The $666K award supports Sanghamitra Dutta's work to empower users to systematically identify, explain and mitigate various sources of disparity in machine learning systems. 
In celebration of International Day for Women in Science, Min Wu (left) and Rita Colwell (right) reflect on overcoming moments of doubt during their illustrious careers.
He is an internationally recognized researcher in computer graphics, virtual reality, robotics and GPU computing.
The Institute for Trustworthy AI in Law & Society (TRAILS) is expected to significantly contribute to the new initiative.
Michael Gullans and Dominik Hangleiter are part of a team creating a prototype quantum computer with a record number of qubits.
Nirupam Roy and Irtaza Shahid are developing a tool that can help verify the authenticity of audiovisual recordings.

“Science is magic that works.” — Kurt Vonnegut

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